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get your heads out of the "fascistic confusion"

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Kanan, this post will be deleted as it was already deiscussed on this forum, try to use the search. I have personally seen that page and haven't found anything exciting...Typical, poorely facted pro-azeri payed and sponsored article. :)

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here is the address if link does not work...http://www.stjohnpress.com/the_great_deception.htm
Канан некоторые люди за деньги и собственную мать продадут!Да и этот "писатель" был несколько раз выгнан из своей работы за "проффесиональност"  :D Да и потом. Всем известно его теплуе связи с турецкими спецслужбами. Можно сказать у них взаимная любовь! :D Конечно их любовь строится на вязаимной выгоде! И их свадебный контракт состовляет не малую сумму! :D Можно вопрос?А где же "великий историк" Величко?  :hehe:  :hehe:  :hehe:
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I don't where is Velichko, all I am tring to do, is to find out how Armenians feel about the other side of the story.You guys claim you are the best, you the unique, your the most ancient and all the turk are barbarians, uncivilized and uncultured societies. Well I have already been convinced that such a view lays deep in the memory cell of your brains where they can not be desturbed. No matter what we say, no matter what we show, no matter what you see, you'll will always hate all turks teahc your kids to hate turks, always dream about Great Armenia, pure armenian nation and off course Miatsum. The only way to stop you from doing this would be not to deal with you at all. Just leave you alone, let you do whatever you want at your house. And when ever you come out with "pritenzii" to somewhat more, just put you back to your place. Tha's the only way.Otherwise it's not possible, you don't say Turkish nation is one of the most democratic among muslim states, you say they are the human-like animals. The stories of the genocide of Suren grandpa has made you so blind that you don't see any compramises in anything....YOU SAY THE ONLY WAY IS THE ARMENIAN WAY... well can't get far with that...

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You guys claim you are the best, you the unique, your the most ancient...
Kanan, you are paranoied,,, who said so? Anybody on this forum? :)Man, you should chill more. Have you tried banji jumping? :D
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I don't where is Velichko, all I am tring to do, is to find out how Armenians feel about the other side of the story.You guys claim you are the best, you the unique, your the most ancient and all the turk are barbarians, uncivilized and uncultured societies. Well I have already been convinced that such a view lays deep in the memory cell of your brains where they can not be desturbed. No matter what we say, no matter what we show, no matter what you see, you'll will always hate all turks teahc your kids to hate turks, always dream about Great Armenia, pure armenian nation and off course Miatsum. The only way to stop you from doing this would be not to deal with you at all. Just leave you alone, let you do whatever you want at your house. And when ever you come out with "pritenzii" to somewhat more, just put you back to your place. Tha's the only way.Otherwise it's not possible, you don't say Turkish nation is one of the most democratic among muslim states, you say they are the human-like animals. The stories of the genocide of Suren grandpa has made you so blind that you don't see any compramises in anything....YOU SAY THE ONLY WAY IS THE ARMENIAN WAY... well can't get far with that...
Канан кто такой дядя Сурен? :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :hehe:  :hehe:  :hehe:  :hehe:  :hehe: Канан джан мы не самые самые а как же евреи?  :D Они же тоже такие как мы! :D  А если серьезно то по вопросу массового зомбирования обратитесь к вашему госсударству! Вы прикепляйте нам то что вам хочется!Говоришь не хотим компромисов :D А кто вам сейчас предлагает земли в взамен на свободу? Пуштуны или индусы? Может чучмеки? :D  :D  :D  :D  :D А ведь могли и нечего не предлагать! Мы освободили нашы территории, мы выиграли войну!Турки! :D  Самый демократичный! :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D Там даже запрещено в школах проходить курдский язык, а курды состовляют 30% насиления Турции.Ты под демократией понемаешь Геноцид?Нечего себе демократия, уничтожить половину нации, забрать его земли, его богатства духовные и материальные!Потом нагло заявить что этого не было!Уволь! Такой демократии наблюдалась еще и в Афганистане во время талибов. Поэтому они и некогда не будут приняты в Евросоюз, не будут приняты мусульманскими и христианскими мирами!
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you did exactly the same thing as I described in my previous posting. Ignoring others personal opinion is ignorant and easy way out, but it takes guts to explain why you think the other party is wrong.
Do you indeed recon that it takes "guts" to tackle that article? Do you also recon that none of us can argue against such non-proffesional material? Man, If you insist I can take that article sentence by sentence... the thing is that I am in the middle of my exams revision and thus don't have much time. Plus there aren't many english speaking Armenians here to argue with you anyways. Thus don't put your hopes way too high, dude. ;)Peace!:sleeping:
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you did exactly the same thing as I described in my previous posting. Ignoring others personal opinion is ignorant and easy way out, but it takes guts to explain why you think the other party is wrong.
Ксажалению мы не игнорируем ваше мнение, а стоила бы!Так как не надо реагировать на все! Особенно на такую чушь, как "работа" этого "иследователя" армянского менталитета! :D На всякую чушь и лож не реагируют.Канан среди армян нет такого человека у которого турки не убили какого небудь родственника!Например я!Половину нашего рода они зарезали, кого-то(с отцовской стороны) в Адабазаре(50км восточнее Стамбула). Кого-то(опять с отцовской стороны) в Дер Эль Зоре, кого-то( со стороны матери) в Мамахатуне (70км севернее Эрзрума) и в Трапизоне.И теперь такие "историки" как многонеуважаемый "господин" и такие "демократы" как турки, говорят: Ребята этого не было! Наоборот это вы плохие и нехорошые,тоталитарные и тд.!Канан надо быть чуточку менее наглыми (мягко говоря).
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I beg you not to get too personally on this forum, at least concerning me, I am not willing to bear any kind of personal accusations to my address... I don't know you, I have not met you, you don't know me, let's keep it on the level of virtual discussion...there has not been a war, as long as I know, there has been a terrorist strike inside of Azerbaijani legal boundaries, which was backed by REpublic of Armenia's terroristic intentions. No one declared a war agains Azerbaijan, no one haas won the war agains Azerbaijan. Armenian and Karabakhi terrosris are holding Azerbaijani legal land under occupation.I do not know the Turkish history as well to debate with you here about the details, however the mere fact that only in Istanbul there are 52 christian churches and in Armenia only one (i to za schot Irana) muslim mechet tells everything about Turkey and Armenia. Kurdish subject is totally out off our topic. Kurdish problem (if there is one) is Turkey's internal issue. Majority of Turkish population elects their representatives to the government, and they decide what is good for the country.Turkish government tries hard to secure nice life for their people as your government do for yours. In modern world global politics require local states to play "game of two standarts". Turkey can't be Saudi-Arabia or China. About accepting turkey to the christian and muslim world many countries have already done it. Turkey is 118 times economically powerful than any caucasian country including Armenia, they are 54 times militality as powerful as any country in Caucasia... every state recognazes turkey, it's culture, it's nation, it's cities, it' industry, it's music, it's art, and it's religion... you should more be worried about who will recognaze Armenia as a christian state, not Turkey as a muslim...

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no one haas won the war agains Azerbaijan
Wow, weren't you telling that we weight ourselves too high? :)
Armenian and Karabakhi terrosris
First they were fighters, now after 11/7 they are terrorists. :)
I do not know the Turkish history as well to debate with you
If you don't know the turkish history how can you tell that the article is true?
you should more be worried about who will recognaze Armenia as a christian state, not Turkey as a muslim...
Define what you mean by recognizing Armenia as the christian state? It is worldwide recognized. About Christianity, it is recognized as the first ever Christian state. ;)
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I beg you not to get too personally on this forum, at least concerning me, I am not willing to bear any kind of personal accusations to my address... I don't know you, I have not met you, you don't know me, let's keep it on the level of virtual discussion...there has not been a war, as long as I know, there has been a terrorist strike inside of Azerbaijani legal boundaries, which was backed by REpublic of Armenia's terroristic intentions. No one declared a war agains Azerbaijan, no one haas won the war agains Azerbaijan. Armenian and Karabakhi terrosris are holding Azerbaijani legal land under occupation.I do not know the Turkish history as well to debate with you here about the details, however the mere fact that only in Istanbul there are 52 christian churches and in Armenia only one (i to za schot Irana) muslim mechet tells everything about Turkey and Armenia. Kurdish subject is totally out off our topic. Kurdish problem (if there is one) is Turkey's internal issue. Majority of Turkish population elects their representatives to the government, and they decide what is good for the country.Turkish government tries hard to secure nice life for their people as your government do for yours. In modern world global politics require local states to play "game of two standarts". Turkey can't be Saudi-Arabia or China. About accepting turkey to the christian and muslim world many countries have already done it. Turkey is 118 times economically powerful than any caucasian country including Armenia, they are 54 times militality as powerful as any country in Caucasia... every state recognazes turkey, it's culture, it's nation, it's cities, it' industry, it's music, it's art, and it's religion... you should more be worried about who will recognaze Armenia as a christian state, not Turkey as a muslim...
Канан открой глаза!Ты сам веришь в то что ты тут пишишь? :D  :D  :D
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veseliy vi armane norod... you laugh too much... every message is accompanied with " :p  :p  :p "...
На такие посты можно ответить только смехом!А что ты предлолаешь? Кричать или плакать? :D
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kanan, despite the fact that just like Supervisor i am also in the middle of my exams but i am willing to go into a deep argument about that book by till recently very little known author, who chose to sell his soul...about our attitude towards Turks and anything concerning my nation. First let us tackle the question about our attitude towards Turks, which according to you is one of ignorance, hate etc "You guys claim you are the best, you the unique, your the most ancient and all the turk are barbarians, uncivilized and uncultured societies."First of all it is true that we are a unique nation with our unique language, our unique history, with the history of our unique religions, customs tradition and culture. Reguarding what you said that we consider to be the most ancient civilization... where did you hear that? It is true that we are a very ancient civilisation, at least compared to Turkish civilization. (I'll come to that later) and i can assure you that it is true that we are very old nation but we don't know and we cannot know who the oldest are.Second, you said that we hate Turkish civilisation. Can you define what it is? what do you mean by Turk at all. If you consider Turk to be the all Turkic speaking languages then your claim has a big crack. Let me remind you that with the Turkic nations of Central Asia we have good relations and we don't consider them as enemies (Such as Turkmens, Uzbeks etc.) Our President paid them a visit a few days ago where Armenian communities enjoy equal rights unlike in Azerbaijan, Turkey. However if we take for example Armenians in Azerbaijan and Turkey, they never enjoyed any rights at all and first of all the right to live. Throughout the Ottoman era any testimony by a Turk in a Courts of Law, for example was equal to 10 Armenians testifying. During the communism Azerbaijan did everything it could to force Armenians out of their homes. Now you consider where the problem is and why we dislike Azerbaijan and Turkey but not Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. It is you and your Turkish aspirations of pan-Turkism and Pan-Turanism, whereas the only thing we ever wanted was to be able to live at our homes without disturbing anyone and without being disturbed. Throughout our thousands of years of history we went on to conquer other countries only once which only lasted for a few decades anyway, not because we were weak but because we like peace. We lived on this territory for thousands of years. Our Armenia has always been a country of only approximately 200-300 thousand sq. km. Whereas Turks came out of nowhere occupied millions of sq. km, almost exterminated a whole nation and now we are left with some 35,000 on which you have set your eye on and don't want to leave us alone till you take it from us. Well let me tell you this, the history tought us a good lesson and you will never ever gain our trust again. You fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me. Every time I read Raffi or other pre and post-genocide literature I suffer with these people who were the victims of Ottoman brutality.Anyway the point is that we are not against Muslim culture or even Turkic culture, it is just the result of your attitude towards us. You want to create an impression of pan-Turkism and Armenian hate against it you want to manipulate a pan-Turkic hate against us although Turkey has been successful in that sense reguarding Azerbaijan and/or vise-versa but your efforts were wasted when trying to create anti-Armenian attitude in other Turkic countries. (let me remind you also that Turkmenistan president Niyazov aka Turkmenbashi has declared to his nation during the Karabakgh conflict that Armenians are good people and they should not be offended just because of Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict)

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Reguarding "The only way to stop you from doing this would be not to deal with you at all. Just leave you alone, let you do whatever you want at your house. " That is exactly what we always asked for but you failed to do that moreover you did the opposite, to burn our homes, to make us leave our homes, to be a refugge for a lifetime, to "deal" with us.

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"Otherwise it's not possible, you don't say Turkish nation is one of the most democratic among muslim states, you say they are the human-like animals. The stories of the genocide of Suren grandpa has made you so blind that you don't see any compramises in anything."Despite the fact that I don't believe in Turkish democracy at all but even if it was, do we care about democracy...No... Nobody does, not even America, not even Britain so why should we? Why I don't believe in Turkish democracy, why have forty people starved themselves to death because of prison conditions, why are Kurds and other minorities denied simple rights, why are laws discussed not to let churches to own land, thhis list can go very very long. On the other hand we can deal with Saudi Arabia or many other non-democracies without any fear."The stories of the genocide of Suren grandpa" by this simple statement you show your ignorance towards history."you don't see any compramises in anything" explain what compromises do you mean? Giving the remaining Armenian land to Turkey or something?

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"I do not know the Turkish history as well to debate with you here about the details, however the mere fact that only in Istanbul there are 52 christian churches and in Armenia only one (i to za schot Irana) muslim mechet tells everything about Turkey and Armenia." Who needs Christian Churches withou Christians? You are saying as if the Turks themselves have built 52 churches for Christians just because they have beautiful eyes. To tell you the truth they did not even build one, moreover they have destroyed many and turned into Mosques the most beautiful ones (such as Agia Sophia)  This facts proves that Istanbul can't be a historic Turkish city but it could be well said that Muslims are not indigenous in Armenia

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Just to remind you at the end in case you are unaware that we have seeked normal relations with Turkey however after all this they are the ones to refuse for no apparent reason.
Форум джан что ты ему обясняешь.Он и без этого все прекрасно понимает. Или другой вариант сколько хочешь обясни, он все равно не поймет!
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ti prav Merkyrii jan. No ti znaiesh potom oni nachnyt mol zatknyli nas, y nas nechego skazat'. To chto ya govoriy yveren' chto on yje slishal i 99 iz 100 armian podtverdiat
Поверь мне он такого не сможет сказать. Да и некому не нужно что он сделал!А над такими постами лучше смеяться, чем портить себе нервы! ;-)
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