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About Bunny
Privet Arthur!Ya tebe poslala fotki Armenii, vnesi ih na sait please....Bunny
Privet Gog jan! Shat urax em vor verchapes hantipetsank...du shat shat lav mart es erevum Eskan haves or el klini? Lsi shutov Septemberi 22 kontserta linelu, indz Aregakits hraviretsin...Nor haere ev Aghaghanyane pti eluit unenan...Ya zabronirovala 3 bileta nam...Chto dumaesh'? Ya hochu, chtobi mi s toboi i moya sestra poshli...Ya tebe eshe pozvonu po etomu povodu...Delo budet v "Studii"-klub-casino.....stoit vse eto-1 bilet-600 rublei...Priglashayu vseh, kto vse ravno zaidet na nash joint
Merkurij jan, barev! Lsi, yes es amare mi kani nkar em hanel--hayastani, Arturin mi jhat uharketsi baits vontsvorte chi drel saitum...vor uharkem, karas saitum razmestit' anes? Mi kani hoki shat xntrel ein..ok?
Hi there!!! I've created this topic for those who wanna drop me a line Someone has sent me a private message but I cancelled it by chance...So feel free to write to me...I don't bite
Ob'yavlyaetsya konkurs krasoti dlya muzhchin foruma...Devushki, kak predlozhila bespodobnaya Bagira, davaite viyasnim kto zhe iz rebyat samij volosatij, nosastij i krivonogij....Odin pretendent uzhe est'-eto Igor', kotorij skazal, chto otkazivaetsya uchastvovat' v konkurse poskol'ku u nego nogi ochen' krivie Kto sleduyushij?
Does love exist here in the net?
"I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia"W. Saroyan
Are their any special rules that we must follow in order to make our dates brighter?
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