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Status Updates posted by Ani

  1. Ani

    Armen, yes, I definitely do have an ICQ #, but, to be honest, I don't use it. I just added you on my friendlist, see if I can catch you online, and we'll see what are the interesting topics. Thank you for your opinion and support about my artwork! Cheers!

  2. Ani

    Eli jan , Poprobui napisat 7 postov. Dumayu prichina oshibki ne "prosto" prichina , a u vsex novichkov toje samoye do 7 postov. Potom mojesh otkrit temi, napisat v lichku i.t.d. ...

  3. Ani

    Welcome back!!!

  4. Первый коммент от меня . Гляни , уверена понравится :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqKF7RG3O_A

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