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A Branch Of Olive Tree N A White Pigeon

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i m a 27 years old engineer who lives in Ankara, Turkey. One day shall come Ardani to visit his holy mountain Ararat on its summit say his prayers and sing in Armenian. Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Greeks n all the others live hand in hand with understanding & respect in peace. I read so much about Anatolian Armenians n I aint got even a single negative opinion about Armenians n think they belong to this soil as much as we do. If uz have a chance to come over in Anatolia you will find the Turks that uz hate r not much different than wat uz r n after few vodkas everybody will start admit their ties their Armenian grandfathers, neigbors, villagers n true friends. As Hrant Dink said we have an eye on the Anatolian soil cuz not to divide it but to get burried underneath. Hrant believed not states but the people will find PEACE. I hereby now giving my hand to shake a brother's hand in Armenia.

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An average Armenian taking photos of Ararat from the other side of the frontier cuz we Turks call Ararat as "Ağrı Dağı". I am not an expert of history or another science cuz i lived so many years outside Turkey n know how it hurts to be away from my soil n my land. We haven't got even a stone in Anotolia for any other nation to borrow but we have got so many things to share with other people once lived with us earlier as in means of culture & peace. I don't know wat your DIASPORA says but i reckon this genocide thing is so much related to the fact that Armenians to be united with this thesis, n this is that concrete for every Armenian living in thousands of different places on the world map, however 1915 wasn't a year for Ottomans to that while in great war in so many fronts as Gallipolli, Palestine, Arab Peninsula, & in mainland Anatolia. Ottoman Army was even lack of sending proper rations & clothing to the soldiers, how could they do that so called "genocide" on this circumstances. I am not saying Armenians did not suffer but so did our people. For me the most important thing is humanity & justice than comes my nationality, but if i try to think neutral no different words would come from my mouth to write here.

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dear Gvng,

you 're getting a BIIIg BAN for "so called "genocide"", because this Genocide is recognized by all thouse, who call themselves "human", and consider humanity and justice as "the most important thing " :hi:

hope you will not "suffer" for that ban, and you won't miss our Armenian forum :hi:

best regards

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