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Everything posted by Artur

  1. Уважаемы дамы и господа! Продюсерский центр «Армения» при поддержке Комитета по культуре Правительства Москвы и при партнерском участии системы денежных переводов «Анелик» представляет первый концерт Международного Музыкального Фестиваля «Песня Года Армении» в 2005 году! Имеющий уже многолетнюю историю проект полюбился московскому и российскому зрителю, и сегодня является, пожалуй, самым значимым культурным событием для армянской диаспоры в столице, а также других городах России! За последние годы благодаря конкурсу молодых исполнителей, который проводится в рамках Фестиваля, на музыкальном Олимпе зажглись десятки молодых звезд, а приезд популярных артистов из Армении и других стран мира стал приятной традицией. В этом году праздничное шоу и полуфинальный тур Фестиваля состоятся 22 мая в Государственном Центральном Концертном Зале «Россия». Кроме выступления молодых, талантливых конкурсантов зрителей ждет встреча со своими любимыми артистами: звездами армянской и российской эстрады. Продюсерский центр «Армения» пригласил великого музыканта, метра дудука - Дживана Гаспаряна, кумира армянских девушек – экстравагантного Айко, поющего банкира – Армена Казаряна, молодую красавицу – Сирушо, одну из лучших армянских певиц и многих других ярких представителей армянской культуры. Еще одним сюрприз Фестиваля – приезд Нуне Есаян, которая будучи одной из популярнейших артисток Армении, будет выступать в Москве впервые! Приглашаем Вас в ГЦКЗ «Россия» 22 мая в 19.00. и надеемся, что этот прекрасный вечер доставит Вам массу удовольствия! «Песня Года Армении» - поем от сердца! По вопросам аккредитации обращайтесь по телефону: +7 (095) 507-20-20, www.pc-armenia.ru E-mail: [email protected]
  2. у кого нибудь есть крэк к программе?
  3. Karo Qarkedjyan [attachmentid=18809] Shahe Ajemian [attachmentid=18810] Some years ago, two Armenians from Fresno volunteered to help the inhabitance of Nagorno Karabagh in their war for independence. At that time most of Karabagh had been captured by Azerbaijan, a former Soviet Republic. The Armenians of Karabagh were faced with superior Azeri forces whose overlords had not want to give up the rich pasture lands and resources that had been handed to them by Stalin. Karo Qakhechyan and Shahe Ajemian returned time after time, eventually forming a volunteered unit called The Crusaders. More at JanFedayi.com http://janfedayi.com/Karo/
  4. Merojan Mossian (1965 - 1992) Merojan Mossian was born in Mardouni in 1965. In the spring of 1992, Mossian became the commander of the Mardouni regiment. On October 23, 1993, Mossian, Mher Choulhajian, Ardag Mnatsaganian and Levon Hampartsoumian lost their souls when their jeep passed over a mine. In 1991 he was elected as a member of A.R.F. committee for the Mardouni region and a member of central committee in 1992.
  5. Artur


    Monte Melkonian 1957 - 1993 [attachmentid=18804] Monte Melkonian was born in California’s San Joaquin Valley on November 25, 1957. A trained archaeologist who spoke eight languages, he spent his entire adult life working for justice and defending Armenians in Iran, Lebanon, and Armenia. Monte is widely acknowledged to be one of the individuals most responsible for re-forging Nagorno Karabagh’s fighters into a disciplined force that defended the land against overwhelming odds. After his death in battle on June 12, 1993, the president of the Republic of Armenia declared him a National Hero, and he was awarded the highest military honors of Nagorno Karabagh and the Republic of Armenia, including the Military Cross, First Degree and the Golden Eagle medal. [attachmentid=18803]
  6. Mher Tchoulhadjian (1967 - 1993) [attachmentid=18807] Mher’s life was also submitted to the unmerciful law; where together with his friends of ideal and arms, he died on the front lines of Mardouni, leaving behind unfulfilled aspirations. Mher Tchoulhadjian was born on November 28, 1967 in Beirut. He got his elementary education at Tarkmantchadz College in Damascus. In 1978 Mher and his family settled in Bourj-Hammoud, where he joined the A.R.F. “Navasartian” junior association. He continued his intermediate and secondary education at Souren Khanamirian National College. In 1984, he became a member of the A.R.F. “Raffi” youth association, Mher took on multiple directorial and responsible positions. In February 1986, Mher got into the American University of Beirut studying physics and in December 1989, he got his BA. He continued his university education in engineering hoping to get his Masters degree. From the beginning of 1990 to June 1992, he taught physics at the Kevork Tchatalbashian National College, the German Secondary College and also worked at the AUB Physics lab. In 1989, Mher was assigned director of the A.R.F. “Papken Suni” junior association, and fulfilled his position until March 1991. In October 1990, he delivered his A.R.F. oath and was accepted into the ranks of the A.R.F. Zavarian Student Association. On August 23, 1993 Mher Tchoulhadjian was martyred alongside his four friends, in the Marzilli village in the region of Mardouni in Artsakh, while he, Meroujan Mosissian (member of Central Committee), Ardag Mentsoian, Levon Hampartsoumian and Routig Avakian were checking the position of the Armenian fronts’ forces.
  7. Shahen Meghrian (1952 - 1993) [attachmentid=18805] He was born in Koulistan on January 2, 1952. In 1973, he returned to Koulistan, where he led a job as an economist and later as a food provider for his village. He also, became the Agricultural and Productive Managements’ president. 1991, he was elected as acting president of the Shahoumian committee, and then he also took command of the Mardagerd regiment. He was a member in ARF and attended the ARF’s 25th Assembly. Two weeks befor his death, his home village, Koulisdan, was liberated, as a first step towards the liberation of Shahoumian. He was killed when his helicopter was brought down by enemy forces.
  8. Bekor Ashod Ghoulian (1961 - 1992) [attachmentid=18806] Ashod Ghoulian was born in 1961 in Baku. In 1991 Bekor plays an important role against the Azerbaijani military troop. Artsakh’s military troops came forth with the help of Bekor, he later was assigned as the first commander of these troops, which was the first troop to enter Shoushi. Bekor lost his life on August 25, 1992.
  9. Bedo (1964 - 1994) [attachmentid=18811] Bedo Ghevontian was born in Broshian burrow, Armenia, in 1964. In 1990 he became a member of A.R.F. That same year he moved to Shahoumian with his colleagues. On February 14, 1994 vice commander Bedo was killed in Kelpachar, in the liberation of the Omar Valley.
  10. Vicken Zakarian (1969 - 1992) [attachmentid=18808] Vigen Zakarian was born in Beirut and was a member of the Lebanese Youth Union (LYU). He took an active part in preservation of the Armenian identity in Lebanon. He arrived in Armenia in 1992 to participate in the Artsakh defense, then he headed for Shushi to fight for the liberation of Shushi. He died the same year, on May 8, 1992 during liberation of Zarislu village near Shushi. He is buried in the Yerablur pantheon next to his friends. One of the Tsakhkadzor school classes has been named after Vigen Zakarian. In addition, the central hall of LYU has also been named after him. Vigen Zakarian was presented with the medal of courage. "I want Ararat, I want freedom, independent and beautiful Armenia. I want to see and kiss the land where Armenian peasants live, where Armenian soldiers are, where Armenian revolutionary blood rests," reads Zakarian's diary. He came to Armenia not only to see and defend but to die for the freedom of his motherland.
  11. Уважаемые форумчане, Hayastan.com - информационный спонсор концертов Продюсерского центра "Армении" напоминает, что вот уже на протяжении почти 6 лет Продюсерс­кий центр "Армения" создает возможность населению России и Европы познакомить­ся с тем богатым культурным наследием Армении, который сохранился в многове­ковой истории армянского народа и созда­ется в настоящее время новыми авторами, музыкантами, исполнителями и др. Структура компании состоит из двух крупных направлений. Одно из них вклю­чает в себе организацию и проведение концертных мероприятий, пресс-конфе­ренций, презентаций и т.д. Организация мероприятий включает в себя полный комплекс услуг - от разработки сценариев до технической, административной и твор­ческой реализации проекта. Второе крупное направление работы Продюсерского центра "Армения" - по­мощь начинающим талантливым авторам и исполнителям, песен. Основная задача "Продюсерского центра Армения" - это пропаганда армянской куль­туры в знак развития и укрепления добро­желательных отношений между нашими го­сударствами, духовное развитие общества, а также формирование цивилизованных отношений в становлении мира! Ближайший концерт состоится 22 мая в Москве в ГЦКЗ «Россия» Подробнее на сайте: http://www.pc-armenia.ru
  12. [attachmentid=20078] In 1992, the big attack of the azerbaijani army against Artzakh, succeeded to capture 40% of our state's territory at that point(Most made by Chahoumian and Martakert regions) Among all the chaos created in the tiny enclave arround Stepanakert, a little group of marvellous guys, decided to stay on their land, whatever the cost, against all logic, against the orders. Their leader was National hero Chahen Meghrian, commander of Chahoumian. Theese braves stayed for more than a year 70-100 km behind enemy lines, deep in the forests and the canyons of the Mrav montains. Not hard to imagine the difficult material situation they were in, since they had to live up in the montains, no roof, 2-3m snow, mooving day and night, with virtually no food, no ammunition,.... no medical care.... All they could have, was a helicopter once a week or two.... Never the less, they decided to renew the old Artsakhian doctrine, punish each Turk, soldier or settler/looter, occupiying their old land. They played an essential role in the final victory. Isolated from the outside world, mainly armed with light armements, (40 kg on the back of one man) surronded in an ocean of Turkish troops, tracked by dozens of Cobra armed helicopters of the azery air force, smell-dogs and commandos,... they managed to harass day and night the enemy's lines... Soon the Chahoumian Partisans received the war name of 'Yeghnigner' because of their quick partisan attacks, hidings in the black forests of the Mrav. They virtually succeded in all missions, terrorising the enemy. At one point, at the hight of the war, the enemy was obliged to immobilise 5000 troops, to find 50 Partisans in the forests... with no success. The Yeghnigner managed to cut the axe Martakert-Karvadjar, allowing the liberation of Karvadjar, destroyed dozens of convoys, killed more than 500 enemy troops, disbanded dozens of enemy bases, informed the General head quarters of Stepanakert on all mooves of the enemy.... No matter the inhuman conditions, they became living legends, even for hardly impressed Artsakh troops. Unfortunatly, victory has a cost, and virtually all partisans were woonded more than once, and most sacrified their lives for their sacred land, till the end of the war. (Taugh few were killed during the period behind enemy lines.) The most legendary figure, Achod Meghrian, brave among the braves, terror of all Turks, lost his life with 11 of his men (all woonded severly), when their MI-8 helicopter evacuating them was shot by an azeri missile, over the Mrav. At this point, Turks hoped, and Armenians feared the end of the Yeghnigs, because the brigade lost in one second 1/3 of its mens, and the most charismatic Heroe, the modern Kevork Chavouch. But the Yeghnigs decided to unite, and revenge. New volonteers arrived from Yerevan and the Diaspora. The red Flag of the Tachnagtzoutioun covering the coffin of the Hero returned to the forests, and a young medic, named Vahe Baghdassarian, took the command... Day and night, mines exploded all over Chahoumian and Sarsang reservoir, turkish garnisons attacked and disbanded, arms captured and turned against next brigade... Convoys of 10-15 armored vehicles and tanks were blown up on the Highway Martakert-Karvadjar, loothers ended in the deep waters of the icy Sarsang.... This tiny groop of determined villagers transformed the vast territory into a hell for the enemy. Literally:'Hoghen ayrouvetz Tchnamou vodkeri dag'. At such a level, that the day, when the big counter attack of the NKR self defense forces began from the south, the turks based in all the zone, north of the Drdou river, panicked by the harassement of the Partisans, abandoned this strategic region in a matter of hours, in total panick... In a matter of 5 days, the Turks lost more men, than during all the period of their attacks, their one year occupation... Dozens of tanks and missiles were captured by the partisans... Once merged to the core of the Army, the Yeghnigs stayed in their posts, and garded the Northern front along the huge, inaccessible front of the Mrav chain... Till now, they are there, and their section is the most dangerous and hard terrain...
  13. Уважаемые посетители, как вы знаете мы переехали на новый, свой собственный, дорогостоящий сервер. хотелось бы попросить хотя бы один раз в день кликать на рекламу, что наверху. этим самым, простым щелчком мыши вы поможете нам содержать и развивать наш сайт. заранее огромнейшее спасибо.
  14. здесь об ошибках в работе форума.
  15. Хочу предупредить, что абсолютно все пользователи использующие матерные слова замаскированные во всякие звездочки будут наказуемы. Не стоит забывать, что на форуме присутствуют девушки и не мне вам напоминать об обязанности уважения к ним! Модераторов прошу наказывать в размере повышения рейтинга на один уровень за каждое сообщение, где будет наблюдаться подобного рода нарушение правил.
  16. Очередное провокационное действие со стороны Азербайджана вчера закончилось ликвидацией азербайджнского солдата Юсифова Несими. Это уже 9 по счету убитый азербайджанский военный за март месяц. Потерь с армянской стороны нет. Regnum
  17. попытался собрать фотографии некоторых встреч форумчан. вот что получилось: http://forum.hayastan.com/index.php?act=mo...y&cmd=sc&cat=52 настоятельно прошу выкидывать все фотографии встреч туда.
  18. Artur


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