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Guest arabaliozian

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Guest arabaliozian

ODIAN***********************It is such a pity that Armenians who are qualified to run the Homeland waste most of their time chattering on the internet.*If you are crucified and rise on the third day, you are sure to run across an Armenian who will say, "So why didn't you rise on the second day?"*Arpiar Arpiarian: "Armenians excel in staging splendid funerals."*If you want to read about Armenian terrorists terrorizing Armenians, Armenian assassins assassinating Armenians, Armenian informers spying on Armenians and reporting to the Ottoman police, and Armenian embezzlers pocketing funds collected for victims of Turkish massacres, read Yervant Odian’s TWELVE YEARS OUTSIDE CONSTANTINOPLE: PERSONALMEMOIRS -- 1896-1908 (Istanbul, 1922).*What happened to the children and grandchildren of these terrorists, assassins, spies and embezzlers? I suspect they are the very same Armenians who pretend to foam at the mouth whenever anyone assumes a critical stance. That’s their way of overcompensating or expiating the sins of their fathers and grandfathers.*Before being condemned to death French collaborators like Petain (a hero of World War I) and Laval pleaded not guilty on grounds of patriotism. Their line of reasoning: they had collaborating with the Nazis out of love of their homeland. If they had not collaborated, the fate of France would have been much worse.*Not being honest is one thing, but hating those who dare to be honest is a sure symptom of fear.*Again and again I am reminded that our shortcomings are universal. Yes, of course they are. But we are also losers who pretend to be morally and intellectually superior.

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