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Turkish Weekly

May 20, 2005

Author Dr. Sedat LACINER (ISRO editor)

Rise of Anti-Semitism in Modern Armenia and Karabakh

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Armenian Scepticism Towards the Jews

Jews in Caucasus and Armenia: Mountain Jews

The Jews from the Caucasus region are known as 'Mountain Jews' and these people are one of the oldest inhabitants of the region.[20] ‘The distinct identity of Mountain Jews is believed to have crystallized by the eight century, which waves of Jewish immigrants began migrating to the Caucasus from Persia. Members of the community spoke Dzhuhuri – a kind of “Persian Yiddish” – a Farsi dialect with a heavy mixture of Hebrew’.[21] Unlike the other parts of the Caucasus, (like Georgia, Azerbaijan[22], Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria and Dagestan), however Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh had never had significant Jewish populations. Although the Jews were known to live in Armenia in ancient times, most of them had emigrated from the region in the early years. However, in the early 19th century they began arriving in the region mainly from Persia and Poland, creating Ashkenazic and Sephardic communities in the city of Yerevan.


After the war the number of Jews was estimated over 5,000. Despite the number of the Jews dramatically decreased in the 1970s and the 80s, the Jews maintained their position in Armenia as one of the major minorities.


[igor] Muradyan in his [1999] article claims that Armenian-Jewish relations have historically been filled conflict between “Aryan” Armenians and “Semitic” Jews. Igor Muradyan further blames Jews for inciting ethnic conflicts in the region, including the dispute over Nagorno-Karabagh. According to Muradyan’s view the greatest threat to Armenia posed by the close ties between Turkey and Israel. Interestingly Muradyan argues that Turkey’s ‘founding fathers’ were Young Turks and they were ‘Masonic’ with very good relations with the Jews.


‘When the Armenian genocide resolution was rejected by the US, the Turkish President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, and Deputy Prime Minister expressed special gratitude to the White House, Pentagon, CIA, and State Department, as well as to Jewish organizations in the US, since President Clinton intervened on the issue at the request of Israel.’

(other works of the author http://www.turkishweekly.net/editorial.php?id=12 )

Armenian related articles in Turkish Weekly


Sedat Laciner, ISRO Director


PhD, University of London, King’s College London, University of London, UK., September 1997-2001.

Master (MA) in International Politics (with distinction), University of Sheffield. September 1996-September 1997.

BA, Ankara University, The Faculty of Political Science, The Department of International Relations, Ankara, 1989-1994.

Main Responsibilities

Establishes the goals and general direction of the ISRO’s work and manages the Organization staff.

Oversees the ISRO research and publications programs.

Liaises with nationally based institutes of international affairs and with government officials. Manages the ISRO capital fund-raising campaign.

Maintains links and works closely with others outside the ISRO to strengthen the Organization’s capacity to inform the public debate.

Contributes to the public debate on international politics and international security through numerous speaking, writing and broadcasting engagements.

Apart from these, he is the head of the Middle Eastern Studies Desk and directs Middle Eastern studies at the ISRO.

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International Strategic Research Organization (ISRO-USAK) is one of the world’s leading organizations for the analysis of global issues. The ISRO is a non-profit and non-governmental (NGO) research organization.


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Gersh Meir Burshtein, a Chief Rabbi of Armenia shares .. opinion that there is no oppression of Jews in Armenia.


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Почему бы не попросить прокомментировать турецкую статью представителей



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Почему бы не попросить "объективнейшего из объективных", автора-редактора Turkish Weekly провести исследование о состоянии армянской общины в Грузии, которая раз в 80 больше еврейской в Армении.

Почему пытливый автор не публикует сведения о недавней Международной конференции абхазов в Стамбуле?

Есть старая еврейская поговорка - "Держи вора..."

Edited by bvahan
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