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Help! How can I refill my Skype Out account?

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Anybody knows how can I refill SkypeOut account?

I have Visa Gold card of Converse Bank, but Skype site don't let me pay by that card :(

Actually it is very strange that Skype refused Visa Gold card of Converse Bank, may be something wrong with card? If skype supports Visa it means that your gold Visa card must be accepted. I think so...
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Actually it is very strange that Skype refused Visa Gold card of Converse Bank, may be something wrong with card? If skype supports Visa it means that your gold Visa card must be accepted. I think so...

I thought so too, but... with my card everithing is ok. I found that skype accepts only american credit cards (or doesn't accept cards from Armenia). So we can't refill our skype accounts by credit cards.

Another way needed!

Edited by ITW
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