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Армения проголосовала в пользу резолюции Комиссии ООН по правам человека, осуждающей убийство духовного лидера радикальной группировки "Хамас" шейха Ахмеда Яссина и нарушения прав человека на палестинских территориях. За принятие данной резолюции проголосовала 31 страна-член Комиссии ООН, против - США и Австралия.

Опозорились... Мы же против террористов... ЗАЧЕМ нужно было педдерживать эту идиотскую резулюцию?

Advance, Australia fair!

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Келтик, анекдот для Вас.

Бабушка: Варданик джан, арчъ вор кез вра hардзакви инч канес?

В: Каров кхпем.

Б: Иск ете кар члини шурджд?

В: Пайтов кхпем.

Б: Иск ете пайт ел члини?

В: Царъ кбардзранам.

Б: Иск ете цар эл члини?

В: Тат, hима ду им татн эс, те арчи татъ?

Определитесь, сэр, а то "мэк налин ек хпум, мэк эл - мехин".

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САС, определяюсь:

Я против идиотской политики Израиля по отрицанию Армянскго Геноцида. Это не имеет никаких оправданий, Израиль ОБЯЗАН признать факт геноцида. Но вместе с тем я осознаю, что ослабление мусулман является важнейшим интересом Армении, чем хуже муслимам, тем лучше БУДЕТ Армении. Поэтому я приветствую уничтожение этой разросшейся заразы и рад, что Израиль принимает в этом серьезное участие.

Сейчас у нас проблема - мы на грани конфронтации, мы поддерживаем арабов, а Израиль - турков. Нужно сделать так, чтобы Израиль был нашим союзником, даже если он “среди турок”, а мы были союзны им. Постепенно и они должны перестать иметь дело с туречиной, и мы - с арабьем. Я думаю, что идиоты, вроде Схимона Переса, не всегда будут управлять Израилем или иметь там влияние. Сейчас ситуация такая, что мы не равноценны им политически и экономически, поэтому такое союзничество их не устраивает. Но если мы будем арабствовать и “дружить” с Ираном, то мы никогда и не станем равноценны Израилю в этих аспектах, нужно выходить на новый уровень. На этом фоне, понимая сегодняшние трудности, мой интерес в том, чтобы Армения была той Арменией, которую я хочу видеть - сильной, влиятельной, способной говорить с позиции силы не только с азерами, но и с турками и с НАТО и с Россией и с кем угодно.

За Армению я, короче :)

А за анекдот - спасибо, классный анекдот :)

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До теx пор пока Израиль применяет в отношении нас политику двойных стандартов, мы оставляем за собой право поступать также и с ним. У Армении нет никаких моральных обязательств по отношению к этой стране, а посему можно руководствоваться сугубо прагматическими соображениями. Если армянам выгодно осуждать убийство Яссина, то вполне можно и осудить, пусть он и был “террористом”. При том что я в целом согласен с Cелтиком - мусульмане нам не могут быть друзьями, но это политика, и каждый руководствуется собственными интересами.

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Но вместе с тем я осознаю

Вот и осознавай и позорься единолично, мы-то тут при чем?

чем хуже муслимам, тем лучше БУДЕТ Армении

Чем хуже европейцам и прочим варварам, тем лучше всей мировой цивилизации.

А религиозная нетерпимость, это как раз чисто варварское качество. К Армянам не имеющее никакого отношения.

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I ves mir budet spokoyno jit


Kogda Ameriku unichtojat, ves mir ne budet spokoino jit', potomu chto roditsya sledujushaya imperiya zla :D

Somebody will ALWAYS screw the world, and that somebody is the one who CAN ;)

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Ну вот мы пришли к самому интересному моменту. В 1071 -ом году Византийская Армия встретилась с турецкой армией Арпаслана возле города Маназкерт . Византийская армия в основном состаяла из Армянских легионов. Так вот в этой решающей битве за Анатолию Армяне не захотели воевать за Византию и самая мощная Армия в мире потерпела сокрушительное поражение от Турецких банд формирований. Армяне тогда уже были по горло сыты от Византийской Цивилизованности , от византийского лицемерия, лжи и эгоизма. Между тем чтобы укрелять Армянских царей Византийцы день и ночь делали интриги вокруг наших нахараров. Это они а не арабы поголовно уничтожили наши нахарарские дома. Это они купили предательский Ани и его оставили на произвол судьбы. Вот и поплатились сполна. Арабов и Турков винить не надо. Они дикие варвары. С варваров спрашивать нечего. С Варварами разговор идет только с оружием.

А вот народы которые обьявили себя центром Цивилизаций с них спрос вдвойне.

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По поводу мусульман не надо забывать, что после Геноцида тысячи армян нашли приют и защиту в мусульманских странах. И по сей день в таких странах, как Ливан, Иран, Сирия, Египет, Иордания.....проживают десятки тысяч армян.

Убийство Яссина вынужденная мера, но это преступление.

Edited by Sevak
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Tak ya ne ponimaju poziciju nekotorix, kogda officialnie lica izraelia nagloim obrazom otvergajut genocit i vsiacheski poderjivajut turciju i azerbotov, to kakogo *erxa mi doljni sodeistvovat' im. Eto ne pozor a realsnost' kakoi privet takoi i otvet. Pyst' oni nad etom zadumujutsia, pochemu eto mi progolosovali za a ne protiv i selajut sebe vivodi.

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Soglasen s Benderom.

Moderator doljen sledit za povedeniem Phrigyana .

Phrigyan inch anhetetutyunner ek durs talis.??

Erevuma dou lriv ourish erevuyt es.

The Christian Holocaust

Jewish Genocide in Armenia and the Nazification of America

Interview conducted by National Vanguard News staff writer Timothy Scott

Please, let me first thank you for this opportunity to present to you and your readers a thorough and concise explanation of the Armenian experience. The group I represent is called V.I.R.A.P., Vigilance In Reporting Anti-Armenian Propaganda (named after a 4th Century Armenian Monastery). We do not represent Armenians alone and our numbers are growing profoundly. We do not put ourselves above others. We fight against media manipulation, lies, and anti-Armenian sentiment. In the past, we have represented Serbs, French, Russians, Germans, Palestinians, and of course, Americans. Most of the answers to your questions were compiled by dedicated individuals who have poured their hearts and minds into this group and they should be duly recognized for much of the material that follows.

My Disclaimer: I am neither a proponent of Armenia nor do I care about the Republic of Armenia. In fact, I feel I have no connection to people from former USSR Armenia. They are not exactly the moral, humble Armenians that my Parents and Grandparents were. Perhaps, Communism changed them. Some of them fell victim to the media and today's societal pressures concerning material wealth, disgusting behavior, and criminal activities; all misled by media manipulation, perhaps. However, there are those Armenians, most, of the former USSR who were Astronomers, physicists, and doctors. They left Armenia a decade ago and found work in Canada, Europe, Iran, and few in the U.S. to seek a better, educated, and Christian life. I serve America and our interests in leading comfortable, happy, and moral lives. Slowly and surely, everyday, we as taxpayers and citizens, are losing our money, our control, and our freedoms. In the coming paragraphs, you will not only know who is responsible for the Armenian Genocide, but will realize that the same events that led to what you may think is unrelated to America will lead to the destruction and chaos to our country and our people. "Our country" refers to the United States of America.

Could you please give our readers a brief history of Armenia?

Ancient Armenian history in a nutshell:

The Armenian and Josephus versions of the origins of the Armenian people, who speak an Indo-European, Aryan language, which was written between the fifth and eight centuries A.D., describes the Armenian people as being descendants of Japeth, a son of Noah. After the Ark had landed on Mt. Ararat, Noah’s family settled first in Armenia and generations later moved south to the land of Babylon. The neighboring nations, especially Persians, called the people Armens (Ermeni) or Armenians. Archaeology has extended the prehistory of Armenia to the Acheulian age (500,000 years ago), when hunting and gathering peoples crossed the lands in pursuit of migrating herds. The first period of prosperity was enjoyed by inhabitants of the Armenian upland in the third millennium B.C. The first written records to mention the inhabitants of Armenia come from hieroglyphs of the Hittite Kingdom, inscribed from 1388 to 1347 B.C., in Asia Minor. The earliest inscription to be found directly upon Armenian lands, carved in 1114 B.C. by the Assyrians, describes a coalition of kings of the central Armenian region referring to them as "the people of Nairi.

The most important of early Armenian heroes is Hayk. The leader of the Armenians, Haik, a descendant of Japeth, unhappy with the tyranny and evil in Babylon, rebelled and decided to return to the land of the Ark. The evil Bel, leader of the Babylonians, pursued Haik. In the ensuing war, good conquered evil when Haik killed Bel and created an Armenian Nation. Haik became the first Armenian ruler and his sons continued to lead the Armenians until King Paruir, a descendant of Haik, formed the first Kingdom of Armenia.

Today’s Armenians call themselves Hay and their country Hayk' or Hayastan (Hayastani Hanrepetutyun for which it is called today - Republic of Armenia). Another is Aram I, 1827-1769 B.C. the warrior, was a hero for Armenians as well. The profile of Aram with his piercing eyes and prominent nose are features of present-day Armenians. eventually conquered and ruled over Armenia from the 6th century until the 4th century B.C. As part of the Persian Empire, Armenia was divided into provinces called satrapies, each with a local governing satrap (viceroy) supervised by a Persian. The Armenians paid heavy tribute to the Persians, who continually requisitioned silver, rugs, horses and military supplies.

With the fall of the Persian Empire to Alexander the Great of Macedonia in 331 B.C., the Greeks appointed a new satrap, an Orontid named Mithranes, to govern Armenia. The Greek Empire, which stretched across Asia and Europe, was one in which cities rapidly grew, spreading Hellenistic architecture, religion and philosophy. Armenian culture absorbed Greek influences as well (Garni, a temple, is a historical monument in Armenia). As centers at the crossroads of trade routes connecting China, India and Central Asia with the Mediterranean, Armenian cities thrived on economic exchange. After Alexander's sudden death in 323 B.C., Armenia itself divided: Greater Armenia, Lesser Armenia and Sophene.

In the second century B.C., a local general named Artaxias (Artashes) declared himself King of Greater Armenia and founded a new dynasty in 189 B.C. Artaxias expanded his territory by defining the borders of his land and unifying the Armenian people. The "renaissance of Armenia" was accomplished during the reign of Tigran the Great (99-95 B.C.), who proclaimed himself "King of Kings." Under Tigran II, Armenia grew to a great degree of military strength and political influence. According to the Greek biographer Plutarch, the Roman general Lucullos said of this king, "In Armenia, Tigran is seated surrounded with that power which has wrested Asia from the Parthians, which carries Greek colonies into Media, subdues Syria and Palestine and cuts off the Seleucids."

Armenia's borders extended from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean. Tigran's victories were, however, destined to hasten his downfall, which occurred in 66 B.C. In order that we may realize the real implications of the history of Armenia, we must turn our gaze upon the beginning of the 4th century A.D., which was momentous in its consequences for the growth of the nation.

Conversion to Christianity

Grigor Luisavorich (St. Gregory the Illuminator) traveled to Jerusalem to hear the words of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. By doing so, he was imprisoned for 13 years in a pit within the monastery of Khor Virap (From which our group's name is derived) before curing Armenian King Trdat III of a disease. This caused the conversion of Armenia into the first official Christian nation in the world in the year 301 A.D.

This was 12 years before the Emperor Constantine's Edict of Milan that declared tolerance of Christians in the Roman Empire. Gregory the Illuminator was elected Catholics of the new Armenian National Church. The Persians took advantage of Armenia's inner weakness and launched a campaign to stamp out Christianity there and replace it with pagan worship. Under this common threat, the princes, nobility and the people of Armenia rallied, and in 451 under the leadership of the Sparapet Vardan Mamikonian the Armenians heroically faced the Persians at Avarayr in defense of their religion and national heritage. Heavily outnumbered, they were defeated; Vardan Mamikonian and many valiant men fell fighting. But guerrilla warfare continued in the mountainous regions. Vahan Mamikonian, a nephew of Vardan, continued the struggle. This time the Persians, realizing the futility of their policy, were obliged to come to terms with the Armenians. Freedom of religious worship was restored with the Treaty of Nvarsag. In the 7th century, the mighty Arabs stormed into Armenia and conquered the country. Beginning in the 9th century, Armenia enjoyed a brilliant period of independence when the powerful Bagratid Dynasty asserted political authority. Resumption of international trade brought prosperity and the revival of artistic and literary pursuits.

Since 387 A.D., the whole country had been a preferred area for battleground, serving the rivalry between two powerful empires, i.e. Byzantium in the Western borders, and Persia, in the Eastern parts of Armenia. Consequently, a geographical separation was imposed, "cutting" Armenia into two distinctive regions. Armenian ministers have regularly governed the West until 536 A.D. But soon, under the kingdom of Justinianus, king of Byzantium, many territorial modifications occurred, creating an abnormal situation, and a permanent threat for the future of Armenia.

The capital of Ani grew to a population of about 100,000, more than any urban center in Europe. Religious life flourished and Ani became known as the "city of one thousand and one churches." In the middle of the 11th century, most of Armenia had been annexed by Byzantium. The destruction of the Bagratid Kingdom was completed by raids of new invaders, the Seljuk Turks from Central Asia. With little resistance from weakened Byzantium, the Seljuk Turks spread into Asia Minor as well as the Armenian highlands.

Their location on the Mediterranean coast soon involved Cilician Armenians in international trade between the interior of Western Asia and Europe. For nearly 300 years, the Cilician Kingdom of Armenia prospered, but in 1375 it fell to the Mamelukes of Egypt. While in the 13th century the Armenians prospered in the Cilician Kingdom, those living in Greater Armenia witnessed the invasion of the Mongols. Later, in the 16th and 17th centuries, Armenia was divided between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Iran. With the annexation of the Armenian plateau, the Armenians lost all vestiges of an independent political life.

However, it was the Ottoman Turks who governed most of the Armenian land and population (Western Armenia). During the 19th century, Armenians under Turkish rule suffered from heavy taxation and armed attacks. As Christians, Armenians lacked legal recourse for injustices. They were taxed beyond their means, forbidden to bear arms in a country where murdering a non-Muslim often went unpunished, and were without the right to testify in court on their own behalf. During the late l9th century, the increasingly reactionary politics of the declining Ottoman Empire and the awakening of the Armenians culminated in a series of Turkish massacres throughout the Armenian provinces in 1894-96. Any illusion the Armenians had cherished to the effect that the acquisition of power in 1908 by the Young Turks might bring better days was soon dispelled. For in the spring of 1909, yet another orgy of bloodshed took place in Adana, where 30,000 Armenians lost their lives after a desperate resistance. World War I offered a good opportunity for Turks to "solve the issue." In 1915, a secret military directive ordered the arrest and prompt execution of Armenian community leaders, priests, clergymen, and even poets.

Armenian males serving in the Ottoman army were separated from the rest and slaughtered. The Istanbul government decided to deport the entire Armenian population. Armenians in towns and villages were marched into deserts of Syria, Mesopotamia and Arabia. During the "relocation" many were flogged to death, bayoneted, eyes gouged out with hot iron rods, buried alive in pits, drowned in rivers, beheaded, raped or abducted into harems. Babies were thrown in the air and onto scimitars. Many simply expired from heat exhaustion and starvation.

(Side Note: My own family was from Erzerum. My Grandfather's entire family was tortured and killed in front of his eyes. He escaped dressed as a small girl to today's Georgia.)

1.5 million people perished in this first genocide of the 20th century. Another wave of massacres occurred in Baku (1918), Shushi (1920) and elsewhere. The defeat of the Ottoman Turks in World War I and the disintegration of the Russian Empire gave the Armenians a chance to declare their independence. On May 28, 1918, the independent Republic of Armenia was established, after the Armenians forced the Turkish troops to withdraw in the battles of Sardarapat, Karakilisse and Bashabaran. Overwhelming difficulties confronted the infant republic, but amid these conditions the Armenians devoted all their energies to the pressing task of reconstructing their country. But due to pressure exerted simultaneously by the Turks and Communists, the republic collapsed in 1920. Finally, the Soviet Red Army moved into the territory (Eastern Armenia) and on November 29, 1920, declared it a Soviet republic. First the Young Turk party implemented the Armenian Genocide, then after the Treaty of Sevres was signed (to which President Woodrow Wilson demanded that Armenians receive a sea outlet and all the villages in Eastern Turkey, from where they were removed during the march into the Syrian desert) but also Mustapha Kemal Ataturk violated Sevres and continued the Genocide by attacking then independent Armenia while the Communist Red Army moved in.

One aspect of history that I feel would be of particular interest to our readers are the conditions surrounding the final days of the Ottoman Empire, in particular the role of leaders like Talaat Pasha and Kemal Ataturk. What brought about the end of the Ottoman Empire and what role did the Jews play?

There is so much in this question, and a valid question it is indeed, that I could spend days if not months detailing events, perceptions, and attitudes that led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the directive that led to the Armenian Genocide. Let us begin with the Turkish invasions, the capitulation of the Armenians, and the Jewish/Turkish involvement in planning and carrying out the utter destruction of the Armenian People.

Ottoman Empire Rise and Fall

The Ottoman Empire grew because the community of the Turko-Mongol warriors had grown strong enough to exercise its force. The good organization lead to a number of victories that could be further exploited to even more victories, and gain of land. The actual rise of the empire was gradual, and for half a century their own forces were enough to gain more land and then keep it. Keeping the Empire was another story.

The Sultan governed according to Islamic law which relegated non-Muslims to second class status by denying them basic civil rights and requiring them to pay extra taxes. This discriminatory system was institutionalized through the so-called millet system that permitted the Armenians communal autonomy as a religious minority, but prevented them from political undertakings. The great size of the empire created economic opportunity for the Armenians. Their presence grew noticeably in the capital city of Constantinople and other important urban centers where they specialized in a variety of commercial and manufacturing enterprises and established themselves as intermediaries of the European trade with the East. Turkish administration in the more remote provinces of Armenia, however, ranged from the exploitative to the oppressive. In the competition for land, official licensing of the Kurds in eastern Anatolia encouraged the unlawful transfer of property, the dispossession of the rural Armenian population and their emigration from their homeland. You will notice here that we refer to the Kurds as the tools of the Turks to prevent Armenians from attaining overwhelming prosperity. The Turks used Islam, which they have been desperately trying to erase from their country, as another tool to instigate Kurds, and Muslim-Arab states of today against Greeks, Armenians, and Russians. There are numerous reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire. The dominating reason is that neighbor powers had grown stronger over the centuries. They had built stronger institutions, introduced modern arms, infrastructure and administration. On the Ottoman side, however, many things had frozen in old structures; development on Ottoman territories was limited. More than that, Ottoman institutions were often not working as smoothly as they used to. But there were more things not working as they should have: The sultans since Sьleyman had often been less apt to their role; more and more power had moved into the hands of the kapikulli class (Christian Assyrians, Greeks, Serbs, and Armenians); the trade routes running through the empire was no longer as important for Europe, and hence yielded less income; the population had grown big and had become less controllable; cities had become weaker. By the time of the 19th century, the European mock name of the empire was correct: The sick man of Europe. Obviously, the losses incurred on the Ottoman Empire were too much for Sultan Hamid to handle, and Turkish Empire was labeled as the "Sick Man of Europe". At first Armenians welcomed the secular Committee of Union and Progress, or the Young Turk Party, with its leader Talaat Pasha. Their platform was based entirely on instituting reforms and eliminating the heavy taxation burden which the Sultan had imposed on Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrian Christians as well.

The Zionists See An Opportunity for Plunder

A key portion of your question is often overlooked yet surprisingly clear: "What role did the Jews play?" An often overused but true clichй is that history repeats itself. In the case of the Armenian Genocide, history has repeated itself. Not only do key figures of the Jewish Diaspora today, Israeli leaders, Jewish religious leaders, and so-called Jewish historians deny the Armenian Genocide outright with blatant ferocity, the past representatives of these same groups were intimately involved with the implementation of the Armenian Genocide itself! I would never utilize open-ended statements without documentation and I know there are those who will read this interview and discredit what I am about to explain by claiming these are "so-called, Armenian generated statements". Let us put that to rest by referring to sources provided by the meticulously kept German and Austrian archives, United States literature, and yes, even Jewish documentation.

The following quote by a Jewish writer (sic!) will explain to your readers in one sentence the whole reason the Turks systematically slaughtered the Armenians:

From The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, Yair Auron. p.146. “Now the Jews are rejoicing that they will be able to take the place of the Armenians in economic and commercial activity.”

Henry Morgenthau, American Ambassador stationed in Constaninople

Let us begin with Henry Morgenthau, American Ambassador stationed in Constaninople. Though he was Jewish and desperately wanted to hide the Zionist involvement in the Armenian Genocide, he pinpointed the problem of the Ottoman rulers. Here he describes the savage Young Turk officers and the Turkish population in general, however he desperately attempts to hide the culprits and wants attention diverted from the REAL architects of the Armenian Holocaust:

http://www.ku.edu/~libsite/wwi-www/morgenthau/Morgen27.htm http://www.ku.edu/~libsite/wwi-www/morgenthau/Morgen22.htm

"The danger for Turkey in the Armenian question is one of extinction. For this reason she resorts to an act of a barbarous Asiatic state; she has destroyed the Armenians to such an extent that they will not be able to manifest themselves as a political force for a considerable period. A horrible act, certainly, an act of political despair, shameful in its details, but still a piece of political history, in the Asiatic manner."

"This wild horde swept from the plains of Central Asia and, like a whirlwind, overwhelmed the nations of Mesopotamia and Asia Minor; it conquered Egypt, Arabia, and practically all of northern Africa and then poured into Europe, crushed the Balkan nations, occupied a large part of Hungary, and even established the outposts of the Ottoman Empire in the southern part of Russia...They were lacking in what we may call the fundamentals of a civilized community. They had no alphabet and no art of writing; no books, no poets, no art, and no architecture; they built no cities and they established no lasting state. They knew no law except the rule of might, and they had practically no agriculture and no industrial organization. They were simply wild and marauding horsemen, whose one conception of tribal success was to pounce upon people who were more civilized than themselves and plunder them....Constantinople's finest architectural monument, the Mosque of St. Sophia, was originally a Christian church, and all so-called Turkish architecture is derived from the Byzantine. The mechanism of business and industry has always rested in the hands of the subject peoples, Greeks, Jews (false), Armenians, and Arabs. The Turks have learned little of European art or science, they have established very few educational institutions, and illiteracy is the prevailing rule."

Ironically, Morgenthau was close to Talaat Pasha and the other Young Turk leaders. What transpired between them, some of it was written in this book, however, as far as we know nothing was ever mentioned by Morgenthau about the Jews of The Ottoman Empire. One has to wonder how could this be? Actually, the above Morgenthau sounds Pro-Armenian. However, what did he do to stop the Armenian Genocide? Nothing. The Zionist movement was taking form in the United States and Morgenthau being Jewish must have had some knowledge about Talaat and Enver Pasha's relationship(s) with the Zionist movement because prominent Jews promised to fight and spy in Palestine against the Entente. These were ALL invasions, NOT wars and the main purpose of these invasions was the plunder of the wealth the productive Armenians managed to accumulate and the theft of our ancestral lands. It’s a wonder that we even exist today! Even Morgenthau who “supposedly” made pleas to the Turks on behalf of the Armenians was all a farce in my opinion and I believe he was only trying to redirect the blame of the real culprits of the Armenian Genocide, namely the Jews, onto the Turks and mostly the Germans. Origins of the Young Turks (Committee of Union and Progress) From The Secret Jews, Joachim Prinz, 1973, pp. 111-122

The Young Turk movement’s leadership consisted of primarily Donmeh or secret Jews. The Donmи ("convert" in Turkish) was a Hebrew heresy whose followers converted to Islam in the 18th century. They were most heavily concentrated in Thessaloniki. According to the Great Hellenic Encyclopedia [Megali Elliniki Enkiklopethia]: "It is generally accepted that the Donmи secretly continue to adhere to the Hebrew religion and don't allow their kind to intermarry with the Muslims." The disproportionate power and influence (in light of their number) that the Donmи had on both the Ottoman Empire and on the Young Turk movement has been the subject of a great deal of commentary by many observers and researchers. The eminent British historian, R. Seton Watson, in his book, The Rise of Nationality in the Balkans. London, 1917 (H Gennisi tou Ethnikismou sta Valkania), wrote the following: "The real brains behind the [itihаt] movement were Jews or Islamic-Jews. The wealthy Donmи and Jews of Thessaloniki supported [the Young Turks] economically, and their fellow Jewish capitalists in Vienna and Berlin -- as well as in Budapest and possibly Paris and London -- supported them financially as well. In the January 23rd, 1914, issue of the Czarist Police [Okrana] Ledger (Number 16609), directed to the Ministry of the Exterior in Saint Petersburg, we read: "A pan-Islamic convention of Itihаts and Jews was held in the Nouri Osman lodge in Constantinople. It was attended by approximately 700 prominent Itihаts and Jews, including "Minister" Talaаt Bey, Bentri Bey, Mbekri Bey, and (Donmи) Javit Bey. Among the many Jews in attendance, two of the most prominent were the Head of the Security Service, Samouel Effendi, and the Vice-Administrator of the Police, Abraham Bey." The numerous Donmи in positions of authority within the machinery of the Itihаt government, as well as on the powerful Central Committee, strengthens the conviction that their influence was widespread and vital to the cause. Ignoring the names mentioned in the Czarist Police Ledger, and even ignoring such Jews as the fanatical Pan-Turkic [Marxist revolutionary and poet, Hikmet] Nazim, or even the many casual allusions [as if it were common knowledge at the time] to the Jewish descent of that most dedicated believer in the Young Turk movement, Mustapha Kemal "Atatьrk," one still finds oneself wondering by what authority and under whose auspices was such an obscure Jewish Donmи from Thessaloniki, by the name of Emmanouel Karasso, able to become a member of the three-man committee that announced his dethronement to Sultan Abdul Hamid after the counter-coup of April 1909? Compelling, too, is the widely referenced document which states that Constantine, the King of Greece at the time, characterized the entire Young Turk movement as composed of "Israelites." According to the facts presented in her book, Glory and Partisanship, the Greek professor of the University of Vienna, Polychroni Enepekithi, contends that Constantine made that characterization while complaining to the German Ambassador in Athens about the outrages committed by Young Turks against Hellenes living in the Ottoman Empire. The Jews wanted the Sultan (Abdul Hamid) to sell them Palestine by bringing to him and offering a large chest of gold, which he refused and in anger (he reportedly kicked over a tea table) told the Jews that the Turks had paid for Armenia in blood, so if the Jews wanted Palestine, they would have to pay in blood and this they did by sacrificing the Jews that Hitler only wanted to deport but the Zionist leaders refused and offered their lives as a sacrifice and their blood as payment for a Jewish state, namely Palestine. Zionist leaders had made this amongst many other similar comments: ”The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.” This and much more can be found at the URL below and there are numerous other Zionists quoted for similar comments n many, many books and in many, many websites.

FORWARD, A Jewish Newspaper published in New York. January 28, 1994 (http://www.forward.com ) WHEN KEMAL ATATURK RECITED SHEMA YISRAEL "It's My Secret Prayer, Too," He Confessed, by Hillel Halkin. "Stories about the Jewishness of Ataturk, whose statue stands in the main square of every town and city in Turkey, already circulated in his lifetime but were denied by him and his family and never taken seriously by biographers. Of six biographies of him that I consulted this week, none even mentions such a speculation. The only scholarly reference to it in print that I could find was in the entry on Ataturk in the Israeli Entsiklopedya ha-Ivrit, which begins: "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - (1881-1938), Turkish general and statesman and founder of the modern Turkish state. "Mustafa Kemal was born to the family of a minor customs clerk in Salonika and lost his father when he was young. There is no proof of the belief, widespread among both Jews and Muslims in Turkey, that his family came from the Doenme. As a boy he rebelled against his mother's desire to give him a traditional religious education, and at the age of 12 he was sent at his demand to study in a military academy."

"Lord Kinross' compendious book written in 1964, called, 'Ataturk' alludes to Ataturk's reluctance to disclose more about his family background: 'To the child of so mixed an environment it would seldom occur, wherever his racial loyalties lay, to inquire too exactly into his personal origins beyond that of his parentage.'

"Learning Hebrew

"Did Kinross suspect more than he was admitting? I would never have asked had I not recently come across a remarkable chapter while browsing in the out-of-print Hebrew autobiography of Itamar Ben-Avi, son of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the leading promoter of the revival of spoken Hebrew in late 19th-century Palestine. Ben-Avi, the first child to be raised in Hebrew since ancient times and later a Hebrew journalist and newspaper publisher, writes in this book of walking into the Kamenitz Hotel in Jerusalem one autumn night in 1911 and being asked by its proprietor: " 'Do you see that Turkish officer sitting there in the corner, the one* with the bottle of arrack?' " " 'Yes.' " " 'He's one of the most important officers in the Turkish army.' " " 'What's his name?' " " 'Mustafa Kemal.' " " 'I'd like to meet him,' I said, because the minute I looked at him I was startled by his piercing green eyes." Ben-Avi describes two meetings with Mustafa Kemal, who had not yet taken the name of Ataturk, 'Father of the Turks.' Both were conducted in French, were largely devoted to Ottoman politics, and were doused with large amounts of arrack. In the first of these, Kemal confided: "I'm a descendant of Sabbetai Zevi - not indeed a Jew any more, but an ardent admirer of this prophet of yours. My opinion is that every Jew in this country would do well to join his camp." During their second meeting, held 10 days later in the same hotel, Mustafa Kemal said at one point:" 'I have at home a Hebrew Bible printed in Venice. It's rather old, and I remember my father bringing me to a Karate teacher who taught me to read it. I can still remember a few words of it, such as --' " And Ben-Avi continues: "He paused for a moment, his eyes searching for something in space. Then he recalled: " 'Shema Yisra'el, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Ehad!' " 'That's our most important prayer, Captain.' " 'And my secret prayer too, cher monsieur,' he replied, refilling our glasses." Although Itamar Ben-Avi could not have known it, Ataturk no doubt meant "secret prayer" quite literally. Among the esoteric prayers of the Doenme, first made known to the scholarly world when a book of them reached the National Library in Jerusalem in 1935, is one containing the confession of faith: "Sabbetai Zevi and none other is the true Messiah. Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one." It was undoubtedly from this credo, rather than from the Bible, that Ataturk remembered the words of the Shema, which to the best of my knowledge he confessed knowing but once in his adult life: to a young Hebrew journalist whom he engaged in two tipsily animated conversations in Jerusalem nearly a decade before he took control of the Turkish army after its disastrous defeat in World War I, beat back the invading Greeks and founded a secular Turkish republic in which Islam was banished - once and for all, so he thought - to the mosques. Ataturk would have had good reasons for concealing his Doenme origins. Not only were the Doenmes (who married only among themselves and numbered close to 15,000, largely concentrated in Salonika, on the eve of World War I) looked down on as heretics by both Muslims and Jews, they had a reputation for sexual profligacy that could hardly have been flattering to their offspring. This license, which was theologically justified by the claim that it reflected the faithful's freedom from the biblical commandments under the new dispensation of Sabbetai Zevi, is described by Ezer Weizman's predecessor, Israel's second president, Yitzchak Ben-Zvi, in his book on lost Jewish communities, "The Exiled and the Redeemed": 'Saintly Offspring' "Once a year [during the Doenmes' annual 'Sheep holiday'] the candles are put out in the course of a dinner which is attended by orgies and the ceremony of the exchange of wives. ... The rite is practiced on the night of Sabbetai Zevi's traditional bithday. ... It is believed that children born of such unions are regarded as saintly." Although Ben-Zvi, writing in the 1950s, thought that "There is reason to believe that this ceremony has not been entirely abandoned and continues to this day," little is known about whether any of the Doenmes' traditional practices or social structures still survive in modern Turkey. The community abandoned Salonika along with the city's other Turkish residents during the Greco-Turkish war of 1920-21, and its descendants, many of whom are said to be wealthy businessmen and merchants in Istanbul, are generally thought to have assimilated totally into Turkish life. After sending my fax to Batya Keinan, I phoned to check that she had received it. She had indeed, she said, and would see to it that the president was given it to read on his flight to Ankara. It is doubtful, however, whether Mr. Weizman will allude to it during his visit: The Turkish government, which for years has been fending off Muslim fundamentalist assaults on its legitimacy and on the secular reforms of Ataturk, has little reason to welcome the news that the father of the 'Father of the Turks' was a crypto-Jew who passed on his anti-Muslim sentiments to his son." From http://www.jewsnotzionists.org, Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Freimann

"One often overlooked fact of history that has been suppressed is the genocide committed against the Armenians in 1915. There are several reasons for this. The Jewish/Israeli denials of the Armenian Genocide today are nothing new or recent. In 1895-1896 the Turks massacred more than 300,000 Armenians which to me or any other person of reason would consider as a genocide, in which the Jews also participated, both actively taking part and in way of denials.

"The lower class Jews, in several parts of the town, aided the Turks in slaughtering their Christian neighbors; but their sole object was plunder."

(August 1896) From "The Sultan and his Subjects" 1907 By Richard Davey. P 393.

"With regard to the Armenians, here we must remember the past. The defunct Hamelitz, in its day, lauded the participation of the Sephardic Jews together with the Turks in the massacre of the Armenians in Constantinople in 1895. And then there were the pogroms in Odessa and cities in the south, and among the sainted defenders we find the Armenian students who were killed while saving us. Let us not forget! Few were the Russians and the Poles who defended us, but according to estimates, among those who especially came to our aid were the Armenians and their cousins, the Georgians. Let us not forget how they treated us and how we treated their misfortune." From The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, Yair Auron. p. 137.

"The fact Jews were involved in the acts of murder of Armenians in 1895 and 1896 is confirmed by internal Jewish archival documentation." From The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, Yair Auron. p. 150. At that time (1895-1896), Theodore Herzl (the father of Zionism) had great influence in the European press and he used this influence to have the European press report that the stories of Armenians being massacred by the Turks were all lies.

"The Sultan's desire to tamper with the British press was futile. In this matter, he receives help from an unexpected quarter: from Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, who believed that by discrediting Armenians in Europe he would gain the support of the sultan for his plans for the colonization of Palestine. Herzl managed to influence journalistic opinion slightly in the sultan's favour." From The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, Yair Auron. p. 160.

“Early in the century when Theodore Hertzl sought to secure land in Palestine, he offered Sultan Abdul Hamid his influence with the European press to dissipate the unfavorable image of the Ottomans vis a vis the Armenian massacres.” (Azbarez 8.1.87) This he did to gain the Sultan’s favor, again in an attempt to secure Palestine for the Jews. However! Many Zionists were indeed involved up to their eyebrows in the Armenian Genocide from beginning to end of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, from it’s planning stages “Zionist plans for the Palestinian people anticipated the Ottoman solution for the Armenians, who would be slaughtered in the first sustained genocide of the 20th century.” From The Hidden History of Zionism. By Ralph Schoenman.

The horrifying extermination of a million and a half Christians of Anatolia and Cilicia, of hard working, proud Armenians, artists, builders of the Christian and Seljuk monuments of Minor Asia, will remain the unexplainable Genocide of modern times and forever stigmatizing the honor of Western intelligentsia dominated by the Jews. According to the irrefutable report, Lepsius (1916-1919), this terrible destruction was systematically prepared and perpetrated, from 1915 to 1918, by the Lodge of Salonica, in the presence of the ambassadors to Stamboul: Wangenheim, German, and Morgenthau, American, Israelite master franc-mason very influential which did not do anything effective to prevent it. This massacre was known and followed, in its preparation and its execution, by the Zionist organizations of New York, London and Berlin, present in the significant Israelite community of Istanbul, you would find David Ben Gurion, Ottoman lawyer*, witnessed of the most minute actions and gestures of Turkish governments. *David Ben Gurion, born in Poland in 1885, Zionist of the first wave, lawyer in Istanbul in 1913, lucid witness of the preparations and the execution of the massacres of Armenians and the Lebanese one, and is an accessory. He went to London, in 1918, to constitute the Jewish Legion for the occupation of Palestine. (Approximate translation from the original in French) La Honte Sioniste By Lucien Cavro-Demars. P 19. According to NILI chronicler Anita Engle, "Aaron was the first and at that time the only one in Palestine to recognize the possibility of uniting British and Jewish interests in the Middle East. Official Zionism, which had its headquarters in Berlin still maintained that the Jewish future was bound up in the future of Turkey." Indeed, David Ben Gurion, the pioneering Zionist leader and Israel's legendary statesman and politician, went to Constantinople in 1912 to study Turkish law at the University there. In his book of recollections, he explains: "in order to get anywhere with the Turkish authorities we needed to know the Turkish language, Turkish law and more about the Ottoman system of government." And in fact for Ben Gurion learning Turkish law was just the beginning. "My idea was to go to Turkey, study law, and thus equip myself with the necessary professional training to stand for Parliament. I would get a seat in Parliament, and then I would become the Jewish member of the Ottoman Government...I thought that I would be close enough to the seat of power to be able to advance the development and progress of the Jews in Palestine." http://www.jewsweek.com/israel/123.htm

“...in fact Palestinian Zionism had rushed to the support of the Turks; Ben-Gurion and Shochat and their friends had offered to setup a Zionist militia to police the country - which would have freed Turkish troops for duty elsewhere.” The Iron Wall Lenni Brenner The Hidden History of Zionism Chapter 2 Zionist Objectives "Zionist plans for the Palestinian people anticipated the Ottoman solution for the Armenians, who would be slaughtered in the first sustained genocide of the 20th century." "From its inception, the Zionist movement sought the "Armenianization" of the Palestinian people. Like the Native Americans, the Palestinians were regarded as "a people too many." The logic was elimination; the record was to be one of genocide." "When the Armenians escaping the Turkish genocide settled in Palestine they were welcomed. The genocide was ominously defended by Vladimir Jabotinsky and other Zionists in their attempts to obtain Turkish support."

Source: balkanunity.org

From: http://www.abbc.com, Radio Islam:

In 1841, London appointed Samuel Montefiore in Sydney to head the colonial government bank, named Bank of New South Whales, now renamed to Westpac Corporation. Soon, the thrifty Fairfax brothers were supervisors and later became bank directors. In these positions, they acquired the ailing Government Gazette, then Australia's only colonial newspaper, and renamed it to Sydney Morning Herald. At that time, the French colonial foe, although badly disabled for some 50 years through the French Revolution in 1789, again became increasingly unpleasant on the open seas. Rotschild agents in the Middle East, where Palestine is, reported about a certain Frenchman, named Lesseps, who had set out to corner the sea routes to East Asia. Lesseps dug a ditch from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, called the Suez Canal, scheduled for completion by 1867. It was rumored, that he would stop English shipping from using it. This was to be prevented by all means. With instructions and 'specialized' manpower - the forerunner of MI6 dates back to 1688 - from London, Samuel Montefiore and the Fairfax brethren now took concerted action in the gold land, formerly called Nuca Antara, and now Australia: The Bank of NSW sent Rotschild agents into the Australian gold fields, declaring all gold to be the possession of the British crown. British is Hebrew and means covenant man or conspiracy man. The gold diggers were outraged about this exclusive rights claim. In Ballerat and Bendigo, two major Australian gold fields, a political movement named Eureka ( Greek for 'Ahah,' or 'I understand' ) proclaimed an independent state entity. Initially, a large Greek contingent must have lived in Sydney, since its first city map ( suppressed from public viewing ) shows exclusively street names, named after places in Greece and in the Mediterranean Sea. The would-be separatists were crushed by British military. The Fairfax brothers now set-up makeshift bank branches in the gold fields, which paid out a little reward for all gold handed in by the diggers. The reward for an ounce of gold was in the three pence bracket and got the diggers working again. By 1867, in time for the SUEZ CANAL opening celebrations, Moses Montefiore in London hinted to his Queen, 'that the gold for the purchase of a majority share in the Suez Canal was now available.' Nathan Rotschild, owner-governor of England's Reserve Bank forwarded official confirmation to the British Foreign Office. Britannia was in business again. Britannia is Hebrew and means ship in English. The year 1913 became a turning point, focusing on a major Holy Land acquisition campaign, that should yield two very tragic side effects. The British fleet had converted from coal to oil, thus gaining a huge naval advantage over a new rival, not seen as such on the high seas for nearly 3 centuries, Imperial Germany. Already in 1648, mentionable German presence at sea was finished, when Holland, the German seafarer state, seceded from the introverted German hinter-landers. While the new Imperial Germans now laid rails for the Bhagdad Bahn to reach Iraqi oil fields, England cut-off the southern tip of Iraq and declared an independent statelet, Kuwait. The land tip was supposed to serve as a half way fuelling station for shipping, bound for looting India and for opium trade in East Asia. The initiative for the Grand Plan, the acquisition of the Holy Land, was now taken over by America's silver haired ex-Harvard professor and newly appointed US President Woodrow Wilson. Like President Clinton, Wilson was a gentile front, but guided by Federal Judge Louis Brandeis and Colonel Mandel House. Wilson now arranged for the leading bankers in America, J.P. Morgan, Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff and Kuhn & Loeb to take the US-Reserve Bank management away from federal control and into the bankers 'loving care'. The coup, hastily pushed through senate on 23.12.1913 before an almost empty house and against the votes of Senators Lindbergh and Peyfirette was in clear breach of the US Constitution. Henceforth, the US Federal Reserve Bank was a privately owned and run shareholder company, not unlike a Stationery Printing Business Pty Ltd. In colonial system-civilizations, like USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, everything has a dollar price. Thus, tobacco millionaire Henry ( Heinrich ) Morgenthau, born 1854 in Mannheim, Germany, could purchase the US-Ambassador posting in Istanbul, the capital of Ottoman Empire. His assignment in Istanbul, in 1913, had a Hidden Agenda. Palestine was under the jurisdiction of the Ottoman Empire. Its modern name is Turkey. The Federal Reserve Bankers, all of them Judaists and Talmudists were out to gain control over the Holy Land. Many contemporary documents about these events are classified and are therefore withdrawn from publication. But in 1984, an essential, first hand account archive file was identified in then East Berlin, Unter den Linden, not far from Brandenburg Gate. It contained a record of General Liman von Sanders, the Imperial German General in charge of the Dardenelles' defense from 1914 to 1917. It was here, where on 25 April 1915, the Australian attack near Gallopoli began (actually Geliboli; concocted by the English tongue tip lisp to Gallipoli ). Ottoman Empire was an Axis Ally, and thus an ally of Germany. By April 1992, after the opening of the Berlin Wall, the file, written by German General Liman von Sanders, had been removed from the archive Unter den Linden, Berlin. German General Liman von Sanders was a Jew, selected to protect the Holy Land. His army's field kitchens even served kosher food. One of von Sander's officers was Hoess, later to become notorious in Auschwitz. Further records of these decisive years, prepared by Germany's former war enemies are still under D-notice ( defense notice ). England has extended the related D-notice again to the year 2017, which points to a centennial of the two original Balfour Declarations, one issued to Arabs and one to Jews. Both are not fit for showing together, since they are highly contradictory. What then ensued in Istanbul 's diplomatic circles can be called a careless diplomatic stunt, engineered by a wealthy tobacco trader without appropriate diplomatic expertise: - QUOTE - -After US-Ambassador Morgenthau had failed in 1913 to reach an agreement with the Ottoman Empire on the secession of Palestine, Morgenthau revised his policy. He now sought the collaboration of the wealthy and influential Armenian trader community, which lived as a successful business minority inside the Ottoman Empire, in what is now roughly Turkey. His policy aimed at the collapse of the Ottoman Empire through engagement of the 4.2 million strong Armenian diaspora. Ottoman Empire was already dubbed 'the sick man of the Bosphorus.' Morgenthau met a certain Calouste Gulbenkian, an Armenian billionaire, dealing in an innovative commodity, Iraqi oil. He was also called 'Mister Five Percent, for his habit of charging 5% commission on every concluded oil deal. Gulbenkian had excellent connections among the Armenian community leaders. In 1912, Gulbenkian had taken out English citizenship. No doubt, the English Foreign Office was privy to his dangerous doings in Istanbul. Several meetings with Gulbenkian and Armenian community leaders took place in the American Embassy in Istambul with US-Ambassador Morgenthau presiding. The Turks are said to excel in one intelligence discipline: placement of seemingly humble and naive looking servants as scouts and spies in foreign diplomatic missions, situated in Turkey. Thus, the Turkish secret service monitored several Jewish-Armenian meetings inside the US-Embassy. The Allied war declaration in August 1914 against Germany, Austria and Turkey seemed to play into Morgenthau's hands. From Australia and New Zealand, who also declared war on the Axis Powers, a large occupation force called ANZAC embarked en-route to the Bosphorus. This military deployment was under the command of General Monash ( actually Manasseh concocted by the English tongue tip lisp ). General Monash, a high-ranking Zionist Jew was privy to the hidden agenda: "The Talmudic bankers wanted Palestine for the Jews." In February 1915, the Australian ANZAC forces disembarked near Cairo, Egypt. Rumors went out to Turkey, that an attack on the Bosphorus was imminent in order to take Palestine, which the Government of the Ottoman Empire had resented ceding to Morgenthau. On the early morning of 24 April 1915, Ottoman armed forces broke into Armenian community villages and forcibly apprehended some 1.5 million Armenian man and women. Men who resisted were slain. Later, a large number of Armenian women and children were distributed to Turkish families for assimilation. According to other sources like Encyclopedia Britannica: "1.5 million Armenians were marched away from the war zone, to the east into Anatolia, or to the Syrian border. Some 600,000 died on the 1500 km march." Thus, internal Armenian assistance in support of the attacking ANZAC Corps could not eventuate any more. Neither was the attack date unknown to the Turks. Preparations were made in time before the first ANZAC soldiers stepped on Ottoman soil near Gallipoli. The newly designed, well positioned German machine guns, which had earlier decided the Battle of Tannenberg against overwhelming Russian infantry, reaped a devastating harvest over almost unprotected ANZAC positions. Some 5,600 Australian diggers fell on the beaches of Gallipoli.

One often-overlooked fact of history that has been suppressed is the genocide committed against the Armenians in 1915. What is the historical background to this tragedy and why has it not received the attention that it deserves?

Instead of going into detail more than I already have, I will give your readers accounts and eyewitnesses of the murders by Turkey's own allies as well as some excerpts from a book called The First World War, by Martin Gilbert, a New York Times best-selling author on the subject of the Holocaust. His compiled references cannot be denied because he has been well established by the literary community of these United States and his material can be found in today's popular bookstores throughout the country. Today's denial of the Armenian Genocide is financed by the Turkish government and perpetuated by American Jewish leaders and Israel. In fact, it is illegal in Israel to mention or publish material concerning the Armenian Genocide.

The German Documentation of the Armenian Genocide

From The First World War, A Complete Story, Martin Gilbert, p. 142-143

From the memoirs German Vice-Consul at Erzerum, Max Erwin von Schneubner-Richter's Publications, April 1915:

"On the Caucasian front, the continuing Russian advances led to tragedy. The Turks, bitter at their losses of men and land, blamed the local Armenian population for co-operating with the Russian invaders. Starting on April 8th, tens of thousands of Armenian men were rounded up and shot. Hundreds of thousands of women, old men and children were deported southward across the mountains, to Cilicia and Syria. On April 15th the Armenians appealed to the German ambassador in Constantinople for German protection. This was rejected by Berlin on grounds it would offend the Turkish Government. By April 19th, 50,000 Armenians had been murdered in the Van Province alone. On April 20th the predominantly Armenian city of Van was surrounded by Turkish forces: 1300 armed Armenians defending 30,000 civilians. For thirty days Armenians resisted futile attempts by the Turks to defeat them. Eventually, the Russian forces saved them and the Tsar congratulated the Armenians for their courage. April 24th became the official Day of Armenian Mourning. The head of the Armenian Church, Catholicos Kevork, appealed to President Woodrow Wilson to intervene, but in vain. In Constantinople, I (Richter) went to the Turkish Foreign Ministry and expressed hope that anything that might look like Christian massacres would be avoided. I was told that the Turkish troops in Van were poorly trained conscripts and that excesses might not be entirely avoidable. News of the killings spanned across Europe and the United States. I was then instructed by Berlin to intervene against the massacres, but not to do so in such a way as to create the impression that the Germans want to exercise a right of protection over the Armenians. My hands were tied."

What does the above explain? It explains that Germans wanted to win the war but not at any cost. Even they abhorred the barbarity of the Turks, yet Morgenthau so desperately wants to implicate German responsibility. There is some German responsibility concerning the transfer of armaments to the Turks, but I clearly see some remorseful thought processes occurring in the minds of German officials as is the case in the following irrefutable reports of Lepsius from which your readers later on can research in detail.

From "Germany and Armenia 1914-1918" by Johannes Lepsius

Johannes Lepsius was born in Potsdam, in Germany, in 1858. An evangelical pastor, following the first massacres in Turkey (three hundred thousand victims), in 1895 he set up the Deutsche Orient Mission the aim of which was to run orphanages for Armenian children who had survived the massacres.

In 1896 he published "Armenians and Europe", his first documented report on the atrocities committed by the sultan Abdul Hamid II, an ally of Wilhelm II. In aid of the Armenian victims of persecution he set up the Lepsius Foundation, with various branches in Anatolia. From 1912 to 1914 he took part in diplomatic moves and conferences on the Armenian question in Constantinople, Paris, London and Bern.

At the beginning of the Armenian genocide of 1915 he had a dramatic interview with Enver Pasha, minister of War, during which he tried in vain to prevent the systematic deportation of the Armenian people.

In 1916 he had his "The Condition of the Armenian People in Turkey" printed privately, defying the Turkophile German censorship, which nevertheless managed to confiscate a number of copies.

Taking refuge in Holland, he kept up his struggle on behalf of the Armenians from there. He exposed German complicity in the genocide of the Armenians. He testified at the trial against Soghomon Tehlirian, the assassin of Tal'aat Pasha, Turkish minister of the Interior. Thanks also to his testimony, Tehlirian was acquitted. In 1923 he started preparations for the foundation of an Armenian Academy in Potsdam.

He died in Merano, Italy, in 1926.

Financing the Armenian Genocide by Clifford Shack

(Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers), “To an all-powerful banking family like the Rothschilds, whose vast wealth bankrolled many a war, causing millions of fatalities, the removal of a small minority like the Armenians was a fair price to pay for the peace in a region so crucial to the development and investment of the Far East, which contained countless millions, later billions of consumers? Squeamish the Rothschilds were not, their line of work requires pragmatism to rule their day”. “It would be fair to say that the genocide of a group of a million or so, to serve the benefit of a billion or so, is less of a question of should it be done, than how it could be done. So as not to reveal any plausible motive which could link the actual planners to the genocide, the scheme involved a proxy party, which was manipulated through layers of influence, providing sufficient cover for the planners.” To ordering it (Talaat, Turkey’s minister of the interior at the time, gave the orders for the genocide and he was also a Jew, see above articles). To seeing that the orders are carried out (Enver who was Turkey’s minister of war at the time was also a Jew, see above articles). To even taking an active part in it by either informing the Turks and the Kurds on the whereabouts and hiding places of the Armenians so that they would be slaughtered and some Jews (don’t really know the extent) even massacred Armenians themselves because it was open season on Armenians and they knew they would go unpunished for their crimes of which the motive was plunder. "the Jews in Haskoy (a Jewish quarter in Constantinople where many Armenians also lived) played a shameful part in helping the Kurds to search out the hiding places of the victims"

From The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, Yair Auron. p. 151.

“The soldiers were helped in picking out Armenians in the streets by native spies, who accompanied them and pointed out victims. I could not recognize the nationality of those foul and slimy reptiles, the spies. I was told by some that they were Jews”.

The Blight of Asia by George Horton.

“According to the paper, many Jews joined with the Mohammedans to strike against the Armenians and 'pursued them to the end.'."

Turkish and Israeli denial of The Armenian Genocide, The Holocaust in Historical Context, Vol. 1. By Steven T. Katz. pg. 22. “Armenian Americans were offended by what they saw as Jewish insistence on making the Holocaust “unique,” while portraying the Armenian genocide as “ordinary.” A Jewish magazine published a symposium in which Jewish writers responded to an Armenian who, in moderate language, questioned the uniqueness of the Holocaust and suggested numerous ways in which it paralleled the events of 1915. Lucy Dawidowicz (quite falsely) accused the Armenian of “turn(ing) the subject into a vulgar contest about who suffered more.” She added that while the Turks had “a rational reason” for killing Armenians, the Germans had no rational reason for killing Jews. Other contributors offered various reasons why the Holocaust, unlike the Armenian genocide, was “special”: that it took place in the heart of Christian Europe, that anti-Semitism was “sui generis’; that what happened to the Jews, unlike what happened to the Armenians, “represents a new divide in human history.” “Armenians had other grievances. The designers of the Washington Holocaust Museum went back on earlier commitments to give significant space to the Armenian genocide as part of the background of the Holocaust. They yielded to those in the museum’s governing councils who objected to any dilution of the Holocaust’s “unprecedented” character.”

The Holocaust in American Life by Peter Novick. pg. 192-193.

"Jews who were admitted into the Ottoman Empire by Sultan Bayazid II are of the opinion that claims of genocide in Turkey are lies." David Asseo, Istanbul's Chief Rabbi. Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt on why the German program of genocide remains in a class by itself as an example of evil: "It was the only time in recorded history that a state tried to destroy an entire people, regardless of an individual's age, sex, location, profession, or belief.” Rabbi Irving Greenberg, founder of the Holocaust Resource Center and first director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Commission, has described the comparison of the Nazi Holocaust with other acts of genocide as "blasphemous." As one proponent of the uniqueness of the Holocaust, Edward Alexander, has put it, to describe as genocidal the ghastly agonies suffered by others-the Armenians, for instance-is "to plunder the moral capital" of the Jewish people. It is to "steal the Holocaust.”. Yehuda Bauer's The Holocaust in Historical Perspective, Steven Katz's The Holocaust in Historical Context and Lucy Dawidowicz's The Holocaust and the Historians are really only variations of Arthur Butz's The Hoax of the Twentieth Century written in reverse. All of them, equally, are conscious exercises in the destruction of truth and memory.

Washington Post reported that Maryland State Delegate Cheryl Kagan has compared a resolution commemorating the Armenian Genocide "to another unusual bill this session - a measure to designate the calico as the official state cat." The newspaper quotes her as saying: "When we spend our time on the calico cat or an alleged massacre . . . we're wasting time on frivolous matters that will not affect the daily lives of most of our constituents." [Cheryl Kagan is Jewish. Kagan means king in Khazarian and Cheryl Kagan is on the board of directors of the AJC (American Jewish Congress) which is a pro-Azeri and anti-Armenian organization.]

Lantos proposal - Opponents of H.Res.398. The Chairman ruled out of order an amendment by Rep. Lantos, who is a holocaust survivor, to strike any mention of the Armenian Genocide and substitute general language on "man's inhumanity to man." Lantos took a leading role in the 106th Congress in attempting to block passage of legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

In Armenia, Israeli Ambassador Rivki Kohen denies the Armenian Genocide once again. During a February 8th press conference in Yerevan, Kohen argued that the "Holocaust was a unique phenomenon, since it had always been planned and aimed to destroy the whole nation. At this stage nothing should be compared with Holocaust." The Israeli Foreign Ministry responded to Yerevan’s concerns stating that, "Israel recognizes the tragedy of the Armenians and the plight of the Armenian people. Nevertheless, the events cannot be compared to genocide, and that does not in any way diminish the magnitude of the tragedy."

Anadolu New Agency, 11 April, 2001 Turkiye - "Israeli Foreign Minister Simon Peres had openly supported the Turkish view regarding Armenian allegations. Peres said, 'History should be left to the historians.' Replying to the Armenians' claim that they were victims of genocide, Peres said, 'We oppose this definition. What happened to the Armenians was a tragedy, not a genocide.'"

Turkish Daily News, 10 April, 2001. Ankara - "On the eve of his visit to Turkey, Israeli Foreign Minister Peres says Armenian allegations are 'meaningless' and there is no similarity between the Holocaust and Armenian incidents. Supporting Turkey's thesis that history should be dealt with by historians over the Armenian issue, Peres said: 'We reject attempts to create a similarity between the Holocaust and the Armenian allegations. Nothing similar to the Holocaust occurred. It is a tragedy what the Armenians went through but not a genocide.'"

Anti-Semitism Worldwide 1999/2000 - ITALY “Although no violent anti-Semitic incidents were recorded, an activist of the neo-fascist Forza Nuova was arrested in connection with a bomb planted in downtown Rome in November 1999. While the last few years have been characterized by a low level of anti-Semitic violence, there has been a creeping process of legitimizing anti-Jewish stereotypes in Italy, pr

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Armenian patriarch bemoans `harassment' by extremist Jews

By Amiram Barkat

The Armenian patriarch of Israel, Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, yesterday complained to Interior Minister Avraham Poraz of harassment by `extremist' Jews.

"They [the Jews] spit on us and swear at us when I or our people walk down the street," Manoogian told Poraz.

He made the complaint during a round of meetings that the minister was holding with leaders of Israel's Christian communities, following the transfer of the department for non-Jewish communities from the defunct Religious Affairs Ministry to the Interior Ministry.

Poraz asked police officers at the meeting why the police were not making efforts to arrest those who torment the archbishop and his people. The officers replied that the police safeguard religious processions, but lack the means to guard every monk.

All the community leaders asked Poraz to facilitate the procedures for obtaining entrance visas to Israel for religious figures. Some religious leaders also complained that they were forced to undergo humiliating physical examinations on entering Israel via the Allenby Bridge border terminal. The Coptic archbishop, Anba Abraham, said that he was forced to take his shoes off for the examination and that the cross he wears on his chest was taken by the guards for inspection.

Poraz told them that he would look into the situation and try to solve their problems.



Armenian Propaganda Campaign Alive and Well in Jerusalem

23 September 2003

By S. Alfassa for the Assembly of Turkish American Associations

I have just returned to the United States after spending a few months in Israel. As many people know, the Old City of Jerusalem has been subdivided into defacto ethnic divisions. There is the Jewish Quarter, the Christian Quarter, the very large Muslim Quarter, and the small Armenian Quarter. The Armenian quarter is small, but it's auspicious location allows for it to be used as a island of propaganda as the tourists walk right through their area on the famous descent to the Western Wall plaza.

The walls we see around the Old City were built by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the sixteenth century, roughly following the course of the walls built by the Romans in the 2nd century. To enter the Old City there are several gate, including the Jaffa Gate and the Zion's Gate. The Jaffa Gate lets you into a mixed Arab and Armenian area, and the Zion's Gate lets you into the Armenian quarter proper. These two gates, especially the latter, is a primary entrance for tourists arriving in the Old City. Tour buses holding tourists from nations across the globe park outside the Zion's gate, then walk their groups up the hill, through the gate Suleiman constructed to defend the city, then walk these tourists into the arms of the Armenian propagandists.

Zion's gate (Bab Nabi Daud) was built for Sultan Suleiman in 1540 so that he may visit the Tomb of Kind David which is nearby outside the city walls. On the stone walls which make up the gate, as well as on the walls throughout the Armenian quarter are large white posters, entitled 'Map of the Armenian Genocide.' They are more than an eyesore, they are revisionist history at its finest. Measuring almost a meter long, and ѕ of a meter high printed in black and red, these ubiquitous posters usually gather large crowds which stand reading their misinformation. On both sides of the map (which contains cities colored with blood-red circles) are photos of dead bodies. After tourists see these signs, which would catch anyone's attention, they then go to the store owners, the locals, who then get to reinforce their version of what happened during the war years of 1915-1923.

The Armenians and their church in Jerusalem act as if they were saints during the war, equating their plight to the Jews during the Holocaust. What they don't tell you is that witnesses saw truck loads of arms and ammunition taken out of their churches in 1915. I quote the respected Turkish-born Albert Amateau. A descendant of Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492 and settled in the Ottoman Empire, his grandfather later rose to hold the post of Hahambashi of Palestine. Before he died at the age of 106, Amateau documented his personal observations in his: "Sworn Statement of Albert J. Amateau on the allegations that Armenians suffered "genocide" by the government of the Ottoman Empire:

"If 1.5 million Armenian lost their lives during that war, they died as soldiers, fighting a war of their own choosing against the Ottoman Empire which had treated them decently and benignly. They were the duped victims of the Russians, of the Allies, and of their own Armenian leaders."

These placards proclaiming "Map of the Armenian Genocide" have been posted for many years now, and they are replaced when they fade or occasionly are torn. Though the posting of these signs in the Old City are illegal, they are put on with a sticky substance which does not allow for their complete removal. The police and the city of Jerusalem do not enforce their own sign ordinances in regards to these illegal postings, and thus a new generation of people are getting a daily dose of dishonesty and revisionism.


--S. Alfassa is a vice-president with the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture. He holds both American and Israeli citizenship, his family is from Edirne.

Note: Albert Amateau's complete statement is located at http://www.sephardicstudies.org/aa3.html

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Враг не враг не знаю, но слишком предательски себя ведут по отнашению к Армении.

Не такуж давно было, когда посол Израиля в Армении Ривка Коэн заявила: "Холокост - явление беспрецедентное, и ничто, в том числе и трагедию армян, нельзя сравнивать с еврейским геноцидом"

Это что за ревность? И кто вообще сравнивает? Геноцид был 1915-ом году а Холокост когда был? Армянский вопрос существовал еще до Холокоста. А делать такое заявление как официальное лицо Израиля по крайней мере глупо.

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из за одной тупой тетки нельзя делать такие выводы!

нужно работать в направлении развития двухсторонних отношений.Если мы будем обижаться на всех и вся из за мелочей то вскоре все будут нашими врагами!

Очнитесь люди!МЫ НЕ ОДНИ НА ЭТОМ СВЕТЕ! ба! вы не знали?

нужно считатся с чужим мнение,прислушиваться и если что работать чтобы изменить его!А не говорить -Все они плохие вы с ними не дружим!что за %%%%?

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из за одной тупой тетки нельзя делать такие выводы!

нужно работать в направлении развития двухсторонних отношений.Если мы будем обижаться на всех и вся из за мелочей то вскоре все будут нашими врагами!

Очнитесь люди!МЫ НЕ ОДНИ НА ЭТОМ СВЕТЕ! ба! вы не знали?

нужно считатся с чужим мнение,прислушиваться и если что работать чтобы изменить его!А не говорить -Все они плохие вы с ними не дружим!что за %%%%?

Bender B.Rodriguez jan, ona ne odna tupaya teta, a posol Izrailya v Armenii, ona oficial'no predstavlyaet ili predstavlyala Izrail v Armenii.

Esli eto skazala by moya sosedka evreiika, ya by ne obratila vnimanie.

Raznica ogromnaya.

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