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http://www.atik-online.org/en/modules.php?...rticle&sid=63We condemn the Armenian Genocide of 1915

Posted on Friday, April 22 @ 15:52:42 MEST

Topic: ATIK

We share the pain of Armenian People

The date of 24th April 1915 is the actual historical date of Armenian Genocide. By this genocide, not only thousands of Armenian people were annihilated but also the culture, the history and the civilization created by Armenian people on their own territories were also destroyed. The date of 24th April also means the destruction of a civilization and a culture. This date should be also the date of remembering the pains and transforming these memories into class resentment. In a sense, it is the synthesis of death and life.

It is the 90th anniversary of the Genocide on 24th April 2005. Surely, everybody’s approach to this issue would be different due to its historical importance. We are also aware of the attitude of the imperialist powers and their servant the Turkish Republic regarding this issue in terms of their historical, economical and social interests. Certainly, the pain of decimated, exiled millions of Armenian people can also be utilized by bourgeois political interests.

Each class has its own approach to a question and determines its objectives and plans on the basis of its own interest. Consequently, scholars of politics and history belonging to the proletariat have their own approach to the issue of Armenian Genocide as bourgeoisie does. One tries to bury the truth into the deeps of history, whereas the other tries to expose the history that is being denied and the truth that is being hidden. As we said earlier, the standpoint of a class is based on its general class interests.

Even tough the imperialists often bring this issue into public eye, they never intend to reveal the truth and bring the guilty people to justice. This issue is mostly used as a device by European imperialists who in fact wish to utilize it against the Turkish government in order to bare pressure and make it compromise. More importantly, this issue is only discussed when they want to get more from Turkish Government. Otherwise it is never put into their agenda for resolution.

Basically, the approach of Turkish ruling classes is to deny the genocide as if it never happened or continue to lie about it. They also try to turn this historical phenomenon upside down by claming that “In fact it was the Turkish people that were killed by Armenians”. We believe that there is no difference at all between approach of Turkish ruling classes on the Kurdish National question and Armenian Genocide. In other words, it is the same denial and decimation policy. Meanwhile, when pressure is put on Turkish regime by the peoples of the world, it proposes that an UN commission should be set up to investigate this issue.

It is obvious that scrutiny of Ottoman’s archive would not prove that Armenian Genocide took a place in the history. Because the Armenian Genocide is not like a fraudulent documentation that needs to be investigate over and over again. The facts of the genocide are provided by social and historical knowledge. Accepting to research the archive on the genocide is, in effect allowing oneself to be trapped by the official ideology of Turkish regime. We do not expect that those who committed this genocide would have left any written evidence behind. Oppressors leave only pool of blood and countless bodies of oppressed peoples behind.

Today, the flag hysteria backed, planned and carried out by Turkish ruling classes is meant to strengthen racism and instigate the hostility among peoples of Turkey. Parallel to this, hostility to Armenians is also intensified by the Turkish regime. The Turkish state by denying and manipulating the Armenian Genocide is trying to put barriers between peoples.

We, as ATIK, hereby condemn the genocide of 1915. The Turkish state must admit that this genocide took place and must apologize to Armenian people. We condemn the racist policy of Turkish state that incites hostility between Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Suryani and Hellenic peoples.

- We condemn the Genocide of 1915!

- We share the pain of Armenian, Suryani and Hellenic peoples!

- Down with the Turkish Chauvinism and Racism!

- Down with fascist Turkish state!

- Long live the brotherhood of all peoples!

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Тогда это действительно успех как для нас так и для них. Постепенно эта тема становиться открытой для их общества, и я надеюсь они осознают и признают геноцид совсем скоро

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