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Jobs in a Russian newspaper offices in LA, Philadelphia, Boston.Salary (average but stable) or good commissions (must own a car).For LA office fluent Armenian, Russian, English are a must.For Boston and Philadelphia fluent Russian and English are a must, Armenian is a huge plus.E-mail me for more details at [email protected]. If you don't live in USA please ignore this message.
**********************************************http://groong.usc.edu/news/msg56288.htmlAIPRG International Conference on Economy of ArmeniaDate: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 0:26:12 PDT -----------------------------------------------------------ARMENIAN INTERNATIONAL POLICY RESEARCH GROUPhttp://www.armpolicyresearch.org/Contact: [email protected]@armpolicyresearch.orgInternational Conference on Economy of ArmeniaCall For PapersDespite the success of the 1994 macroeconomic stabilization programand introduction of a broad spectrum of structural measures, which ledthe way to sustained growth, the Armenian economy continues to faceformidable challenges. Per capita income is very low by internationalstandards; rates of unemployment and emigration are high; financialsystem remains rudimental; domestic savings and foreign investment areinadequate to maintain ailing infrastructure and provide basis forsolid long-term growth.Given the complex nature of these problems, it remains to be seenwhether the economy will experience faster and broader-based growth,by capitalizing on the nation's skilled labor force, and human,intellectual, and financial potential of Armenian Diaspora. To addressthese issues and discuss policy options, the Armenian InternationalPolicy Research Group will host an international conference on:Armenia: Recent Economic Trends and Growth ProspectsThe conference will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2003 in the WorldBank headquarters in Washington, DC. While papers from all areas ofrelevance for growth and development are welcome, preference will begiven to the following broad topics:Macroeconomic PoliciesFinancial Sector PoliciesGovernance and Public Sector ReformsDiaspora's Role and Channels of InvolvementHuman Capital and EmigrationFDI and Industrial PoliciesTrade and Regional CooperationProspective authors should submit papers and/or abstracts by December1, 2002 to <[email protected]>. Authors ofaccepted papers will be notified by the Selection Committee byDecember 15, 2002. The Selection Committee of the conference will bechaired by:David Joulfaian, US Department of TreasuryLev Freinkman, The World BankAnn-Margret Westin, International Monetary Fund All participants, including authors, may register on-line by visitingwww.armpolicyresearch.org/SeminarSeries/UpcomingSeminars/Registration.htm.The final agenda along with the list of confirmed papers will becirculated by January 1, 2003. The official language of the conferenceis English.For more information on the AIPRG please visit www.armpolicyresearch.org**********************************************
К модератору: надеюсь это объявление не будет расценено, как рекламное. Если я выбрал неподходящий раздел, пожалуйста перенесите его куда посчитаете нужным. Спасибо.=========================================В популярную русскоязычную газету в LA требуются - телемаркетеры (full-time / part-time, will provide training) рекламные агенты (свободный график, высокие комиссионные)Хорошее владение армянским (восточным или западным) и английским обязательно. Желательно знание русского.Для подробностей звонить: 1-718-769-3000 Александр Оппенгейм (телефон в Нью-Йорке)=========================================Commented by groulНормальная работа в известном издании. Серьезные люди.
The following domain is for sale or rent (in-frame redirect or 302 redirect or your own Name Server):ARMENIANFORUMS.com
I have an Armenia-related domain name for sale. Any ideas about where (in what forum) I can post an announcement?
Recently an anti Armenian campaign was started by the officials of Krasnodar region in Russia, where over 500,000 Armenians live (actually it is not only an anti Armenian campaign but also anti Kurdish, anti Georgian and even anti Azeri, but so far only Armenians have suffered). For example, the Governor of Krasnodar Alexandr Tkachev in his interview to a local newspaper said that ”any last name ending with ”-yan” or ”-shvili”* is going to be considered as illegal”! * Georgian last names.As a result some ”unknown” criminals vandalized Armenian cemetery in Krasnodar, and some police operations were carried against Armenian migrants. Those actions are backed not only by local authorities, but also by local paramilitary groups of kazaks.Below is the English translation of a sample text of the letter which we ask you to send to the office of Vladimir Putin the President of Russian Federation. The text was originally created by the Union of Armenians in Russia. You may also write your own letter (actually that would be much better).Neither I nor the translators are native English speakers, so please notify if there are any mistakes.Thank youThe text of the letter follows=============================Vladimir V. PutinPresident Russian [email protected] TO:Administration of Krasnodar [email protected]"Yerkramas" The news paper of Armenian Community in Southern [email protected] Mr. President,I would like to declare my protest against the recent actions of the Governor of Krasnodar Region Aleksandr Tkachev and people from his team, who carry a direct responsibility in setting the stage for ethnic cleansings thus hurting the foundations of peace and calm in the region and creating a direct threat to an integrity and existence of Russia as a multiethnic state.Such actions hurt the prestige and image of Russia as a civilized country in the eyes of the international community. They also threaten the strategic alliance between Russia and Republic of Armenia and may develop anti Russian moods within Armenian Diaspora worldwide.The recent attempts of Governor Aleksandr Tkachev to explain the acts of vandalism in Armenian cemetery in the city of Krasnodar, where about 50 gravestones have been destroyed, by actions of a disappointed group of soccer fans acting under drug influence are simply not convincing. I am in no doubt that those actions were a direct consequence of the Governor’s attempt to set a fascist regime in the region.I demand that the Governor and his followers be brought to justice in a criminal court and take full responsibility for their criminal actions as it is required by the international responsibilities of Russia and its own law.Date (dd/mm/yyyy)Full NameCity, CountryFull address (optional)================================End of the textOriginally translated by Vitalina from Samara, Russia(Victoria Agadjanova - http://vostochka.narod.ru/).2 moderatorIf you feel this is an inapropriate topic for this particular forum feel free to move it and, please, notify me.
Осмелюсь предложить вниманию досточтимых... Нет, лучше вот так: позвольте представить Вашему... Вообщем так, ребята, открылся сайт ArmenianHouse.orgЭто постоянно обновляемая библиотека произведений армянских авторов, а также иностранных авторов пишущих об Армении и армянах. Есть разные вкусности Впервые публикуются в Интернет в полном объеме:1. Хачик Даштенц - "Зов пахарей" (гжаноц горца, перечитывал раз 5 )2. Джон Киракосян - "Младотурки перед судом истории" (действует на форумских азеров, как осиновый кол на вампиров)3. Вардгес Петросян - "Армянские эскизы"4. Леонид Енгибаров - "последний Раунд", сборник новел, таких теплых как сказки Андресена.На днях выложим Сароян - "Меня зовут Арам"Подробности тут: ArmenianHouse.orgRegardsKaren Vrtanesyan