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1. Представтьте, что вместо представителя ББС, что появляется с 2.27 минуты Президент некой упрямой страны А. :D

2. Вы верите в существование Машины Времени? Обратите внимание на интересное высовывание языка со стороны Бернара, это просто уникально! :lol3: Миссиз Хэкер просит оценить подаренный ей горшок граалья как можно дешевле, чтобы она оставила его дома. На заднем плане стоит ухмыляющийся человек - очень похожий на 'лучшего' Аравийского друга Армянского народа.

Edited by Sir Christopher
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Hacker: Don't tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers:

1. Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն, Երկիր, Свободомыслие` the Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country;

2. Առավոտ, Հայկական Ժամանակ, Ա1+, 4իշխ.` The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country;

3. ?` The Times is read by people who actually do run the country;

4. Голос Армении, Ազգ etc` the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country;

5. ?` the Financial Times is read by people who own the country;

6. Ամերիկայի Ձայնը Վաշինգտոնից, Интерфакс` The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country; and

7. :lol3: ` The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.

Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?

Bernard: Sun readers don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big tits.

Edited by Sir Christopher
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Уровни посвещения в гос служащие :lol3:


"В джайской мифологии ... Каждое племя Божеств членится на роды, в которых имеются: ... трайястришма ("33") высшие гос. служащие..." Мифологический словарь, Москва, "Советская Энциклопедия", заказ # 2324.

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Да, господин министр


Косность государственных институтов, всевластие чиновников, коррупция, подкуп, несовершенство машины управления — словом, все, что входит в понятие административно-бюрократической сис­темы, — не раз служили поводом для сатирического обличения, в частности в английской литературе.

Читатель, несомненно, помнит яркий политический памфлет о бюрократии Норткота Паркинсона «Закон Паркинсона», книгу Дэвида Фроста и Энтони Джея «Англия — с любовью», содержащую убийственную характеристику бюрократической машины, сатирический роман Кейта Уотерхауса «Конторские будни».

И вот — новый остросатирический памфлет Джонатана Линна и Энтони Джея «Да, господин министр».

Интересно, что вначале под тем же названием появился телевизионный сериал, а затем его сценарий лег в основу книги. Книга выходила частями в 1981 —1983 годах. За короткий срок она успела завоевать огром­ную популярность не только в Англии, но и в США, Канаде, Австралии, ряде других стран.

Секрет такого успеха кроется в личности авторов, хорошо известных в Англии.

Энтони Джей много лет работал на теле­видении, а затем целиком переключился на литературную дея­тельность.

Его перу принадлежит несколько документальных и публицистических книг.

Джонатан Линн — театральный актер и режиссер, автор многих телевизионных постановок.

Но главное, конечно, — в самом содержании книги, за вымышленными персо­нажами которой даже неанглийскому читателю легко узнать кон­кретных лиц, а за вымышленными ситуациями — реальные события политической жизни.

Читала, что эту блистательную сатиру жадно смотрела вся Британия во главе с Маргарет Тэтчер, которая признала, что политикам полезно смотреться в зеркало... ;)

Edited by Тереза
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Guest Sir Humphrey
Уровни посвещения в гос служащие :lol3:


"В джайской мифологии ... Каждое племя Божеств членится на роды, в которых имеются: ... трайястришма ("33") высшие гос. служащие..." Мифологический словарь, Москва, "Советская Энциклопедия", заказ # 2324.

Воистину "заказ # 2324." оставляет умопомрачительное впечатление, особенно для тех, кто осведомлен о смысле этих цифр. Порой задаешься вопросом 'как такое возможно' даже зная ответ на этот вопрос.

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Guest Sir Humphrey

Есть многое на свете друг Гораций, что и не снилось вашим мудрецам.

:lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

Yes, Prime Minister on stage


By Jasper Rees

Published: 5:27PM GMT 17 Feb 2010

If a week is a long time in politics, how long is 22 years in a sitcom? It's been a quarter of a century since Yes Prime Minister, the comedy formerly known as Yes Minister, graced our screens. You might have supposed that the Rt Hon Jim Hacker had long since chosen to spend more time with his family and pen his memoirs, while over brandies in his club Sir Humphrey Appleby would be deploring the rise of the spin doctor. But no, Whitehall's adversarial double act are about to make a dramatic return.

In the same month as the nation goes to the polls in May, Yes Prime Minister will take to the stage at Chichester Festival Theatre. The parts immortalized by Paul Eddington and Nigel Hawthorne between 1980 and 1988 will be taken by David Haig and Henry Goodman. It's been a while coming, explain the play's authors Jonathan Lynn and Sir Antony Jay.

"People have been asking us for years about writing a play," says Lynn, who is now 66. "We were always hesitant." A stage version was first mooted while the show was still on the air. "But the actors couldn't commit for long enough and we felt that no one else could really play it while they were around." A BBC film was also planned, but by then Eddington was suffering from cancer. He died in 1995.

Nigel Hawthorne, who made his name as the saturnine civil servant Sir Humphrey, followed in 2001. (Derek Fowlds is still around, but he's a bit too long in the tooth to play the downtrodden PPS Bernard Woolley.)

They stopped, says Jay, who is 69, because "we felt we'd said all we had to say. We'd done 38 episodes on different aspects of government and we were beginning to feel that we were going to start repeating ourselves."

He and Lynn have remained firm friends, but have not written together since Hawthorne uttered his last "Yes, Prime Minister" in 1988. Lynn went to live and work in Los Angeles. The comedies he has directed include Nuns on the Run, My Cousin Vinny and The Whole Nine Yards. His latest is Wild Target, starring Bill Nighy as a hitman who falls in love with his Target, is out shortly. "Six thousand miles is quite a long way to go for coffee," says Jay, who lives in Somerset and hasn't written much since. His knighthood is for services not to comedy but for producing the Queen's annual Christmas addresses.

So what prompted them finally to have another go? "We didn't know that we'd missed it," says Lynn. "We both moved on and then last year for no reason that I could think we just thought, maybe this would be fun." If MPs' expenses had something to do with it, they are not saying. But for a comedy that was first conceived when James Callaghan was Prime Minister, isn't there a danger that simply too much water has flowed under the bridge? Since 1988 we've had Alastair Campbell and the show invariably perceived as Yes, Minister's foul-mouthed bastard child, The Thick of It.

Though they both love The Thick Of It, they believe Yes, Prime Minister is doing something slightly different. "Armando [iannucci] is a social and political reformer," says Jay. "We're more entertainers." "The Thick of It is about politics a bit more than it's about government," adds Lynn, who also is dismissive of the notion that the undue influence of the special adviser is a new phenomenon.

"These things go in cycles. Mrs Thatcher was alleged to have politicised the Civil Service. Nobody denied it of course, and why would they? It's their job to make the government feel supported. It wasn't very long before everybody was saying the Civil Service was wilting under New Labour special advisers. What happens is the Civil Service absorbs whatever the new government wants to go, but that government goes and the Civil Service is still there. And so our conclusion is nothing has really changed."

The other thing that won't have changed is the situation. The comedy of Yes, Minister resided in an age-old inversion beloved of comedic writers from Moliere to Wodehouse, in which the servant is cleverer than the master. Jay and Lynn brilliantly applied that relationship to the corridors of power.

"Our area of operation is the underlying conflicts and rivalries between elected representatives and permanent officials," says Jay. "The people who have the permanence have the power but the ones with the elected office have the theoretical authority. It's exactly the same as when we started at a profound level." It helps too that they never tried to be topical the first time round.

"But because we had very good sources we would know about things before they came to light," says Lynn, "and sometimes we would write our script a year ahead that would seem to be more relevant when they were broadcast because we'd done the right research." It was out of fear of events overtaking them that they never did an episode on Northern Ireland, which cast such a long shadow over the 1980s, despite that fact that they found the Troubles intrinsically comic. "The joke about Northern Ireland was that nobody wanted it and everyone was fighting over it," says Lynn. "However, we didn't do it because if a bomb had gone off and people had been killed just before the show went on air it would be so unfunny."

So we can safely assume that the PM's return to high office will not involve British troops in distant wars on terror. More than that, neither writer is prepared to divulge much. "It is about a disastrous 48 hours in the life of the Prime Minister," says Lynn. If precedent is anything to go by, we can also assume that concessions will be made, deals struck and a compromise reached to dig Haig's Hacker out of a hole. And that Goodman's final line will be "Yes, Prime Minister". It's hard to believe that expenses won't be mentioned. But whatever the plotline, after 22 years off Jay and Lynn will be just as well informed as they were in the Thatcher years. Why? "Because politicians will tell essentially anything," explains Lynn, "if you give them a nice lunch and a bottle of good claret."

  • Yes, Prime Minister runs May 13 to June 5 as part of this year's Chichester Festival. Details: 01243 781312 or www.cft.org.uk

Фото одного из упомянутых актеров из другого кинофильма. What goes on? :blink: :huh: :( :angry:


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