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50 армян против 5000 азеров

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In 1992, the big attack of the azerbaijani army against Artzakh, succeeded to capture 40% of our state's territory at that point(Most made by Chahoumian and Martakert regions)

Among all the chaos created in the tiny enclave arround Stepanakert, a little group of marvellous guys, decided to stay on their land, whatever the cost, against all logic, against the orders. Their leader was National hero Chahen Meghrian, commander of Chahoumian. Theese braves stayed for more than a year 70-100 km behind enemy lines, deep in the forests and the canyons of the Mrav montains.

Not hard to imagine the difficult material situation they were in, since they had to live up in the montains, no roof, 2-3m snow, mooving day and night, with virtually no food, no ammunition,.... no medical care....

All they could have, was a helicopter once a week or two.... Never the less, they decided to renew the old Artsakhian doctrine, punish each Turk, soldier or settler/looter, occupiying their old land. They played an essential role in the final victory.

Isolated from the outside world, mainly armed with light armements, (40 kg on the back of one man) surronded in an ocean of Turkish troops, tracked by dozens of Cobra armed helicopters of the azery air force, smell-dogs and commandos,... they managed to harass day and night the enemy's lines... Soon the Chahoumian Partisans received the war name of 'Yeghnigner' because of their quick partisan attacks, hidings in the black forests of the Mrav. They virtually succeded in all missions, terrorising the enemy. At one point, at the hight of the war, the enemy was obliged to immobilise 5000 troops, to find 50 Partisans in the forests... with no success.

The Yeghnigner managed to cut the axe Martakert-Karvadjar, allowing the liberation of Karvadjar, destroyed dozens of convoys, killed more than 500 enemy troops, disbanded dozens of enemy bases, informed the General head quarters of Stepanakert on all mooves of the enemy.... No matter the inhuman conditions, they became living legends, even for hardly impressed Artsakh troops.

Unfortunatly, victory has a cost, and virtually all partisans were woonded more than once, and most sacrified their lives for their sacred land, till the end of the war. (Taugh few were killed during the period behind enemy lines.) The most legendary figure, Achod Meghrian, brave among the braves, terror of all Turks, lost his life with 11 of his men (all woonded severly), when their MI-8 helicopter evacuating them was shot by an azeri missile, over the Mrav. At this point, Turks hoped, and Armenians feared the end of the Yeghnigs, because the brigade lost in one second 1/3 of its mens, and the most charismatic Heroe, the modern Kevork Chavouch.

But the Yeghnigs decided to unite, and revenge. New volonteers arrived from Yerevan and the Diaspora. The red Flag of the Tachnagtzoutioun covering the coffin of the Hero returned to the forests, and a young medic, named Vahe Baghdassarian, took the command...

Day and night, mines exploded all over Chahoumian and Sarsang reservoir, turkish garnisons attacked and disbanded, arms captured and turned against next brigade... Convoys of 10-15 armored vehicles and tanks were blown up on the Highway Martakert-Karvadjar, loothers ended in the deep waters of the icy Sarsang.... This tiny groop of determined villagers transformed the vast territory into a hell for the enemy. Literally:'Hoghen ayrouvetz Tchnamou vodkeri dag'.

At such a level, that the day, when the big counter attack of the NKR self defense forces began from the south, the turks based in all the zone, north of the Drdou river, panicked by the harassement of the Partisans, abandoned this strategic region in a matter of hours, in total panick... In a matter of 5 days, the Turks lost more men, than during all the period of their attacks, their one year occupation... Dozens of tanks and missiles were captured by the partisans... Once merged to the core of the Army, the Yeghnigs stayed in their posts, and garded the Northern front along the huge, inaccessible front of the Mrav chain... Till now, they are there, and their section is the most dangerous and hard terrain...




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  • 7 months later...

Поправка: количество армян.

Никак не примуньшено, хотя отряд периодически пополнялся и уменьшался их насчитовало именно около 50 человек. Они были одними из первых и вели в основном партизанскую войную.

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  • 1 year later...
Поправка: количество армян.

Никак не примуньшено, хотя отряд периодически пополнялся и уменьшался их насчитовало именно около 50 человек. Они были одними из первых и вели в основном партизанскую войную.


Edited by Somex
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Напоминает мне старые сказки:) :sleeping:

70 милионная великая Армения ставало на колени перед милионноы Асирией:)Вам ето что то напомиает??? :clap:

Дай Бог , будет нас 70 млн. , тогда уж точно сидеть и болтать не будем , как кстати наши соседи . По их же рассказкам их чуть ли не болшая половина в Иране плус Турция , а стоят извините в рабочей позе , как только выстрел слышат . Ну , правда в оправдание они говорят , что поза может и рабочая , но чисто в спортивном смысле слова , этакая рабоче-спортивная поза дракона , при которой на команду <<Марш>> , они плавно переходят в позу # 2 (подмахивающе-рабоче-спортивная ) , после чего их уже ни один судья или тренер или кто ещё не сможет свернуть с пути , через Куру , прямо на Чертановский Рынок в бывшей столице нашего общего Дома .. Причём скорости их настолько приближены к скорости света , что ни один Статистический Центр не успеет провести пересчёт населения ...

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Напоминает мне старые сказки:) :sleeping:

70 милионная великая Армения ставало на колени перед милионноы Асирией:)Вам ето что то напомиает??? :clap:

130 тысячный Арцах поставил в позу "зю" 8 миллионый "азрпичан",а еще 30 миллионов азеров в Иране наблюдали за этим и хлопали в ладоши от удовольствия.

Раз-два-раком,широко шагает азерпичан.То ли ещё будет ой-ой-ой.. :flag:

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Напоминает мне старые сказки

70 милионная великая Армения ставало на колени перед милионноы АсириейВам ето что то напомиает???

напоминает 300 спартанцев :) против 100 000 персидской армии

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