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Guest arabaliozian

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Guest arabaliozian
ENEMIESWhenever a reader recognizes himself in my writings I acquired another enemy for life..PROJECTIONSThe problem with reading fiction is that pretty soon you end up thinking of yourself as the central character of an unwritten story; and just because you have read DON QUIXOTE or MADAME BOVARY, you think you are immune. But even Flaubert was not immune ("Bovary, c’est moi" ). And remember Marlon Brando’s often quoted complaint: "He wants to be like me..RELAXContradict yourself and you are bound to be rightif not in your assertion than in your contradiction. And consider the alternative: Early one day when you are seventy or eighty you wake up to discover you have been wrong all your life not out of pride or ignorance or prejudice or stubbornness but something infinitely more ridiculous: love of consistency..THE PROSTITUTION OF ARMENIAN LITERATUREAn Armenian writer’s central concern today: what to write in order to enjoy the support of our bosses, bishops and benefactors.____
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