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Цитаты о Геноциде

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"In the province of Armenia, Abdul Hamid and the Young Turks had deliberately set themselves to the simplification of the Armenian difficulty by exterminating and deporting the whole race, whom they regarded as infidels and traitors."David Lloyd George Prime Minister of Great Britain (1916-22)"In 1915 the Turkish Government began and ruthlessly carried out the infamous general massacre and deportation of Armenians in Asia Minor." "There is no reasonable doubt that this crime was planned and executed for political reasons."Winston S. Churchill Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-45, 1951-55)"If nations are allowed to commit genocide with impunity, to hide their guilt in a camouflage of lies and denials, there is a real danger that other brutal regimes will be encouraged to attempt genocides. Unless we speak today of the Armenian genocide and unless the Government recognizes this historical fact, we shall leave this century of unprecedented genocides with this blot on our consciences." Caroline, Baroness Cox, House of Lords, April 1999The Turkish denial [of the Armenian Genocide] is probably the foremost example of historical perversion. With a mix of academic sophistication and diplomatic thuggery -- of which we at Macquarie University have been targets -- the Turks have put both memory and history into reverse gear." Prof. Colin Tatz, Director, Centre for Comparative Genocide Studies (Center for Genocide Studies Newsletter, (December 1995-January 1996))"The nearest successful example [of collective denial] in the modern era is the 80 years of official denial by successive Turkish governments of the 1915-17 genocide against the Armenians in which 1.5 million people lost their lives. This denial has been sustained by deliberate propaganda, lying and cover-ups, forging documents, suppression of archives, and bribing scholars." Stanley Cohen, Professor of Criminology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Law and Social Inquiry vol. 20, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 7, 50)

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турки:"The Armenians are a race like the Jews-they have little or no national spirit and poor moral character."Admiral Mark L. Bristol, U.S. High Commissioner to Turkey "These left-overs from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made to account for the millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse, from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the Republican rule."Mustafa "Ataturk" Kemal"800,000 Armenian deportees were actually killed...by holding the guilty accountable the government is intent on cleansing the bloody past." Cemal Pasha "I refer to those awful massacres. They are the greatest stain that has ever disgraced our nation and race. They were entirely the work of Talat and Enver. I heard some days before they began that they were intended. I went to Istanbul and insisted on seeing Enver. I asked him if it was true that they intended to recommence the massacres which had been our shame and disgrace under Abdul Hamid. The only reply I could get from him was: 'It is decided. It is the program.'" Prince Abdul Mecid "Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate (grundlich aufzaumen) its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention. What on earth do you want? The question is settled. There are no more Armenians." Talat Pasha 6/1/1915 "The Ottoman Empire should be cleaned up of the Armenians and the Lebanese. We have destroyed the former by the sword, we shall destroy the latter through starvation." Enver Pasha 5/19/1916 "You are greatly mistaken. We have this country absolutely under our control. I have no desire to shift the blame onto our underlings and I am entirely willing to accept the responsibility myself for everything that has taken place." Enver Pasha 5/19/1916 To a German officer upon seeing the deportations in Mamure said… "I am ashamed of my nation (Ich schame mich fur meine Nation)" Cemal Pasha "Surely a few Armenians aided and abetted our enemy, and a few Armenian Deputies committed crimes against the Turkish nation... it is incumbent upon a government to pursue the guilty ones. Unfortunately, our wartime leaders, imbued with a spirit of brigandage, carried out the law of deportation in a manner that could surpass the proclivities of the most bloodthirsty bandits. They decided to exterminate the Armenians, and they did exterminate them." Mustafa Arif 12/13/1918 "It is far from my thought to cast a veil over these misdeeds, which are such as to make the conscience of mankind shudder with horror for ever; still less will I endeavor to minimize the degree of guilt of the actors in the great drama. The aim which I have set myself is that of showing to the world with proofs in my hand, who are the truly responsible authors of these terrible crimes."Damad Ferid Pasha (Ottoman Grand Vizier)

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"В КОНЦЕ КОНЦОВ КТО ПОМНИТ АРМЯНСКУЮ РЕЗНЮ?" 22 августа 1939 г. А. Гитлер, 22 августа 1939 г. "Даже после провозглашения "Конституции" (1908), девизом османской политики оставался лозунг: когда не станет армян, не будет и Армянского вопроса. Резня армян в Адане показала, что младотурки, создавшие себе в общественном мнении Европы репутацию либералов, в своей жестокости ни в чем не уступали Абдул Гамиду II". Маркварт Йозеф - немецкий ученый-востоковед"Если вначале изгнание армянского населения ограничивалось провинциями, близко расположенными к Кавказскому фронту, то затем турецкие власти распространили эти действия на те части страны, которые не находились под угрозой вражеского вторжения. Эти действия способы, которыми производится высылка, свидетельствуют о том, что турецкое правительство имеет своей целью уничтожение армянской нации в Турции" Ганс Вангенгейм - посол Германии в Турции в 1912-1915 гг. "... В новой истории мало народов, которые понесли бы такие большие жертвы, как армяне, и мало стран, в которых было бы пролито столько крови, сколько в Армении. "Г. К. Орджоникидзе, 29 ноября 1925 г."Изо дня в день из Турецкой Армении шли одни и те же кошмарные вести. Что делали там турки, об этом не расскажут слезы армянских женщин и детей, а варварски пролитая кровь мирного армянского населения, переживающего невыразимый ужас и страдания, дает только некоторое, весьма отдаленное представление о голгофе армянского народа… Ведь нам первым нужно протянуть руку помощи оставшимся в живых, покинувшим свои пепелища беженцам-армянам".С.М. Киров. газета "Терек", февраль 1916г. "...Помимо воли память воскрешает трагическую историю Армении конца XIX, начала XX веков, резню в Константинополе, Сасунскую резню, "великого убийцу", гнусное равнодушие христиан "культурной" Европы, с которым они относились к истреблению их "братьев во Христе", позорнейший акт грабежа самодержавным правительством церковных имуществ Армении, ужасы турецкого нашествия последних лет, - трудно вспомнить все трагедии, пережитые этим энергичным народом. Удивительно быстро и ловко забывают факты такого рода господа "гуманисты", идеалисты, "защитники культуры", основанной на жадности, зависти, на рабстве и на циническом истреблении народных масс. Ложь и лицемерие защитников этой "культуры по уши в крови и грязи" восходят до явного безумия, до преступления, которому нет достойной кары". Максим Горький - русский писатель, общественный деятель

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