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Сталин был армянином ?

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You don't care about the truth or freedom or rights of people

No, the truth is actually the only thing I care... That is why I've been discussing in this topic. I don't like any kinds of lies and disinformation...

you only care to have a strong Russia like once stalin was trying to do through murdering millions. That seems OK for you. That will never be normal to me. To me there are more important values in life...

The thing is that either Russia will be strong, either it won't exist at all. And if it doesn't exist at all - chaos, wars, murders, and killings of innocent people will be everywhere here and in near regions. And I don't wish this.

Of course stalin could've done worse, like, as you say, throw an atomic bomb or attack Pearl Harbor in US masacring so many innocent people with no reason... But masacring his own people is to me (and normal person in the world) is worse enough...

I agree with you that it is terrible to kill innocent people - doesn't matter which citizens they are. But, the case with Stalin is not so obvious as it seems - this was my and Южанин's point.

Do you Russians, or citizens of Russia ever ask why in this huge country with so rich resources people can't have normal living conditions? What's wrong?

I can tell you as it is pretty simple in fact.

First of all, Russia has never been a very poor country where people live like dogs, like China, for example. There's no sense to talk about standards of living during Tsars' epochs - though, there are facts that standards in Russia were better than in many countries of Europe.

If we talk about communist times - then we should take into account that there was WWI and civil war which took long years and lead to great crisis. So there was less than 20 years in fact of peacful time before WWII, and even during this short time standards of living improved and the country got stronger. Then there was WWII - probably the most destructive war in the history of mankind, and the biggest victim (the loss of human and economic recourses) was, as you know, Russia. After the WWII standards of living were improving quick enough - people got free apartments, free medicine, free education, etc. So, in 60's - 70's the standards were quite ok, much better than in capitalist colonies in Latin America, etc. Yes, of course, worse then in countries like Sweden, Norway or Switzerland... but, excuse me, those countries didn't see wars for centuries, didn't see any cataclysms, their population is about half population of Moscow...

But, what is more important, it is that it is really quite a big myth about "western standards of living". I visited almost every country in Europe

(except Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, and a few in the Easten part) and I can pull out similar reproach: why in Britain or France, both of which were the reachest colonies in the world not so long ago, people have hard living? I can't say that an average british or french lives much better than an average Russian, or Soviet citizen during 60's... Yes, maybe a bit better, but comparable. I'm not talking about the USA where millions (especialy black and latin citizens) live in total misery, many of so called middle class people are happy living in trailers or cardboard houses...

As one Eastern German writer said: what our communist propaganda was telling about communism was complete lies. But, what it was telling

about capitalism and the West turned out to be complete truth. According to my own experience I fully agree with this phrase.

Why so many millions are escaping from Russia to the US or Europe - either for political or economical reasons???

Same here: millions from Kaukaz (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbajan) and "free" Ukraine go to Russia. And, keep in mind that those countries

in the lists of those "international organizations" are better than Russia in polical sense (more freedom, etc.) - so as we can see it is not political reason that their people are going here, same as russians going anywhere. Economic? Yes, partialy. People go to make money. But!

Recently there are much less people which wish to go from Russia abroad, to the USA, than it was during crisis of the late 80's-90's... Also, the number of people which going back to Russia from USA increased - I personally know a few people who went there during early 90's and now got back here. And, I don't know anyone who is wishing to go living to West.

if you want to see nazis in action just follow what's going on in Russia - nacizm and fasism is growing every day...

Nazism is a direct foetus of liberalism in Russia. That is why those both forces actually have the same goal - the collapse of Russia.

I never said there is a universal way for all the countries to live with but there are human right standards accepted by UN (signed with all the member countries) and those standards are being violated every day in Russia.

Those standards are being violated in 95% of countries. But, this ordinary fact is used as a "weapon" only against a few countries - Russia,

Belarusia, Iran, Cuba. Though, evidently, that there is a great amount of countries which have _much bigger problems_ in human rights area,

than those mentioned. My point is that if Putin was 1000 times more authoritarian and his regime was as totalitarian as Pinochet's or Franco's were, but if at the same time Putin was completely pro-american and pro-western like Eltsin or Gorbi, then a single "international organization" wouldn't bark!

...funny....ihollywood movies in action... and still millions of people either are finding refuge in the US every year and millions are dreaming about that every day, including citizens of Russia... paradox? People escape from free and good Russia to "fascist, mafios" bad US.

As I wrote above... People escape from "free" Georgia and Ukraine to fascist Russia? If sirious, there's no big immigration from Russia to USA... people now making money everywhere they can. Some go to India and Thailand, others to USA... standards of living doesn't matter.

But, the fact is that the main wave of immigration from Russia created by the destuction of USSR has ended.

And this was typical in soviet times everybody around us says we are not giving people rights, journalists are being prosecuted, free speech is being banned etc. but that's the work of the capitalist militarists who wants to destroy the soviets. Look around everybody around is wrong about Russia? All the international human right agencies received an order to criticize Russia? All ar wrong about your country?

Yes, the cold war has begun again. And those organizations are just an element in the media war againt Russian (Belarusian/Iranian/etc.) sovereignty.

And you are wrong again: Just read the reports of those same agencies for 90's and you'll see that they report the problems your country had back then.

I don't need to read some Western bullshit as I lived in Russia during 90's and I live here now. And I know what kind of problems were back then and what are now. The atmosphere of 90's was totally sick, criminalized and corrupted. Only a totaly perverted mind could call 90's more "free" period than it is now - it is an absurd. For criminals there was more freedom, of course. And for slanders also.

the US and Europe are enemy since they show that people deserve to be treated as human beings with all the human rights.

:lol: This "treating" they like to demonstrate especially by bombing and invading other countries.

Again, are there any gulags in Russia? Did any Kasparov's activist got killed by police? Where is terror? It exists only in minds of a few

people and in documents of those organizations.

And this is it. You love living in Russia, then enjoy it (if I belived in god i would say god with you), I live in a country that I love mostly because a person has rights here which are protected by the state.

I haven't had any troubles with my rights here. And my friends and relatives neither... And, I don't even need to read any propaganda about

how bad situation with human rights is in other countries in order to be "happy" here. Americans think that hell is everywhere, and they live

in paradise... In fact hell is only in their minds, nowhere else. Happiness of life doesn't depend on "freedom" of media, terms of precidency,

and even those notorious "human rights" and other liberal bullshit. If people don't understand this simple fact (and it looks that your state propaganda does good brainwashing in this area) it is a pity for such society.

And that's it. I don't think it's wise for me to spend my time on discussing problems of Russia. I defenetly can spoend my time in much more important things.

Sure. Besides we've gone completely offtopic.

Good luck to you too!

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