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Most of computer crimes in the banking sphere of Armenia are committed through the Internet, Olga Safaryan, legal expert of "Internews" told during seminar "Legal Field of Information Technologies and Their Correspondence to European Standards".

She said that these crimes are not solved in Armenia, like anywhere in the world, because banks try to avoid announcing such information; they fear to incur reputation damage. Olga Safaryan informed that these crimes haven't been prosecuted yet hence they have no special organization to fight computer crimes in Armenia.

"In my report I suggest, on the analogy of other CIS countries, to create a department to control computer crimes. At the moment, it is still not clear who will investigate these crimes if they occur, and therefore there are no statistics," she said. Besides, Safaryan noted that August 1, 2003 a new Criminal Code of Republic of Armenia came into force, where chapter 24 that consists of 7 articles is fully devoted to computer crimes. The worst crime is the one committed through negligence, causing of harm to health or other grave consequences. It is provided for by article 254, part 4, to establish 6 through 12 years jail for illegal access to computer information. "However, this article does not define grave consequences that may lead to problems applying it", she said.

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statyu ya ne prochital... Stolko vsego po-angliyski v lom...

No ne dumal, chto 2 etih slova sovmestimi :)

Prochitav tvoi soobsheniya Armen jan, ya zametil chto u tebya ne takoe uj xoroshoe mnenie ob Armyan i Armenii. Ne tak li ? Ot chego eto ?

Mojet ty ne verish v vozmojnastyax ( intelektual'nyx i fizicheskix ) Armyan ?

Kstati, ya slishal chto segodnya v Armenii mnogo karderov.. :victory:

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Kstati, ya slishal chto segodnya v Armenii mnogo karderov.. :victory:

одного я лично знаю, очень крутой хакер-кардер :)

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Net, ti chto... ne v etom delo! Ti obvinyaesh menya v nepotriotichnoksti? neeeeet !!!

Ya gorjus nashey naciey ne menshe tebya,,, I ne somnevayus v nashih intellektualnih vozmojnostyah!

No ya prosto ranshe nigde ne slishal eto slovosochetanie, hotya ne malo znayu v etoy oblasti. Karding - drugoe delo! Zdes bolshe nujni kachestva biznesmena, chem hakera.

Ya ne govoril o nacii, ya imel vvidu vozmojnosti v Armenii...

Ya pomnyu hotel kupit v Erevane jurnal "Xakep", tak mne sakazali, chto nado zakazivat, i pridet on mesyaca cherez 2 :/

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Net, ti chto... ne v etom delo! Ti obvinyaesh menya v nepotriotichnoksti? neeeeet !!!

Ya gorjus nashey naciey ne menshe tebya,,, I ne somnevayus v nashih intellektualnih vozmojnostyah!

No ya prosto ranshe nigde ne slishal eto slovosochetanie, hotya ne malo znayu v etoy oblasti. Karding - drugoe delo! Zdes bolshe nujni kachestva biznesmena, chem hakera.

Ya ne govoril o nacii, ya imel vvidu vozmojnosti v Armenii...

Ya pomnyu hotel kupit v Erevane jurnal "Xakep", tak mne sakazali, chto nado zakazivat, i pridet on mesyaca cherez 2 :/

Ok axper jan. Chei el kaskacum :victory: , bayc et vortex es harcrel et Xaker jurnal@. Indz tvuma Kentronum hastat ktsaxen .

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одного я лично знаю, очень крутой хакер-кардер :)

A nu ka po podrobnei' pojaluista ot-tuda !

Chto on delaet i kak zarabatyvaet :brows:

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Lazar ti che iz upravleniya "R" ? :flower:

Neaah, ya iz B :up:

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Yes inqs carder em yev shat hajeli kliner &anotanal Hay carderneri het, der minch aysor &anotacel em @ndamen@ 1 Hay lammer carderi het vorin sovoracnelov vorosh gaxniqner.

yete kan carderner voronq cankutyun unen ashxatel ayt uxutyamb indz het xndrum em greq indz ICQ # 249549827!

cankali kliner carderner@ linen Evropaic yev chapahas!

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Yes inqs carder em yev shat hajeli kliner &anotanal Hay carderneri het, der minch aysor &anotacel em @ndamen@ 1 Hay lammer carderi het vorin sovoracnelov vorosh gaxniqner.

yete kan carderner voronq cankutyun unen ashxatel ayt uxutyamb indz het xndrum em greq indz ICQ # 249549827!

cankali kliner carderner@ linen Evropaic yev chapahas!

Barev aper, es Belgiaic em, asem vor konkret karder chem, bayc Komp@ kqandem u khavaqem. :victory: Ete petq lini ognutyun, apa patrsatem ajagcel qo gorcin. PMov gri indz, aveli lava.

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"...cankali kliner carderner@ linen Evropaic yev chapahas! "


Isk Mozambikic chi kareli ? :D :brows:

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Aper, karder linel@ el dzernatu ban chi hima, es aveli lav mijocner gitem pox ashxatelu internetum :brows:

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