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Photos of Agdam ruins in Gallery

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Basasskhan tchi ssdanalov 'Ariaci' kotchetzial anbadasskhanadou antzen, jarahad, tzez yem timoum:

:ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

Ssdorev, Ariaciyin oughargadz namagess, Azadakrial darazknerou ngarnerou Tourkeroun hramtzenelou kdzov: :comp: :comp: :comp:



I'm new on the Forum, and you do not know me.

Neither I have no idea about your interests, way of thinking and personality.

I can only have a guess, from your nickname?? :hm:

Eny way, I'm righting to you, because of your posts of the Akhdam ruins, specially the twho panoramas you have shot from the minaret of the mosque, and the shot from the inner part of Dikranakert/Shahboulagh artificial fortress.

You must know that it is a fake fortress built by Haydar Aliyev in the 1970s.., pretending to date from their damned Panah Khan... :brows:

Sincerely, I can't get why you put theese photos?

Is it a pretention for bravery? A katchakordzoutioun? Or you want to denonce the 'barbarian nature of Armenians'??

I taught about it, and I see tree possible scenarios:

A- You are a non Artzakhian Armenian, having been for a very short period in Artzakh, and amazed by the scene, you are willing to share your impression by fellow Armenians on the Internet!!!!!!! :cool:

B- You are a kind of human right activist, or a follower of Gdridj Sartarian and Ashod Bleyan. You were outraged by the deeds of your kin in Artzakh, and you want to help the Turkish propaganda, by giving them new shots, permitting comparisons, etc... :clap:

C- You have an ideology, I can presume from your name, and you want to share 'the might of your people' with the rest of the world???


In the first case, you are ignorent of the rules in NKR, and you are unaware of the damage you are doing to our National Cause, by your irresponsible act. :ranting:

The NKR law says, that no photographs can be shot in military closed zones.

It's strictly forbidden.

And for your info, all liberated territories, and first of all Agdam, is a military restricted area.

[--------- ] You had the chance to take thoose photos, just because you are Armenian by origin, and because the soldiers around the Mosque are undisciplined, when it comes to apply discipline to Armenian 'tourists', because most of the soldiers are unaware, that a digital camera, might end in irresponsable hands of an 'Armenian', who will have no other bright idea, than posting it on the internet, and thus helping the enemy on its propaganda work... :comp:

Thus, just for your information, I will bring you a simple example, you will very easily check by yourself, and decide by your conscience.

Nearly a decade ago, a young American Armenian, named Raffi Kojian, owner of the site Cilicia.com, decided to proove his 'value', by making a scoop.

He posted photos from the minarets, ruins, etc...

Months later, thoose photos wer at the OSCE table, and till now orn virtually all State organised Azeri sites on the web. By the way, all are managed by same server in Baku, no matter different apellations...

If you do not believe, just check it by yourself.

If it is your case, then you must ask yourself.

What did you do for your Nation? :blink: :/

How many villages have you liberated, by loosing your friends for each hill?? :blink: :blink: :blink: :blush:

Do you know how many of our boys died, for you to take thoose shots? :blush: :blush:

And then, what gives you the right, to undanger what they achieved?? :down:

In name of what??

And to achieve what??

You've been to Artzakh, and you found nothing else to shoot apart from that?

If that's your problem, tell me, I will give you thousands of super shots, you could put under your name....

B- Now, if you are Ashot Bleyan's, or a kind of Helsinki club activist, I can hardly do enything, but to deplore your existance... :wow:

And ask you one question: it is a too easy mission, using the cover of your Armenian appearrance, to betray a tiny people, who accomplished miracles, no one else whould have done for him.

And if you were brave, you would Go to Gedashen, Verishen, Tchaylou, Leninavan, Panantz, Garmiravan, and shoot photos from what they did to our towns. You would go to Gulistan and shoot the blown church..

Or may be Jugha, if you are afraid from mines..

Haven't you asked why no Azeri has ever posted a shot from all our villages they have captured???

May be, because their race is supperior to ours, and they do not fabricate underdevelopped brains like Raffi Kojian's, or Ashot Bleyan's???

C- I can hardly imagine this scenario, because if ever it was the case, that would mean, that you have absolutely betrayed your principle, by helping the enemy you pretend to fight....

To end.

You do not know me, and vis versa.

But as a citizen of my state, as an ordinary Guy having lived on thoose lands you have shot for a second, I feel the duty, towards all my friends on or six feet under that land, to ask from you the remooval of those 4 shots.

Toun ou Ko Khighdje. :unsure:

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If we were right in our victory (which I think we were), why are we hiding?

You hide things that embarrass you, that you are ashamed of.

If we are hiding, that means we are doing or we did something wrong.

And I could say you, what some kriminals, who unfortunately violated the power in Armenia and in Artzach hide - they don't want to show fact of pillage, marauding, absed on which they get rich.

But main tragedy is, people still beliеve, like in soviet times to fairy tales about "military secrets" as a reason to forbid photos.

Sure there are azeris waiting for such a chance to claim about kriminal happened there, but if we are not ready to punish our kriminals, what a moral right we have to demand same from others.

Unfortunatly, the fotos have been deleted based on "right of freedom of speech".....

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There is also another big "secret" that authorities want to hide by forbiding access and photos of territories, they know, if people will start to visit that region, speak about it keep in focus, it will not be so easy to give the territories to azeries.

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War Won't Settle Karabakh Conflict

20.09.2006 16:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ ”Unfortunately today we live according to the formula ”if you want peace be ready for war. The reality of our region makes us be cautious in security issues,” NKR President Arkady Ghukasian told reporters in Yerevan after laying a wreath to the Memorial to those killed in Karabakh’s national-liberation war.

In his words, today the war goes on in the economic, political and cultural fields. ”We are doomed to win this struggle. The war was not our choice but we won it. However life has proved that war doesn’t settle issues and we should find a political resolution of the conflict. War takes the lives of the bravest. We lost so many young men and now we must build a state that would reflect their dreams,” the NKR President said, reported IA Regnum.

the war goes on in the economic, political and cultural fields. and we are losing that war, as of our "generals" and "leaders" for this war are criminals. Moreover this economic, political and cultural war is not with Baku or Turkey, we are in war with protectors of Baku and Turkey and this protectors know, how weak we are and how currupt and criminal so easy will they winn.

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