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Posts posted by Dashnaktsakan

  1. Многоуважаемый и любимый нашим народом Кирк Киркорян теперь 31-ый в мире и его состояние оценивается в 15 миллиардов долларов:


    По версии журнала Time Кирк входит в 20-ку самых щедрых в мире филантропов и ежегодно помагает как Армении так и армянам диаспоры. На благотваритаельность он уже потратил более 550 миллионов долларов.

    В этом году ему исполняется 90 лет! Здоровья Вам, дорогой Кирк!!!


  2. вообще надо идею снять фильм о Геноциде Мелу Гибсону подкинуть. он как христианин отнесется к этому с особым интересом. ну а если снимет фильм, то хорошенько раскрутит, так как он смог раскрутить Страсти Христовы не в угоду евреем. нужно вопли турков использовать при раскрутке фильма. а ишаки они еще те.

  3. NORMAL"NIY konechno net!!!!!

    ya prosto xotela podcherknut' chto bivayet kogda ne pobeg kogda na samom dele kradut protiv voli ... moya podruga dolgo otxodila ot vsego etogo, YESTESTVENNO ne vishla zamuzh za etogo ideota ... :angry:

    Если таковые имеются, то их нужно казнить публично, чтобы был пример для остальных, ибо только животное может так поиздеваться над невинной девушкой.

  4. Na drugix stranitsax vi devochki obsuzhdali neodakratno chto Arm devochka dolzhna byt devstvennetsoy itd itp... nu vot, kradut ...nasiluyut ... a mentalitet takoy chto "kto menya takuyu eschyo vozm'yot za muzh", ne chasto zhe vstrechayutsa narmal'niye Arm mal'chiki kotorie mogut eto ponyat'...vot i ne ostayotsa nichego bednoy devochke kak smeritsa so svoey sud'boy....

    grustno eto...

    drugoe delo yesli sama ubezhala ot raditeley... tozhe po moemu marazm no xot' po svoey vole...

    То что девушка должна хранить себя до свадьбы это понятно... но я лично не верю, что нормальный мужчина способен износиловать девушку, чтобы лишить её чести в целях женить её на себе. Как такое можно по отношению к своей будущей жене и тем более матери детей своих? Бред всё это. Типичный побег.

    Одного не понимаю... с чего это вдруг эта история вызвала внимание у местных СМИ когда такое явление сплошь и рядом.

  5. поверьте, парни далеко не лучше девушек, но с девушек всегда был и будет особый спрос, ведь веками именно девушка была символом чистоты, нравственности. Именно женщина дает жизнь и именно ей расти и воспитывать следующее поколение. Поэтому с Вас всегда особый спрос. :) Это комплимент Вам, ведь на Вас держится нация, а это отдельный повод для гордости. :)

  6. :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:

    у меня появилось непреодолимое желание обсудить МУЖЧИН.... безусловно АРМЯНСКИХ.... итак.. ну-ка? :brows: значит, до свадьбы обнимаете только подушку и плюшевого мишку??

    а боятся поцеловать целованого человека - это паранойя... болезнь из разряда фобий ;)

    Обсудить парней можно в другой теме, но речь не об этом. Речь идёт об общем состоянии общества. Были времена парни тоже воспитывались подобающим армянским устоям образом, а сейчас и наркоманят и пьют и на девушек дешевых молятся, что просто унизительно для настоящего мужчины.

  7. нет, не должна, но нынешняя молодежь, а в частности девушки поцелуи уже считают нормальным явлением. завтра начнет считать секс до брака тоже нормальным. ну а после завтра и секс вне брака, т.е. на стороне. прогресс товарищи, прогресс.

    должен отметить, что в Армении (естественно кроме Еревана), по большому счету поцелуи считаются неприемлемым явлением. ребят, которые никогда бы близко не подошли к девушке (я уже не говорю о том, чтобы женились) зная что её кто-то целовал, знаю не мало. я думаю мало кто в восторге от мысли, что её девушку кто-то целовал и обнимал.

    понимаю есть извращенцы которым наплевать даже на то спала ли девушка с кем-то до него. но это уже личные проблемы того или иного человека.

  8. Ничего хорошего. Первостепенная роль женщины - это формирование здоровой семьи. Без этого не будет ни демократического, ни какого сообщества. На западе делают акцент на то, что женщина должна быть независима, сама устривать свою жизнь и т.д. Плод такого мышления мы видим наглядно. Европейские страны гниют под шквалом аморальности, не воспроизводятся, а их страны заселяются азиатами. Поэтому ничего хорошего в этом не вижу. Женщина это в первую очередь мать.

  9. Благодарю Глена за эту информацию!

    Я бы хотел, чтобы каждый армянский мужчина с верой и духом жил, так как наши предки. С верой в Бога и честю доблестного воина нам не могут быть страшны любые преграды! И один воин будет ровняться 10-ю вражеским!

    Так будем сами такими же и будем воспитывать наших детей в таком духе во благо Армении, во благо нашего общего будущего!

  10. ребята, вы чего? мы их уже давно простили!

    чего хотят армяне? признания!

    хотим мы мести? то есть истребить 1.5 миллиона турков? нет!

    значит - простили!

    а забыть мы никогда не сможем и никогда не должны!

    АСАЛА уничтожало турков и они имели на это полное моральное право... закон око за око Иисус не отменял, а значит "дети отвечают за грехи родителей", но мы остановили акцию возмездия еще в конце 80-х. Лично я считаю, что надо истреблять каждого турка, который против признания, особенно официальных лиц, которые являются ярыми противниками признания Геноцида.

    Но времена уже не те, припишут нас к террористам и последствия будут не совсем приятными, так что будем действовать на информационном фронте.

    Простить значит отказаться от мести

    Простить не значит забыть.

    Если мы забудем, то грош цена нам! Этого мы не можем и не сделаем, а тот кто попытается забыть тот является предателем своих же предков... а такие не имеют право на существование!

  11. Вот текст на английском:



    A year ago, at the regular anniversary of the Armenian massacre in the Azerbaijan city Sumgait, Geydar Aliev published an edict on recognizing March 31 as the day of "the genocide of the Azerbaijan nation" on the part of Armenians in 1918 in Baku.

    In late February this year it was announced that Azerbaijan was going to apply to the International Court in the Hague with documents accusing Armenia in "mass annihilation of the Azerbaijani population" in February 1992 in Khojalu.

    Consistency, purposeful behavior and perseverance of the Azerbaijani strategists cannot but elicit admiration. Meanwhile, this consistency and careful consideration of the strategic purposes contains the answer to the probable question: "Why now 7 years past, the question is again raised on the events in Khojalu, that had been formerly covered in profusion?" Conversely, the evidence of guilt on the part of the Azerbaijani side itself seemed quite substantiated. When however, we deal with strategy, the A zerbaijani politicians are guided by one criterion. efficiency, showing themselves as worthy disciples of the Turks.

    The purpose is to present Armenians as hangmen

    Armenians have consistently accused Turkey in genocide at the beginning of the century, and gained a stable image of a sacrifice-nation. In response, Turkey not only denies the fact of genocide but rather accuses the Armenians themselves in arranging the massacre of both themselves and the Turks. In the course of the next stage of the Armenian Genocide, this time by the end of the century, the same tactical device is applied: let us remember the allegation t hat Armenians "had arranged the Sumgait themselves". The edict by Aliev, doesn't it fit perfectly into the logical chain, along with his intention to go to the International court? The purpose is set: to present Armenians as hangmen, organizers and perpetrators of the "genocide", and for its attainment all means are good. For this sake, true, it is worth while to do image making with regards to the Armenians! And the time is good, too: the pendulum of th e Karabakh process can perhaps go over to the Armeni an side, so the need is to inflict a preventive blow. The events of 1918 in Baku (how could the Armenian minority arrange a "genocide" of the Azerbaijanis), as well as in 1992 in Khojalu, that had themselves become the aftermath of political struggle and dirty intrigues, until today still remain in the same quality.

    The almost 70-year-old March tragedy in Baku that had taken away 5248 Armenian lives, to say nothing of the scores of thousands of refugee s, hostages, those lost without a trace, maimed and mutilated, can be a subject of a separate historical excursion. However, Khojalu is our days, it is still fresh in the memory, so that to revive it is quite easy, although the efforts of the Azerbaijanis to blatantly distort the truth are primarily designed at the amnesic effect.

    The shadows of the humanitarian passage

    The Autumn of 91 saw the start of the war by Azerbaijan against the population of Nagorno Karabakh. Do we have to remind of the nightmare winter of 91-92 that the Karabakh population survived under continuous shelling, in hunger, cold, darkness and constant danger? Do we have to say that the only outcome for the Kharabakh Armenians was self-defense? Khojalu was only a regular military operation, although not an ordinary one; located here was the only one airport in Kharabakh, moreover, beside Shooshi and Agdam, that city was converted into a mighty fortress packed with ammunition and military equipment.

    The armed forces of Kharabakh, then only newly emerging, acted in full compliance with the civilized practice of warfare (if applicable): they warned beforehand of the forthcoming military operation leaving a so-called humanitarian passage for the evacuation of the peaceful population. In compliance with the same rules, the Karabahians disconnected gas and electri city in Khojalu one day in advance. The operation started on the night of February the 25-26.

    The subsequently deployed extensive propaganda campaign on "mass annihilation of the peaceful population by the Armenian "commandos" was accompanied by showing the soul-chilling close-ups with mutilated corpses. The Azerbaijani newspapers were trumpeting on the Armenians taking revenge on "sumgait". However, questions arose almost at once.

    The witness for the prosecution murdered near Agdam

    The first to doubt was Jana MAZALOVA, a Czech journalist who came to be included in both groups of foreign media correspondents that were shown the bodies at two different times. Mazalova noticed a substantial difference in the conditions of the bodies immediately following the events - with no traces of atrocities, and a couple of days later, when the bodies were carefully prepared for filming. The journalist then publicly voiced her doubts that were lat er confirmed by the expertise.

    And if the evidence by Jana Mazalova are widely known, here is the less known fact which is nonetheless eloquent. Chingiz MUSTAFAIV did the video filming twice: on February 28 and March 2, 1992. The film shows that by the time of the second filming some bodies were defiled. Meanwhile, that happened on the territory fully controlled by the Popular Front (rather than the authorities of Azerbaijan, which is very important) until the Summer of 92. Heavy with doubt, Mustafaev s tarted his own independent journalistic investigation. However, after the first message to the Moscow agency "D-press" on the possible implication of the Azerbaijani side to the crime against the peaceful residents of Khojalu, the operator was killed near Agdam under circumstances unclear until now.

    What then was it that really happened at Khojalu? The answer is unambiguous: a crime against their own people resulting in a tragic death of civilians, the most helpless, who could not have left the city. That is corroborated not only by the enigmatic death of the Azerbaijani journalist, but also by the controversial character of the information spread in Baku in those days, as well as by the interior political situation in that country, and the mutual accusations of the Azerbaijani politicians each saying a half-truth, thus creating the whole picture. That is also confirmed by the surviving Khojalu residents themselves.

    The pre-election team of Elchibay included 1915 persons

    By early 92 in Azerbaijan was a critical political situation: the Popular Front of Azerbaijan that had by that time become renowned for its "heroism" in staging mass murders of Armenians, had been bickering for power. It is appropriate to refer to a blood-curdling fact, that does not seem to have been mentioned hitherto: according to documents, the pre-election campaign of Elchibay for the presidential election engaged exactly 1915 perso ns. (As to the Armenian Revolutionary Movement, it had been dreaming about the Azerbaijani "democrats" coming to power, with whom it definitely promised to come to an agreement.)

    The situation was exacerbated by the fact that the Az. Popular Front had seized power at all locations and practically controlled the Armed Forces. And only the central authority remained unattainable: standing at the head of the Republic was Moscow-supported A. Mutalibov. Thus, both sides desperately needed the last crucia l blow, to resolve the situation in their favor. Khojalu was most befitting, the bloodshed was needed by both sides: the Popular Front of Azerbaijan - to accuse the authorities of treachery and topple Mutalibov, the latter - as a pretext to ask for aid and support from Moscow to knock over the opposition.

    Evidence from a thick dossier file

    Ex-President Mutalibov: "I do not think that the Armenians, who handled similar situation very accurately and competently, could have allowed the Azerbaijanis to obtain the documents exposing their nazi-type activities. It could be assumed that someone is interested to show those close-ups at the Session and to focus everything upon my person".

    Indicating that the Armenian side had left a passage for civilians, Mutalibov goes on: "Why then should they have shot them? Al l the more so, on the territory near Agdam, where enough force had been gathered by that time to enter and to help the people. Or simply to arrange for the civilians to leave. That was common practice all the time" ("Nezavisimaya Gazeta", 02.04.1992).

    Rustam GADJIEV, Member of the Board, the Agdam Section of the Popular Front of Azerbaijian: "We could have helped the Khojalu residents, we had both the forces and the capabilities. But the Republi c's leaders wanted to show the nation that they had no forc e and again ask help from the CIS Army, so as to suppress the opposition at the same time" ("Izvestia", April 1992).

    Elman MAMEDOV, Mayer of Khojalu: "Following the news on the forthcoming operation to capture the city, I requested Agdam to send helicopters to evacuate the elderly, women and children. We were reassured: we shall launch the operation to break the blockade tomorrow. The help never came" ("Megapolice-express", #17, 1992).

    Tamerlan KARAEV, Chair of the Supreme Soviet, the Republic of Azerbai jan: "As soon as it became known that Khojalu was to be assaulted, I, as the Chair of the Supreme Soviet, appealed to the President, to the Interior, asking to take the necessary measures. Every 2 - 3 hours I was reassured that the helicopters had left Baku and were just about to reach Agdam" ("The Mirror", 09.04.1992).

    One could cite many more excerpts, one could and should note the article by Arif Yunusov in the "Megapolice-Express", providing a more or le ss realistic tracing of events, and, what is mo st important, there is a map there marking the "humanitarian passage" left by the Armenians. However, to sum up, to be noted are two crucial factors which were then confirmed by the Azeri side: one, that the action was recognized as a military operation within the ongoing combat activities in Kharabakh (using the term: "capture of Khojalu"), and, two, that Armenia was not mentioned at all, the article dealt only with the Kharabakh forces. The expression "A rmenian Expeditionary Forces" came about later, when the allegations directed at Armenia as a state had acquired a character of a clear and consistent policy. A reminder: today the tragedy of Kojalu is blamedupon Armenia only.

    Eventually, we can refer to, perhaps, the most authoritative and weighty opinion: Geydar ALIEV himself admitted that the events of Khojalu was also triggered by the Azerbaijan "previous leadership". The format of a tabloid forestalls publication of numerous other facts and data, like p ermanent manipulation with the number of casualties, sometimes multiply exceeding the entire population of Khojalu. Let us therefore address other facts, relevant to the Armenian side this time.

    Vahan Papazyan and others

    The fact that Azerbaijan was going to make Khojalu a large and serious action against Armenia, was clear as far back as the Summer of 1993. It was then that Azerbaijan submitted documents to the UN Commission on Human Rights, so as to accuse Armenia in violating the human rights in Khojalu. The Armenian Foreign Ministry never took the problem seriously, neither then, nor after, despite the multiple claims by the Supreme Soviet deputies or experts. The result was that voiced at the February 1994 Session of the Geneva Commission were ridiculous allegations, simply piles of lies and falsehood that encountered virtually no rebuff on the part of the Armenian delegation.

    It was made up of two people including the then chief of the Department of Human Rights of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to some sources, a Turkish subject Sonya BAKAR. The only snub against the Azeri-launched massive assault was her inarticulate blubbering about the bloc kade and the plea for humanitarian aid. Armenia wa s actually black-listed for human-rights abuses in Khojalu. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received it with an Olympic, not to say, iniquitous, serenity. In response to the query by the deputies Sh.Kocharian and S.Zolian, the erstwhile Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Papazian sent an incongruous answer without illuminating a single question, but rather fending his own crew.

    At the Discretion of the Lady

    Surprisingly, the appeal by Azerbaijan to the Hague Court was somewhat a complete surprise. Throughout the preceding 4 years the opposite side carried out active work both in collecting and arranging the facts on Khojalu, as well as in preparing the world public opinion. No great intellect was needed to see the benefit of it all for the Azeri leadership (any one) with a clear tendency to present Armenia primarily before their own people as the source and the perpetrator of all their troubles. The propaganda and strategic value of the issue was discussed at the start of the Article.

    In this regard, a number of questions will emerge:

    1. Why was no opportunity given to respond to the allegations about Karabakh? Even with regard to Karabakh having no legitimate status, its representative could have been included in to the RA delegation and to give him the floor.

    2. Why, having yielded to being engaged in this procedure, Armenia could not provide an answer to the blatant lies? Why was everything left to madame Bakar (former favorite of Ter-Petrosian), completely unaware of the material nor too eager to give a proper rebuff (incidentally, they say that lady is working at RA Embassy in Paris until now)?

    3. Why was not full use made of the materials presented by the Supreme Soviet Commission on Artsakh, nor by the Karabakh experts, the said materials containing complete information on the true events in Khojalu? For, even at that time it was spoken quite definitely that Armenia could rightfully apply to the international instances with a demand to punish the Azerbaijan politics, guilty of crimes against their own population.

    Even 5 percent is a result

    Alas, the Ministry of Foreign Affair was laundering its own uniform, while Azerbaijan's politics was escalating. So, it is in principle unimportant whether they will win this suit or not, the crucial thing is again to raise hell, to attract attention to the "aggression" by Armenia and the "atrocities" by the Armenians, and to accuse the RA of "genocide". That seems to us absurd, having no ground, hence inefficient, however, the world history and political situation are witness to the contrary. Just a nother volley of Azerbaijan towards Armenia can be idle to 95 percent, but the remaining 5 percent is also a result for it, this volley being neither first nor the last one. As a result we have to vindicate ourselves and to wash clean for something that has nothing to do with Armenia. While those who are specifically to blame for the current situation (they can be even named: J. Liparitian, V. Papazian, S. Bakar) feel at rest and unpunished. Which means, we are again guaranteed against nothing, the question is again set right: how many more diplomatic good fortunes are yet in store for us?

    Marina GRIGORIAN

  12. ага... конечно :)

    он должен быть коротко подстрижен всегда, а из под тонкого слоя волос выглядывают очертания черепа. он некрасив, зато мужчина. не в длине волос мужество, дорогой.

    тому доказательство ну скины например :yes:

    а если у мужчины есть возможность выглядеть красивее - он этим воспользуется. стремление к красивому заложена в особях гомо-сапиенс обоих полов. :)

    Надо же было так закрутить. Прическа тут не причем вообще. Всё что я хотел сказать, настоящего мужчину не должны волновать такие вещи как форма черепа, густые брови, большой нос и пр. Он должен быть мужчиной, то есть думать о тех качествах, которые делают его мужчиной. А не о тех, которые делают из него существо непонятного пола. :)

    Тоже верно,но еще у мужчин бывает что-то в черепной коробке,и это что-то не позволяет его обладателю судить о мужчине,или о женщине,да и вообще о человеке по внешнему виду,а уж особенно по длине волос,или скажем носа

    да, ты прав. в наше время уже сложно судить по внешнему виду, этих бабоподобных столько развелось, что бедным гомикам всё сложнее и сложнее выделяться. :)

  13. Не пойму почему такие стереотипы-у женщин длинные волосы,у мужчин короткие? :/

    Глупости все это.

    22 век нашей эры. Почему такие стереотипы у мужчин между ног есть что-то, у женщин нет?

    lost_in_the_rain, мужчина не должен быть красивым, он должен быть мужчиной. ;)

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