Parev,, i am jiyan from constantinople.. i have been searching your web site for four days.. Fist of all thank for materials, songs and other datas about Hayeren culture..
i do not know your language but i know that half part of my heart still in a genoside near Ararat..
Dear Hay Friends we work for o music group which wants to sing in Armanian, Kurdish and other mezopotamian people’s language.. We know Kurdish but wanna sing song in Hayeren.
In constantinople i had gotten a change to listen armanian folk music which was sang a group ‘Name Knar…’ But few days ago i downloaded some song from your web page.. between of them some songs influenced me to much.. Group Arev…Like their name, songs like sun shine.. But unfortunaletely we dont understand what they mean.. and also we can not read Hay alphabet.. in that point i want your helps if possible.. Shall you send us lyric of some song in Latin alphabet from them..
1-Arakel Musheg
2-Mi bala
3-Partezum varder batsvats
And i think some song from patriotic part about genoside.. They r very important for us…if you send their lyric we will be very pleasant.
4-Adanayi vogperke … (Adana sout of anatolia.. and we know that to many Hay killed by them.. plz:(((
5-Te zargek
Shat shanohagal em..Thanks…