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Hayer !

Mer tshnaminer@ Hayots Patmutyun@ keghtselu ev irents hamar patmutyun

horinelu mi nor dzev en gtel. I hayt en ekel mi sharq azeri "gitnakanner",

voronq porzdum en "apatsutsel" te ibr hayer@ armenner@ chen, isk Hayasta-

n@, voch mi kap chuni Armeniayi het. Avelin, nranq aynqan en lktiatsel, vor

pordzum en "apatsutsel", te ibr armenner@ eghel en turq, ev kochvel en "er-

meniler", isk hay kochvogh tsegh@ ekel e I hazaramyakum Balkannerits.Dra-

nov nranq pastoren irents en veragrum ayn amboghj hskayakan patma-

kan teghekutyunner@, vor hasel en armen azgi ev Armenia erkri masin, huyn el hromeatsi patmichneri koghmits.

Sa arden lktiutyan gergagatnaketn e ... :angry:

inch anel vor ays amen@ pataskhan stana ?

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Sa shat lurj harca. Mer harevaner@ lav en jokel, vor xosq@ (kap chuni te himnavorvac e te voch) aveli mec azdecutyun uni qan ayl nergorcutyan miijocner@ iranq asum en ''grich@ tric sura ktrum'' - menq karanq menak mi ban anel - inqners racional pastarkumic ancnel qarozchakanutyan dasht u entex nuin erand@ drsevorel.

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Vochinchel petq chi anel qan hamberel,

Inchpes balkanneri arhestakan petujun jugoslavian Titoi mahvanic 10 tari heto qajqajvec u nahetacav, ajdpes el adrbejanakan petujun kochvacn kanhetana.

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