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Aseliq (en inch vor uzum es asel, haskacnel)
Azeri Student at American Univ. In Bulgaria Threatens ArmeniansBy Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier http://groong.usc.edu/news/msg88068.htmlJust when Armenians were recovering from the shocking murder of anArmenian officer who was hacked to death by an Azeri classmate in aNATO Partnership for Peace program (how ironic?) in Budapest, Hungaryon February 19, an Azeri in Bulgaria makes vicious and racist threatsagainst Armenians. Rauf Zeynalov, an Azeri student at the American University in Bulgaria(AUBG), sent on April 30th a very vicious and obscene hate mail toKaren Vrtanesyan, the web master of www.armenianhouse.org, in responseto an article condemning the murder by Ramil Safarov of an Armenianofficer in Hungary. In order to spare our readers' sensibilities, Ihave deleted the crude four-letter words used by Zeynalov in thefollowing e-mail: "Bitch, I have seen ur (sic) some inventions (sic) in thearmenianhouse.org forum for Ramil Safarov. I wanna (sic) say thatRamil … [expletive deleted] that bitch armenian (sic) guy in Hungaryand belive (sic) me that we, all azeris (sic) will … [expletivedeleted] ur (sic) and all armenians (sic) mom. Actually, it was ur(sic) mom who was shouting last night in the bed of one of azeris(sic). And me (sic) … [expletive deleted] ur (sic) sister:::::::)))))) (sic). She was really cool (sic). With the wish of …[expletive deleted] all armenians (sic). By the way we are not gays,so for sure we will … [expletive deleted] girls and women coming to u(sic), u (sic) will be … [expletive deleted] in other ways … [expletivedeleted] u (sic) !!!" Vrtanesyan informed the officials of the American University inBulgaria on May 17 about the hate mail sent by one of their students,Rauf Zeynalov, using the university's e-mail system. Vrtanesyan sentto the University a copy of Zeynalov's obscene and threatening e-mail. David C. Durst, the Interim Chief Academic Officer at the American University in Bulgaria, immediately responded to Vrtanesyan by saying:"I have received your letter. This is a serious allegation and I haveopened an investigation of the case." Four days later, on May 21, Durst sent the following e-mail toVrtanesyan: "I write to inform you of the action the AUBGAdministration has taken in response to the serious threats andoffensive language the AUBG student Rauf Zeynalov used in violation ofAUBG's written rules governing the use of e-mail on campus. Rauf Zeynalov will not be attending theuniversity during the fall semester, and before he will be allowed toreturn to AUBG he will be required to convince the UniversityAdministration to its satisfaction that he understands the severity ofhis misguided action and that he will maintain respect for and workcooperatively with others of different backgrounds and opinions uponreturn to the University." Karen Vrtanesyan should be commended for bringing the offensive e-mailof this Azeri hate monger to the immediate attention of the AmericanUniversity in Bulgaria. David Durst and the officials of AUBG shouldalso be commended for their prompt action. Readers should write to David Durst ([email protected]) suggesting thatthe Azeri student should be expelled from the University rather thanbeing suspended just for one semester. Letters should also be sent tothe Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute in Bulgaria([email protected]) urging them to rescind the scholarship they had awardedto Rauf Zeynalov for the full cost of his educational expenses towardsa Bachelor Degree at the American University in Bulgaria.http://groong.usc.edu/news/msg88068.html
Please take a moment and go to the site below to vote! It takes 2 seconds to log-in, scroll to Sarine Balian, listen, and vote! http://www.jazzconnect.com/competition/2004/index.htm
Interesting article form A1 Plus News agency. It seems the Americans have resorted to poisining Armenians. --------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 Plus | 22:08:28 | 03-05-2004 | Social | WARNING: POISONOUS COFFEE After careful examination of coffee abundant in Armenian market, PR Association reported the most popular kinds of ground coffee, especially those containing prizes in packs to attract consumers, such as Fero, Cardinal, Premier, Maxwell and Super Argo, have poisonous elements - cadmium and copper - in their composition. Professor Ojugaryan said at today's news conference cadmium amount exceeded the allowed norm 10-15 %. In his words, cadmium is reckoned among the first-degree-risk metals and lead to cancer, infertility toxic disorders etc. Experts found also great amount of starch, pea and other legumes in coffee.
Вообще то было много мероприятии в Париже, начиная с 23-ого. Мер города организавал (как каждый год) прием в Мерии. Потом патараг в армянских церьквах и в Нотр Дам де Пари. Но самое главное, это марш с памятника Комитаса к турецкомы посольству. Было много много народу. Вот и фотографии.
Как будет по русский “аствац hогин лусавори”??
Idaho 33rd State to Affirm Genocide Armenian National Committee of Idaho 2414 Brumback Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 * Email: [email protected] PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release ~ April 21, 2004 Contact: Rafael Saakyan ~ (208) 484-4363 IDAHO GOVERNOR ISSUES PROCLAMATION COMMEMORATING THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE BOISE, ID – Idaho became the 33rd U.S. state to recognize the Armenian Genocide this week, as Republican Governor Dirk Kempthorne, Chairman of the National Governors Association, issued a proclamation citing April 24th "Idaho Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923," reported the Armenian National Committee of Idaho (ANC- Idaho) The proclamation begins noting that "one and one-half-million Christian Armenian men, women, and children were the victims of a brutal genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Government from 1915-1923." It goes on to cite the importance of commemorating this crime against humanity as a way of "guarding against the repetition of future genocides and educating people about the atrocities connected to these horrific crimes." The complete text of the Governor's proclamation is provided below. The gubernatorial proclamation closely follows a resolution unanimously adopted by the Senate of the Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) recognizing the Armenian Genocide and condemning efforts to rewrite history. Senate Resolution 13 notes that the genocide "has resulted in the elimination of the Armenian people from their historic homeland of over 3000 years through the criminal loss of property and life." The resolution "commemorates the Armenian Genocide and condemns those attempts made by governments as well as other entities, both public and private, to distort the historical reality and legal relevance of the Armenian Genocide to the descendants of its survivors and humanity as a whole." Upon hearing the news of the Governor's proclamation, David Morriss, President of the ASBSU, commented: "I think it's fantastic that the Governor not only recognizes the importance of bringing this information to light, but also stands behind efforts to educate the public about the Armenian Genocide". Chairman of ANC-Idaho, Rafael Saakyan, commended Governor Kempthorne on his "commitment to advancing human rights issues in the state of Idaho and for joining the Armenian community across this great state in sustaining the flame of remembrance for the victims of the Armenian Genocide." Saakyan then urged the Idaho Congressional delegation to "ensure that their state's views are well represented through their support for the adoption of the Genocide resolution in the House and Senate." Rebecca Kun, communications director for ANC-Idaho, worked closely with the ANC-Idaho team to collect close to 600 signatures for the proclamation request. "This was a marathon process -- we collected 594 signatures in 2 ½ weeks in order to get our proclamation request submitted in time to meet the April 24th deadline we set for ourselves. With this proclamation and the Boise State initiative it is clear that the Armenian community, working together, can make a real difference." Ms. Kun continued, stating "as a first generation holocaust survivor, I understand the importance of bringing these events to light. Having this proclamation signed by both the State of Idaho and Boise State University is the first step to correct the dissemination of lies that has been perpetuated for the last 89 years." Massachusetts State Republican Committee man Bob Semonian of Watertown, MA helped the ANC-Idaho bring their concerns to the attention of the Governor's office. Semonian discussed the importance of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide with Gov. Kempthorne directly at the recent National Governor's Association (NGA) meeting in Washington, DC. The Idaho proclamation follows an earlier letter of recognition issued by Montana's Republican Governor Judith Martz in late March. Jamestown North Dakota Mayor Charles Kourajian issued a city proclamation honoring the victims of the Armenian Genocide last week. ##### ------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of the Idaho Proclamation Commemorating the Armenian Genocide ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Office of the Governor Proclamation Executive Department State of Idaho State Capitol Boise WHEREAS, one and one-half-million Christian Armenian men, women, and children were victims of a brutal genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Government from 1915-1923; and WHEREAS, the Armenian genocide and massacres of Armenian people have been recognized as an attempt to eliminate all traces of a thriving and noble civilization over 3,000 years old; and WHEREAS, recognition of the eighty-ninth anniversary of this genocide is crucial to guarding against the repetition of future genocide and educating people about the atrocities connected to these horrific events; and WHEREAS, Armenian-Americans living in Idaho have greatly enriched our state through their leadership in business, agriculture, academia, government and the arts; NOW, THEREFORE I, DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Governor of the State of Idaho, do hereby proclaim April 24, 2004, to be IDAHO DAY OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE OF 1915-1923 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Idaho at the Capitol in Boise on this twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord two-thousand and four and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred twenty-eighth and of the Statehood of Idaho the one hundred fourteenth. [signature] DIRK KEMPTHORNE GOVERNOR [signature] BEN YSURSA SECRETARY OF STATE http://anca.org/anca/pressrel.asp?prID=558
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Дохтур, есть ли программа транслита на арм. и рус. языки, не online а чтобы поставить на компьютер??? S dexamijoc, of course ; )
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У кого есть фотографии микроминятур этого выдающего артиста?
В результате оперативной деятельности была выявлена организованная преступная группа, которая занималась вывозом за границу младенцев. В ближайшее время материалы по данному факту будут переданы в органы МВД и прокуратуры для дальнейшего расследования. Об этом в беседе с журналистами сообщил глава МHБ Hамик Аббасов. Он не уточнил, из кого именно состояла эта преступная группа, заявив лишь, что эти люди вывозили за рубеж, якобы, больных детей. Согласно оперативным данным, детей использовали для трансплантации органов. Однако он отказался назвать страны, куда вывозились дети, и сколько таких случаев было зафиксировано, сославшись на тайну следствия. Аббасов признал, что проблема траффикинга в Азербайджане существует и предпринимаются меры по усилению борьбы с этим явлением, сообщает корреспондент ИА REGNUM. http://www.regnum.ru/allnews/219418.html
Парижское метро