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Google Earth Uses Turkish Names For Armenia!

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Azerbaijan makes scandals for minimal details, when they sea Armenian names still used for lands they aneexed.

We must ask ourselves, why the Republic od Armenia is so inactive, when its towns are called by Turkish names, never registered enywhere:

Thus, according to Google Earth (World's biggest satellite mapping system), the Capital of Syounik, is calles 'Kafan', and not Gaban, as it is spelled in Armenian. This name is directly Turkish, since, it was never used. In soviet times, the town was called 'Ghapan'...

The town of Vayk, in the Vayotz Tzor marz is called 'Azizpekov', in glory of a bolshevic azerbaijani butcher.

It can't be because of 'old' data, since Gyoumri and Vanazor, etc... are well registered according to 'new' data.

Stepanakert is registered as 'Khankandi', Shushi as 'Shusha'...

Same is the case of lot of topographic names, all using turkish terms...

And we look at the photos, all accurate spots on sensitive areas are available: Thus you can sea every aircraft of Armenian Air Force deployed on its Air baze of Yerevan. You can easily count the 17 Mig 29s, the Mi 8 and Mi 24 attack helicopters...

Same is not the case in Turkey, where you have hundreds of Air bases, but none is clear, and those that are somehow seen, they are 'empty' of any aircraft.

Similar is the case of Azerbaijan and Georgia, where not a single Air base is seen, apart from one useless Air base, in central azerbaijan, where only outdated and scrap Aircrafts are seen...

NKR is one of the most photographed zones, every destoyed azeri roof is seen, while not a single occupied Armenian region is available.

You can identify NKR self defense army's positions, trenches, facing all along the frontline, thoose of Azerbaijan's.

For a trained eye, it is clear, that the Azeri's 'advanced' in the No man's land, by opening advancing trenches and new lines, some incomplete, thank's to our 'hunter/snipers'.

Theese images confirm exactly what the NKR army was saying for years, explaining azeri attempts to advance (at one point they came 150 m close), and the resulting casualties...

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That'S old soviet era names.

Thus, according to Google Earth (World's biggest satellite mapping system), the Capital of Syounik, is calles 'Kafan', and not Gaban, as it is spelled in Armenian. This name is directly Turkish, since, it was never used. In soviet times, the town was called 'Ghapan'...

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Stepanakert was never called by a turkick surname, and surely not during soviet times.

Its origin is by essence Bolshevik, while its Armenian historic name is Vararagn.

It is only after 1993, and the effective liberation of most of Artsakh from the invader azeri yoke, that in Baku they invented imaginary names, for Stepanakert, Martakert or Martuni....

Nowdays, even western maps sympatetic to Turks, and still pretending the fiction of an Artsakh 'incorporated' in Azerbaijan, use Stepanakert.

Only turkish hand drown maps use the absurd name of 'Kankeni' or whatever...

Same for Gaban...

So, there can't be any doubt, these maps provided to Google have the fingerprints of 'Turkish' censors..

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