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NKR vs Zangezur AO

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If you claim that Qarabag was given to Azerbaijan only in XIX century, and only by Stalin, then by this principle we are ready to give up Qarabag as a part of Armenia or as Independent state. However then we have the same right to claim 1)Zangazur district - treansfered by bolsheviks to Armenia in   19212)Basarkecher(Zod) and Karavansaray(Dilijan) - transfered in 19223)Part of Gazakh district - app.9000mk2 transfered to Armenia in 19214)North eastern villeges of Nakhchivan - transfered to Armenia in 1929If you started talking about the "bolshevik policy" of land transfer, then here are the Azerbaijani land that were legally transfered to Armenia from 1918 to 1969. If you want your NKR wish to be done, then you have to consider this facts too.

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If you claim that Qarabag was given to Azerbaijan only in XIX century, and only by Stalin, then by this principle we are ready to give up Qarabag as a part of Armenia or as Independent state. However then we have the same right to claim 1)Zangazur district - treansfered by bolsheviks to Armenia in   19212)Basarkecher(Zod) and Karavansaray(Dilijan) - transfered in 19223)Part of Gazakh district - app.9000mk2 transfered to Armenia in 19214)North eastern villeges of Nakhchivan - transfered to Armenia in 1929If you started talking about the "bolshevik policy" of land transfer, then here are the Azerbaijani land that were legally transfered to Armenia from 1918 to 1969. If you want your NKR wish to be done, then you have to consider this facts too.
Ты где начитался такого бреда? :D Когда это такое было? :D Сталин правил в 20-ом веке, и вооще Союз был в 20-ом веке! :D  Причем тут 19-ый век? :D  :D  :D Канан джан ты читал правила форума? Вот почитай и поправь свой пост, а то я вынужден буду снять эту ложь!Если говоришь о чем то аргументируй это!Арцах и Нахиджеван были даны вам Сталиным. Нахиджеван по Московскому договору в 1921 году. Где не учавствовал армянская стророна. А решалась судьба нашых территорий.Арцах был вам дан в 1923 году. Тоже без согласия армянской стороны. Зангезур, Зодк, Дилиджан, Тавуш некогда не были вашей территорий. Ты приведи доказательства того, что они когда то считались территорией Азербайджанской республики! :angry:
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ne koqda to a 72 qoda... i do six por...
72 года не было Азербайджанской республики. Было Азербайджанская Социалистическа ССсовецкая Республика! Которомы были подарены эти земли!Вот и теперь все вернулся на свои места. Точнее не все. Нахиджеван еще у вас.
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eeexx...a vot koqda ya qovoril v Yanvare ob "armanskom nervoze", mena ne kto ne slushal...
Канан если ты не компитентен в этом вопросе. Это не значет, что ты можешь написать все что угодно! :angry: Ты изучи историю, прочитай книжки. Но дам тебе совет!Вашых азери-турских "историков" не читай. Если хочешь нашых тоже не читай (если считаешь что они неправы).Читай нетральных людей!Вот когда будешь компитентен, тогда и постируй, приведя весомые аргументы.А не так, как сейчас. Постируешь какие то посты построеные на вашу чувственность и пустые мечты!
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Merk, aaaaay chelovek slushay mena...Do you think that your "pritenzii" to Naxchivan it's normal??? Anyone who thinks that Naxchivan should be part of Armenia and trying to implement it to life it NUMBER#1 enemy of Azerbaijan, because Naxchivan is within our borders and we are willing to defend it.If even I read a lot of books of "neutral" authors, even if you prove to me that whole Azerbaijan is on the historical lands of some Armenian state that existed for 200 years 1000 years ago, you  are still wrong...I have talked to you about this on aztop.com, I said that "the mere fact that the land some time in then past belonged to some country, doesn't mean those lands will always be their. Noooo, heck nooooo.... Karabag, Naxchivan, Aran, Shirvan, Talish, Zangezur will be those who have more power and a better molitary, economy, and smarter people. That's it...Right now in you Armenians are in better shape as a nation, than we are in Azerbaijan. You are more unite, you help each other everywhere and all the time. But our people just pull each other down. That's why we lost Qarabag, I always say you did not win it, we lost it to you.If we were little bit more unite, if we loved our country little bit more, we would have kept Qarabaq, and would keep some "bufernaya zona" in Zangezur, but no it did not happen...No this does not mean that this will remain like this forever. Trust me time will come and we will fight it back, we are not going to go to any compromises. Noooo way... only WAR, as you did with a war, we will do it also wioth a war...Merkuriy pover mne "kakie bi mi ne bili kochevniki", na skolko bi u nas ne bilo istoriya korotkoya, skolko bi raznix nacionalnostey bi u nas ne projivalo, kokoy bi u nas ne bil president, nasha religiya, muzika, pamat ob Xojali i 20 Yanvare, ADR 1918-oqo qoda nas vitishit iz etoqo derma...vrema pridot mi i Turciyu obqonem, vot toqda i budet Qarabaq nashim, a poka "enjoy your stay on occupied lands"

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Merk, aaaaay chelovek slushay mena...Do you think that your "pritenzii" to Naxchivan it's normal??? Anyone who thinks that Naxchivan should be part of Armenia and trying to implement it to life it NUMBER#1 enemy of Azerbaijan, because Naxchivan is within our borders and we are willing to defend it.If even I read a lot of books of "neutral" authors, even if you prove to me that whole Azerbaijan is on the historical lands of some Armenian state that existed for 200 years 1000 years ago, you  are still wrong...I have talked to you about this on aztop.com, I said that "the mere fact that the land some time in then past belonged to some country, doesn't mean those lands will always be their. Noooo, heck nooooo.... Karabag, Naxchivan, Aran, Shirvan, Talish, Zangezur will be those who have more power and a better molitary, economy, and smarter people. That's it...Right now in you Armenians are in better shape as a nation, than we are in Azerbaijan. You are more unite, you help each other everywhere and all the time. But our people just pull each other down. That's why we lost Qarabag, I always say you did not win it, we lost it to you.If we were little bit more unite, if we loved our country little bit more, we would have kept Qarabaq, and would keep some "bufernaya zona" in Zangezur, but no it did not happen...No this does not mean that this will remain like this forever. Trust me time will come and we will fight it back, we are not going to go to any compromises. Noooo way... only WAR, as you did with a war, we will do it also wioth a war...Merkuriy pover mne "kakie bi mi ne bili kochevniki", na skolko bi u nas ne bilo istoriya korotkoya, skolko bi raznix nacionalnostey bi u nas ne projivalo, kokoy bi u nas ne bil president, nasha religiya, muzika, pamat ob Xojali i 20 Yanvare, ADR 1918-oqo qoda nas vitishit iz etoqo derma...vrema pridot mi i Turciyu obqonem, vot toqda i budet Qarabaq nashim, a poka "enjoy your stay on occupied lands"
:D  Мне просто смешны вашы притензии.Нечего себе Знгезур. Хорошо что не говоришь Иреван. :D Ведь многие азери именно так и представляют свою "историю".Несколько дней назад, кажется в 525 газете прочитал одну "статью" :D  :D  :D .  И знаешь там какой был полет мысли, я чуть не упал из стула. Оказывается вашы "историки" доказали что в нынешних терророриях РА, в 1826-28 году только 5% были армяне! :D  :D  :D  :D  :D Блин! Я уже не понемаю. У всех азери так?Вашы компромисы некому не нужны. На компромисы вы могли пойти тогда в 1988. А вы пошли на резню, на войну.Вот и получили. Теперь это мы можем идти на компромисы.Потому как по сути вам нечего нам предложить, кроме документа о мире!Вы все сделали чтоб уничтожить армян, РА.Резня(можно смело назвать и геноцидом), война, блокада, уничтажение армянских культурных памятников... и тд. список могу продолжать до безконечности.В одном ты прав мы сильнее вас по духу, мы более сплоченные. По-этому и выиграли войну!У нас оружия было 3 раза меньше, боеприпасов 15 раз. У нас нет нефти, мы в блокаде почти с трех сторон, землятрисение, 300 тысяч беженцев.Но мы смгли одержать победу!А если ты считаешь что можете опять захватить Арцах? ХМ :D  Желаю удачи! Но в новой войне все будет еще хуже я тебе уверяю. На 3-4 райенах мы не остановимся!Так как мы уже убедились, что если хотим мира, то как минимум должны дойти до Баку!
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to Forum:Armenians and Azeris will never forget Qarabag... neither one of us... therefore there always will be fightings and war... But wars can never solve problems, because the side that loses always waits for "revenge"... you waited for 70 years and finally won, now we are waiting, but definitely not for 70... less, for about 20-30

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to Forum:Armenians and Azeris will never forget Qarabag... neither one of us... therefore there always will be fightings and war... But wars can never solve problems, because the side that loses always waits for "revenge"... you waited for 70 years and finally won, now we are waiting, but definitely not for 70... less, for about 20-30
Мы ждали 70 лет чтоб вернуть нашы земли. Вы для чего будете ждать? Чтоб опять окупировать чужые земли? :D Ждите! :D  А покапостроем сильное госс.Скоро Турция будет отвечать! ;-)  :D
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-----------------quote-----------------------------------Armenians and Azeris will never forget Qarabag... neither one of us... therefore there always will be fightings and war... But wars can never solve problems, because the side that loses always waits for "revenge"... you waited for 70 years and finally won, now we are waiting, but definitely not for 70... less, for about 20-30 -----------------------------------------------------------You perfectly understand it kanan, but i would like to remind you that we are used to wars and not scared of it. we dislke it but will fight it if needed to protect our homes

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well Forum it's normal to wish a victory to your country, I do to mine, you do to yours. I do however realize that Armenians have lived most of your history undere different occupations, so did we. It's kind of stupid to talk about the consecuences of the future war, which I know will start. Now it's different in Azerbaijan also my virtual friend. I know that we always used think of Armenians as a paople that are scared of averything, that are the worst in fighting. I have not been in Qarabag during the "undeclared war" and I don't know how Armenians have changes over the few centures. All I know about the Armenian warfare is from writings of Velichko, which presented in Turko-Russian war on the battlefields. There is still a view in Azerbiajan about the Armenians which says something like this; "He will run, like Armenian does when sees blood"... These kind of saying don't come out of nowhere. But one thing you said right is that may be, you finally learned how to fight, and finally did in Qarabag, and please let's not forget about Russian troops fightinh in Karabakh. On our side, we as always so proud of ourselfes failed to register the seriousness of the problems, and thought that it would take 3 weeks to clean up Qarabag from Armenians. I don't know what da heck the government official were thinking about those years, but they failed to even defend the lands. In spite of you we did not ever think of the war, for 70 years not a single Azerbaijani touched a rifle. In World War II Russia would not let Azerbaijanis to fight on the front line, all of them were sent to costruction zones to built not fight. Probably we forgot that you can't forget how to fight in our wonderful neighborhood.Now we have an army of 70,000 troops, twice the military budgeet of Armenia. Those are trained war people, not some inexperienced volunteers-patriots of 1992. If the war start the new Azerbaijani army will fight, not the one you guys so in 1992.

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---------------------------------------------------------But one thing you said right is that may be, you finally learned how to fight, and finally did in Qarabag, and please let's not forget about Russian troops fightinh in Karabakh----------------------------------------------------------You see Kanan, you overestimate the Russian help. The beauty and harshness of our mountains are very deep into our genes because we are indigenous to this region. If Russians were any good at fighting in the mountains they would have easily defeated Chechnia. I am not going to predict outcomes of future wars I just hope it will not happen and we will leave in peace with you. I have a vision of united Caucasus, strong economically and secure from outside pressures. However it should be based on trust which we lack towards each other. Just like you said you will wait for a chance to return Karabakh one day.

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men you should not have started this Qarabag war in 1988 anyway then. Nobody killed you, no one hurt you in Qarabaq, before you started shouting "Miatsum" in Stepanakert. We could have lived in peace and prosperity forever, there would be Armenians in Azerbaijan, there would be Azeris in Armenia, and we would enjoy our lives with great land, culture and traditions. But none of this happened. You always wanted Qarabag to become part of Armenia. You have been more obsessed with idea of "Great Armenia" than live a nice life. If your nation wanted to live in peace why did they were shouting "Miatsum"" in Xankendi???? Why???? Armenians were heads of schools, chairmen of organizations, heads of cities and ministries. Even in Baku many Armenians held very nice positions in the governemnt, what happened, wasn't this enough???? We never told you not to go to church, we never told you don't learn Armenian. Why then was this whole occupation for, if you love to live in peace so much????

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men you should not have started this Qarabag war in 1988 anyway then. Nobody killed you, no one hurt you in Qarabaq, before you started shouting "Miatsum" in Stepanakert. We could have lived in peace and prosperity forever, there would be Armenians in Azerbaijan, there would be Azeris in Armenia, and we would enjoy our lives with great land, culture and traditions. But none of this happened. You always wanted Qarabag to become part of Armenia. You have been more obsessed with idea of "Great Armenia" than live a nice life. If your nation wanted to live in peace why did they were shouting "Miatsum"" in Xankendi???? Why???? Armenians were heads of schools, chairmen of organizations, heads of cities and ministries. Even in Baku many Armenians held very nice positions in the governemnt, what happened, wasn't this enough???? We never told you not to go to church, we never told you don't learn Armenian. Why then was this whole occupation for, if you love to live in peace so much????
Канан ты не понемаешь что говоришь!У нас территория была 300 квадратных километров. Вы и турки отобрали их у нас. Устроили геноцид на нашых же территориях, уничтожили нашы города, церкви, изменили все местоимения, имена городов, взяли все нашыбогатсва!Теперь ты говоришь, что мы в чем то виноваты. Мы лишь веркули мальенкую часть нашых земель!Армяне хорошо жили в Азербайджане? :D Хочешь статистику! В Нахиджеване в 1920 году 70% насиления были армяне, а в 1988 году лишь 0,5% процентов. Вот вы как заботились о нас. Из Хачкаров и камней церквей строили амбары и фермы для животных! Из 400 тысяч армян некто не занимал какую то серьезную должность! Так о чем ты шяс говоришь! Ты оскорбляешь нас, такимы высказываниями! Ты думаешь перед тобой дураки? :angry: _Да ты так и не сказал, почему вы не начинаете войну!Так почему? :D
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Merku:where did you get the information about Naxchivan???were not those people transfered to Karabakh AO???they didn't disappear??? And I know they did not go to Armenia, cause Armenia's population did not increase those years.Forum:What do you mean I have a very one-sided view of the problem? If I have come here to talk to you guys, that means I want to know what you feel about what I am saying. If I were one sided I would be in my backyard reading books about Xojali and praying for the war to start... Believe me I am not one-sided.

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