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armii drevney Armenii 300 d.n.e.-1n.e.

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uvazhaemie forumzhane.

ya zanimayus issledovaniem drevne armianskogo voennogo iskusstva.

bilo bi otlichno, esli kto-nibud' raspologaet informatsiey ob armianskom voennom dele v period s 300 g.d.n.e. po 1g.n.e.

menia interesuyut detali voennoy organizatsii v drevney Armenii: roda voysk, ih sootnoshenie, strategiya i taktika vedeniya boya, vooruzhenie soldat i t.d.

esly u kogo-to imeyutsa dostupi, ili ssilki k nauchnim rabotam, risunkam, lyubim materialam vnushayuchih doverie avtorov, podelites' pozhaluysta.

bilo bi vdvoyne interesno poznakomitsa s istochnikami iz samoy Armenii (v angliyskom ili russkom perevode, esli vozmozhno).

e-mail: [email protected] (esli komu-to udobnee skinut na e-mail)

zaranee blagodaryu.

hi everyone.

I'm doing a research about early Armenian military.

if anyone has any information on the Armenian military, in period between around 300 BC to 1AD, it'd be greatly appreciated.

I'm particularly interested in details of every aspect of military organisation: armies compositions, strategies, tactics, the actual soldiers' look, armourer, weaponry and anything related to the time line.

if one has pictures, descriptions, scientific works on this subject written by credible authors, that'd be a real help.

it would be very interesting to see some sources from Armenia itself (translated into English or Russian if possible).

e-mail me if it's more convenient: [email protected]

thanks in advance

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Onthe site www.ancient.ru you can find some material. Also in that site there is a comparision article about old Armenian army and Roman army.

thanks a lot MIG, I've tried that but the site seemed to be down. such a pity really.

is there any Armenian sites that would highlight the same subject at all?

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