Forum Posted April 21, 2002 Report Share Posted April 21, 2002 Mne lichno kajetsa chto FBR zarannee znal ob attakax, no nichego ne sdelal chtobi zavoievat' mir potixon'ky. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Forum Posted April 21, 2002 Author Report Share Posted April 21, 2002 Nebolshaia Stat'ia Napisannaia mnoiy Smbat P.September 11 and US/Western Europe Relationship The September eleventh terrorist attack has changed a lot in the World politics. Especially the relationship between US and Western Europe has become very important. There was no doubt that Afghanistan would be bombed at any cost, mainly because the American public wanted a revenge. Western Europe on the other hand had to decide on how and how far should it support the American 'strike back'. The European answer was one that the world would expect. It strongly supported US strike back and a number of European political leaders made speeches condemning the attacks and encouraging for US to strike back promising full support. It was not only W. Europe that backed US millitary campaign but a number of other countries united for anti-terrorism campaign. Even Russia offered limited support and arguably it symbolised the entrance of the world politics into a new stage which they call post-post-Cold War era. In this new system the US/Western Europe relationship has become something special. In this essay I will try to examine how much has changed in Western Europe/US ties and who takes the leadership in this new era. Traditionally the relationship between US and Europe could be described as American leadership and European folowership throughout the post Second World War era. The war on terrorism especially deepened the cooperation of Western Europe and the US. Once again Western Europe backed the US for taking actions, this time-war on terrorism. Despite the fact that a number of differences arose between US and European countries (especially many trade disputes), September the 11 united Europe with the US. It is very clear that no European country supports terrorism but they never before had a common approach towards counter-terrorism. This time however the American government has decided how counter-terrorism should be implemented, not for itself but for Europe too. According to George W. Bush's speech every country should decide whether it is with US or against US in the war against terrorism. The European support was needed in the first place in this case. Terrorist cells operate in most of the major European countries. American pressure made European governments arrest a number of people suspected in cooperating with terrorists. This was a good 'demonstration' by European governments that US can count on full support."A 29-year-old man arrested in west London in connection with the terrorist strikes on the World Trade Center was released Saturday, Scotland Yard said. Two other men and one woman arrested Friday by anti-terrorist branch officers remained in custody. The officers arrested two men and one woman in west London in 3 a.m. raids at two separate residences. Both residences also were searched. A third man was arrested in the West Midlands region near Birmingham around 7 p.m., police said. The four were apparently questioned in a central London police station. British police carried trash bags of evidence from the Birmingham address, and, for examination purposes, police also towed an expensive German car parked at the residence. In France, eight people are being detained suspected of belonging to extremist groups thought to be planning attacks on U.S. interests in France, the interior ministry announced. Counter-intelligence officers arrested the suspects on orders of magistrates probing threats made against U.S. interests, possibly including the U.S. Embassy in Paris. The probe had been opened the day before the attacks in the United States A prosecutor's office in Brussels said two men believed to have been planning an attack on American interests in Europe have been charged with possession of weapons of war. They were members of a radical group, said Fabienne Laduron, a spokeswoman for the prosecutors." (1) However these arrests were not the most relevant part of Europe's support. The millitary campaign lead by US needed support by Europe. Unsurprisingly On September 12, 2001, the North Atlantic Council, the political arm of NATO, voted unanimously to invoke Article Five for the first time ever. All NATO members are now obligated to put the full force of their military and intelligence might at the ready to assist the U.S. in war if necessary. However so far US needed rather approval of Europe than millitary support. Strikes on Afganistan US could handle rather with no European help, but other anti-American countries would know that US is not on its own in this war against terrorism therefore would not risk to support Taleban. Powell told reporters "Some of our allies were a little frustrated that they didn't get into the battle right away, but I think they understand the reasons for that and it will all sort itself out". He also said that "United States appreciates the offers of assistance and expects that Army Gen. Tommy R. Franks, head of the Central Command, will take them up once foreign forces fit into his plans. Administration officials have said Franks is concerned for now that an international security presence would encumber U.S. military operations." (2) European support also meant that the freezing of assets of suspected organisations and people would be more affective. Around 62 organisations had their assets frozen not only in American but also in European banks. In addition to that Europe prove to be very affective in putting pressure on 'unco-operative' countries'. "An EU official told the French news agency AFP that the 15 EU states had agreed to impose penalties on third countries considered "particularly unco-operative" in fighting money-laundering. total of 19 countries have already been identified as "unco-operative", according to AFP. Thirteen countries seeking EU membership will also have to adhere to the money-laundering regulations, including Hungary, which is currently on the blacklist of suspect countries. Russia has also been named as problematic." (3) Both, a number of Western European countries and the European Union have followed America's leadership in the new war. The EU has passed a number of laws to combat terrorism 'the American way'. The EU gave truly big support to US. Despite a number of conflict of interests between US and EU, such as many trade disputes and others, the small differences were put aside in favour of US. It is a well known fact that EU has always avoided Turkey, a major ally of US, getting close to becoming a member-state. For that reason a number of preconditions were set by EU for Turkey's accession such as the solution of the Cyprus problem and the acceptance of the Armenian genocide by Turks in 1915. At the America's command EU dropped the genocide acceptance precondition and arranged talks in search of political solution to the divided island of Cyprus' solution, thus making Turkey a step closer to becoming a member. The war on terrorism brought a new meaning to the EU. The problems within EU that were difficult to solve in the past became possible. For example the EU Justice and Home Affairs ministers had unanimously agreed a package of anti-terrorism measures which had been unsuccessfully attempted in the past two years. It is also expected to see an improvement in the Europol-the creation of an EU-wide warrant of arrest and the decision to arrive at a common definition of terrorism which would bring similar treatment and penalties in the 15 member states. Before September 11, these very sensitive issues were unacceptable to many because of federalist aspects, however now many (even British Conservative Party) do not object it. On the national level, however, the response to the September 11 were different from nation to nation. The British support was the maximum US could expect from any country. Britain was one of the few countries that sent troops to Afghanistan. Even Tony Blair's rhetoric proves that Britain is willing to support US to the full extent. While a number of politicians in Europe crticised the so called second phase of the war to include strikes on a number of independent nations Tony Blair was more carefull and has never denied further expansion of the war. It is very clear that Britain is the most enthusiastic about expanding American power in the Gulf, Central Asia and other parts of the world. Other European leaders have different views. For Example Jose Maria Aznar, the Spanish prime minister, warned against taking surprise action against Iraq in the next phase of the war against terrorism. "We have to convince ourselves whether an extension of that conflict is desirable and feasible, and you have to determine what your objectives and goals are," he said at a breakfast with Washington Post editors and reporters. "One has to look at the connections. . . . I would aspire to end the Afghan problem first," he said, reflecting the view of European powers opposed to opening up a new front. (4) From the German perspective, a greater alliance between Europe and the US must form the ‘anchor of stability’ and Russia would belong to such a new system of security. ‘Joint security in Europe cannot be guaranteed without Russia,’ Mr. Schrцder told the Labor conference. The whole concept of security of states has changed after the tragic events in the US on 11 September and now also includes measures against terror. A single nation, the United States, enjoys unrivaled military and economic power, and can impose itself virtually anywhere it wants. .Even without nuclear weapons, the United States could destroy the military forces of any other nation on earth. The Bush administration made a big contribution for creating a world with one leader. If we take a look at the newspapers today the only thing we see is President Bush decided to do... or President Bush made a decision on... We should say thanks to Bush for making the decisions for the rest of the world too. Not so long ago almost half of the population of US did not approve Bush's policies, however now the figure jumped to more than 80% in favour of his actions. Half of the countries around the world, including many European, also disliked Bush's policies before September 11, especially environmental issues such as witdrawal from Kyotto agreement, describing it as American selfishness. It is true that the Twin Towers and over 3000 lives were a big loss to US but it seems that Bush administartion has used the tragic events to the full scale to maximise its influence around Europe and the rest of the world. The invasion of Afghanistan meant that the Caspian Sea oil would also be in the hands of American companies. Afghanistan is also important transit route both for Europe and the East. The war on terrorism made benefits to Europe also but it was very unlikely for European countries to strike a country without American leadership. We have now moved to an era when anything that is done at home should not conflict any American interests otherwise it would be seen as a crime and support for terrorism. The September 11 is also being widely used for anti-libertarian purposes such as spying on people around the world, email control etc. not only in US but in Europe too. The most countries in Europe agreed to share intelligence with US agencies, one can imagine how much information the American agencies have gained about many individuals who are although suspected in connection with terrorist groups, but have nothing to do with them. Despite the European involvement in the war against terror, one thing should be clear-that the attacks that were described as war on civilization were rather attacks on US and only US, and US still remains the most important decision maker on how the future of this war should be. The Western Europe has little say at this moment mainly because Britain strongly supports US actions. If the EU had a common foreign policy it would have a greater say in the world. However today it seems impossible to have a united Western European foreign policy. If the War on Terrorism is to last longer US needs Eureope's support. The success for the US is maintaining and deepening a strategic coalition. At the coalition's center must be a stronger US-EU partnership. US-European cooperation is relevant to every facet of counter-terrorism. Together, the United States and EU possess most of the economic, technological, military and diplomatic resources for globalizing security. "To get it right, Europeans and Americans will both have to overcome some deep doubts: in the American case, whether Europeans are willing and able; in the European case whether Americans will hear and heed their voices, including an increasingly unified and distinct voice. The last eight weeks are moderately promising." (5)1 CNN News, September 24 20012 BBC News, Tuesday, 16 October, 2001, 14:42 GMT 15:42 UK 4 http://www.washingtonpost.com5 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Forum Posted May 18, 2002 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2002 kak ia govoril Bush znal shto skoro bydyt terakti eshio letom 2001ogo ob etom pokazivali po vsem novostiam. A seichas on opravdivaetsa mol oni ne znali shto imenno tak viidet. podojdiom cheres godik ili dva vsia griaz' v detal'iax viidet na chistyiy vody. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Forum Posted May 18, 2002 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2002 detali vot zdes' Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Artur Posted May 18, 2002 Report Share Posted May 18, 2002 В организации терактов 11 сентября могли участвовать агенты спецслужб СШАФБР и ЦРУ получали доклады о возможных терактах в 95, 98, 99 и 2001 годахВ США набирает силу первый при нынешней администрации крупный политический скандал. Его причина кроется в вопросах, которые в последние два дня задают себе все ведущие американские телеканалы, газеты и информагентства: "Знали или не знали спецслужбы о готовящихся терактах?", "Почему с их стороны не было никакой реакции на доклады агентов о подготовке угона самолетов и взрывах зданий?", "Знали ли обо всем этом сначала Билл Клинтон, а затем и Джордж Буш, и что они предприняли?".Поводом для неприятных вопросов стали многочисленные свидетельства, просочившиеся в печать, о том, что ФБР, ЦРУ и ее специальный контртеррористический центр, созданный для борьбы с "Аль-Каидой", регулярно получали доклады своих агентов. В последствии эти доклады ложились на стол президента США. С ними были ознакомлены и бывший президент США Билл Клинтон и нынешний - Джордж Буш. Данные об активизации террористов, планирующих теракты на территории США, стали появляться с завидной регулярностью еще во время расследования взрыва в Центре международной торговли в США, совершенного в 1993 году.Перечислим лишь некоторые из этих докладов:В 1995 году ФБР было предупреждено о возможных терактах в Нью-Йорке и Вашингтоне;в 1998 году ЦРУ доложило Клинтону о возможных терактах в Нью-Йорке и Вашингтоне;в 1999 году ЦРУ вновь предупреждало об атаках на Пентагон и Белый дом;в 2001 году агент ФБР послал доклад: люди бен Ладена обучаются в летных школах в Фениксе, они планируют захватить самолеты и направить их на объекты в Нью-Йорке и Вашингтоне;10 сентября 2001 года, за день до терактов, доклад об "Аль-Каиде" лег на стол Джорджу Бушу.После этого президент США вынужден был оправдываться и заявил, что не знал, о планах террористов использовать самолеты в качестве ракет.Помощник президента США Кондолиза Райс также подтвердила, что никто не мог знать, что "эти люди возьмут гражданский самолет и расплющат его о Всемирный торговый центр.Теперь политическая жизнь США находится в некотором ожидании. Вероятно, следующая неделя принесет еще ряд "разоблачений".А конгресс уже выносит на рассмотрение вопрос о компетентности руководства США.Сенаторы-демократы требуют, чтобы Белый дом предоставил им для изучения два секретных документа, попавших к Джорджу Бушу незадолго до событий 11 сентября 2001 года:секретный доклад ЦРУ, врученный Бушу 6 августа 2001 года, о том, что люди бен Ладена готовятся угнать несколько американских самолетов;доклад ФБР о том, что большое количество выходцев из арабских стран обучаются в летных школах в США, в частности в Фениксе.Главный инициатор рассмотрения в конгрессе деятельности, вернее, "бездеятельности" республиканца Джорджа Буша – демократ Ричард Гепхард, которого называют самым реальным кандидатом в президенты на следующих выборах главы государства. Его коллега зампредседателя сенатского комитета по разведке Ричард Шелби также считает, что "если бы к этой информации отнеслись серьезно, то 11 сентября ситуация могла бы быть иной". При худшем для Белого дома развитии событий этот скандал способен привести к процедуре импичментаПравда, вопрос об импичменте может встать только после слушаний в конгрессе, если после изучения секретных докладов, попавших к Джорджу Бушу, конгрессмены сделают вывод, что президент на них не отреагировал. Но помимо потенциальных угроз импичмента, этот скандал уже подорвал доверие избирателей к президенту, впервые за время пребывания Буша у власти. По данным опроса, проведенного газетой Newsday, 57,5% опрошенных американцев изменили свое мнение о руководстве страной Джорджем Бушем в худшую сторону, сообщает РИА "Новости". Как отмечает другая нью-йоркская газета - New York Post, среди семей погибших 11 сентября сообщения о том, что администрация была предупреждена о возможности терактов, вызвали состояние шока. "Если эти угрозы сочли достаточно серьезными, чтобы сообщить о них президенту, почему об этом не известили американцев?", - такой вопрос задает Стив Пуш, возгляющий организацию родственников жертв терактов "Семьи 11 сентября". "Моя жена была бы сегодня жива, если знала бы об опасности и не отправилась в роковой полет, который был для нее совершенно необязательным", - считает он. Последний скандал, констатирует New York Post, подтвердил худшие опасения большинства родственников погибших относительно провалов в работе спецслужб и даже оживил спекуляции на тему того, что "случившееся имеет под собой гораздо более зловещую подоплеку".NTV Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Forum Posted May 18, 2002 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2002 Oni otlichno znali chto eto Vsemirnii Torgovii Tsentr bydet pritselom, i esli vse Amerikanskie journalisti zadaiyt etot vopros tol'ko poslednie dva-tri dnia, y menia voznik etot vopros eshio s 12 Sentiabria, da i temy ety ia nachal zadolgo do togo kak po CNN y soobshili ob etom, i na est' prichini.1. K stat'i kto nibyd' slishal o tom agente FBR (Delmert Edward 'Mike' Vreeland) kotorii sidit v tiyrme v Kanade. On neodnokratno ytverjdal chto skoro bydyt terakti na VTT i ego za-eto posadili, potom kogda on sidel v Kanadskoi tyrme on zakleil bymajky v konvert i skazal chtobi ego otkrili kogda on skajit i otdal ety bymajky 'nachal'niky' tiyrmi. 11 ogo Sentiabria on poprosil etot konvert otkrit' i prochitat' ety bymajky i vse ydivilis' prochitav chto on opisivaet imenno etot terakt namnogo do togo kak slychilos'.2. Kogda Busha sprosili shto on delal 11ogo Sentiabria on otvetil chto daval lektsiy v shkole kogda yvidel kak pervii samoliot vrezalsia v VTT, i on podymal 'ny i ploxoi pilot' no minyt cherez 25 emy skazali chto eshio odin samoliot vrezalsia vo vtoryiy bashniy VTT. Vot v chiom glavnaia oshibka zdes'. Po televideniy 'live' ne pokazivali kak pervii samoliot vrezalsia v VTT kak on mog eto yvidet'? mojet ixnie kameri snimali vsio vsio. kak izvestno pervyiy attaky nachali pokazivat' tol'ko chasami pozje. vot mojete prochitat' etot interview na CNN za dva chasa pered attakoi dva Sotrydnika Israel'skaoi Kompanii 'Odigo' kotorii naxoditsa v VTT polychili textovie soobshenia predyprejdaiyshie ob terroristicheskix attakax i predlagaia nemedlenno pokinyt' zdanie VTT.4. kak ni stranno tol'ko odin grajdanin Israelia pogib ot etix attak mojete procitat' na CNN zdes' Manhattan bil vsegda no-fly-zone i esli samoliot deistvitel'no napravlialsia tyda to ego bi ynichtojili do togo kak on yspel bi vrezatsa6. John O' Neal vsegda borolsia s korryptsiei v vishix eshelonax Amerikanskoi vlasti, v letom 2001 ogo on pashiol na pensiy, no emy predlojili raboty v VTT kak glavoi oxrani predlagaia $300,000 v god chto v polne prilichnaia symma dlia takoi raboti. Pervim dniom ego raboti bil imenno Sentabr 11 2001, i dniom ego gibeli koneshno. pochitaite podrobnee zdes' Ne dymaite li vi chto slishkom mnogo sovpadenii? Vriad li kakoi nibyd' bin laden smog ykrast' 4?(a mojet bol'she) samoliota iz Afghanskix gor, i potom terroristi vsegda beryt otvetstvennost' na sebia a bin laden vsegda otritsal. ne govoriy yje o tex glypix snimkax gde mol bin laden ytverjdaet shto on avtor 9/11, razmoznia BUSHA Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Forum Posted May 28, 2002 Author Report Share Posted May 28, 2002 bolee podrobnie detal'i yje po-tixon'ky vixodiatFBI memo's text tells frustration of Minnesota agents Los Angeles Times Published May 27, 2002WASHINGTON, D.C. -- FBI officials in Washington not only stymied an investigation into flight school student Zacarias Moussaoui before Sept. 11, but they also actively tried to stop field agents from connecting the suspected 20th hijacker to the terrorist attacks even after they occurred, a Minnesota field agent contends in a 13-page "whistle-blower" letter made public Sunday.Minneapolis FBI agent Coleen Rowley's scorching May 21 letter, which caused an uproar last week, was posted, virtually in full, by Time magazine on its Web site Sunday. With the memo's text made public, a fuller picture of Rowley's complaint has emerged.Rowley, general counsel in the Minneapolis field office, also charges in her letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller that intelligence on Moussaoui provided by the French government, which included information on his "activities connected with Osama bin Laden," was more than enough to obtain a special surveillance warrant to search Moussaoui's laptop computer in the weeks before the terrorist attacks.But requests for such a warrant were thwarted.FBI supervisors in Washington seemed so intent on ignoring Moussaoui, Rowley wrote, that some field agents jokingly speculated that officials at FBI headquarters "had to be spies or moles . . . who were actually working for Osama bin Laden to have so undercut Minneapolis' effort."Last August, FBI agents in Minnesota had become increasingly "desperate" to search the laptop and personal effects of the mysterious Frenchman of Moroccan descent, Rowley wrote. He had been detained on immigration violations after arousing suspicion at an Eagan flight school, where he was trying to learn how to fly an airliner.Moussaoui, 33, has since been indicted as an Al-Qaida operative and is the sole person charged with conspiracy in the Sept. 11 attacks. He faces the death penalty if convicted in a trial scheduled for later this year.Rowley sent her letter to Mueller and several congressional intelligence committee members.FBI officials said Sunday that the letter remains classified and that they would not comment on its contents. But it prompted an immediate and angry reaction on Capitol Hill, from Democrats and Republicans alike. Some said on the Sunday TV talk shows that it was further proof that the FBI needs an overhaul."It is . . . shocking," Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said of Rowley's letter during an appearance on CNN's "Late Edition." "And the only way, I believe, that we're going to get to the bottom of this thing is if we have a broad investigation with a blue-ribbon panel, but also if we release the documents now and hold people accountable."Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., said he would use the forthcoming hearings of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, of which he is chairman, to examine whether officials at FBI headquarters had removed information from the Minnesota agents' request for a warrant -- as Rowley contends -- out of concern that they were using "racial profiling."Rowley's detailed, often bitter comments raised a raft of fresh questions Sunday -- particularly her assertion that high-ranking FBI officials had sought to impede an investigation into Moussaoui after the attacks by "a delicate and subtle shading/skewing of facts" concerning mistakes they had made before Sept. 11.Rowley contends the FBI put Americans at further risk by failing to act quickly and aggressively enough to determine whether Moussaoui was part of the Sept. 11 conspiracy or of unrelated and yet-unlaunched terrorist attacks.Within days of Moussaoui's arrest on Aug. 15, FBI field agents in Minneapolis were convinced that he was a dangerous Islamic militant who had sought aviation training for terrorist acts. That belief stemmed from their investigation, as well as a wealth of information provided by the French intelligence service, Rowley said. Her reference to "activities connected to . . . Bin Laden" is the first indication that authorities had suspected Moussaoui of being linked to the alleged terrorist mastermind prior to Sept. 11.Despite those concerns, officials at FBI headquarters in Washington repeatedly quashed efforts to help the field agents secure a special warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which would have allowed them to run wiretaps and search Moussaoui's computer and personal effects, Rowley said.The request for such a warrant was denied Aug. 28. Minutes after two jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center, one of the FBI supervisors in Washington who was intimately involved in the Moussaoui case called Rowley on her cell phone. The "supervisory special agent" told her that "we were to do nothing in Minneapolis until we got [headquarters'] permission because we might 'screw up' something else going on elsewhere in the country," Rowley wrote. She did not name the supervisor."Even after the attacks had begun, [the supervisor] was still attempting to block the search of Moussaoui's computer, characterizing the World Trade Center attacks as a mere coincidence with Minneapolis' prior suspicions about Moussaoui," she wrote.Rowley criticized FBI officials for promoting the supervisor whom she blames for blowing the Moussaoui investigation.Ultimately, FBI officials did get a warrant to search Moussaoui's computer on Sept. 11, using the same information initially rejected by FBI supervisors as being insufficient in showing probable cause, Rowley said. They found a flight-simulation program, along with information about crop-dusters and other suspicious material.In her letter to Mueller, Rowley asserted her claim to the federal government's "whistle-blower protection" provisions, which prohibits any disciplinary or other retaliatory action while complaints are being investigated.Mueller, who took over the FBI a week before Sept. 11, is moving to greatly increase the intelligence capacity of the bureau by bringing aboard CIA analysts and by forging better ties to the CIA and other intelligence-gathering agencies. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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