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About TheKhent

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  1. Bari Yereko, Francia Hay'em yev aystegh nor'em. Hayeren khosumem beitz angleren aveli hesht e. I call all people who will read this topic to boycott Tatev's future ropeway, which is supposed to be the longest in the world. They spent millions of dollars for building that shit (which is destroying the beautiful landscape), instead of spending millions for renovating all the roads in the country, of buildings new schools and making the education better. Do they really think that thousands of tourists will come to visit a monastery just because there is the longest ropeway in the world ? Do they really think that tourists will come to Armenia at the edge or Persia/Iran ? Just let me laugh... What a stupid project ! I will never put a feet in their ropeway, BETKA CHE GNAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABUSHUTIUN BAN E !!!!!!!!!!!! I am already sure that this ropeway won't be profitable and that they won't get enough money to maintain it. Shnorhakaloutioun... TheKhent
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