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Everything posted by Garen

  1. For those of you who are not limited to dolmeh recipies, but want to know reasons behind the genocide, please, visit this linkhttp://www.network54.com/Forum/178855 << Previous Topic | Next Topic >> Return to Index Fighting from within: Armenians serve on executive board of Turkish Masonic Lodge in D.C. September 26 2002 at 9:30 PM Garen (no login) In 1994, a strong bridge was built by Armenian Freemasons in the United States, leading to the establishment of and communication with Armenian lodges in Canada, Michigan, California, France, England, Lebanon, Russia and Argentina. In addition, in 1999, a very special Lodge was created to sojourn to Armenia to become a permanent Armenian Lodge in that country when allowed to operate by the Armenian Government which approval may occur this year. Also in 1999, a new bridge of understanding and friendship was built with the creation of NUR, a Turkic speaking lodge. And in that same year Prince Hall Masonry and our Grand Lodge engaged in reciprocal recognition of both Crafts in our Nation’s Capital. In the year 2000, an outreach was made to our Italian brethren with the establishment of Italia Lodge No. 2000 as well as Fiat Lux Lodge No. 2001 which works in English Emulation Ritual. For list of armenians traitors, serving in turkish masonic lodge, visit: http://www.dcgrandlodge.org/lgoffr02.htmAlso, visit:http://www.armeniosonline.com.ar/armenianmasons/
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