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Before They Coming ....!

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The Minister and Foreign Ministry Undersecretary of Treasury

Ohannes SAKIZ Pasha


Post Office and Public Works Minister

Artin DAVUT Pasha

Hello ...;

As a sound idea from Türkiye, At your people salute you all .. .. I want to call you with a different opinion ...


Hi, and with love .

Edited by GÜNIŞIĞI
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What are you trying to say?

Are you trying to say that there were Armenians in Ottoman government? But that's no secret and that's no news. Anything else you would like to add, or that was it?

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Foreign Minister (1912 - 1913)


Mr.Kars ; Hello...

Until 1914 the Ottoman Armenians It was a piece ....This can be seen from images...To me ; Turks and Armenians were brothers ... Date that says.British, French, Russia, Anatolia, the panel ,Before you think this was ...

I want to write '' Türkçe '' ...Is there a possibility ..?

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I want to write '' Türkçe '' ...Is there a possibility ..?


First of all, it is against the Rules of the Forum, secondly - nobody here will understand you anyway, if you write in Turkish.

So, let's stick to English. Or Armenian - whichever you prefer. :)

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Ambassador of France in Egypt Middle Defrance'ın Armenian National Delegation Boghos Nubar Pasha, President of the Adana and Mersin 40% of the population is Armenian and entente states do İskenderun out to help them will be in states that letter dated 21 November 1914

Document No: Turquie/Vol.867/Suriye-Filistin 'den live Dilan, the Works, I, s.XCIV, Document 244

The percentage of the population size given by my right ...?

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Ambassador of France in Egypt Middle Defrance'ın Armenian National Delegation Boghos Nubar Pasha, President of the Adana and Mersin 40% of the population is Armenian and entente states do İskenderun out to help them will be in states that letter dated 21 November 1914

The percentage of the population size given by my right ...?

Adana vilayet had a total population of 403 000, out of which 178 000 were Armenians. So, your calculations are almost right.

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Mr Kars....

Figures came to me more ...I would like to know source...You correct this source is ...? Is it the source of these numbers belong to the church ...? church record of birth, but for more tree deaths ,name to continue deletion was not done ...

Edited by GÜNIŞIĞI
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Mr Kars....

Figures came to me more ...I would like to know source...You correct this source is ...? Is it the source of these numbers belong to the church ...? church record of birth, but for more tree deaths ,name to continue deletion was not done ...


Edited by GÜNIŞIĞI
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Mr Kars....

Figures came to me more ...I would like to know source...You correct this source is ...? Is it the source of these numbers belong to the church ...? church record of birth, but for more tree deaths ,name to continue deletion was not done ...

I believe those numbers come from regular Ottoman statistics, but I am not very sure. I will try to find the original source of those nimbers and post it here.

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GÜNIŞIĞI, I went to this Turkish-language site of Wikipedia:


Very interesting article and also very interesting that this article in Wiki exists only in Turkish.

Besides, are you familiar with official Ottoman designation of "Ermeni Erkek ve Kadın Nüfusu" and with the methods how these statistics were obtained? ;)

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According to British documents Ottoman population...

Mr.Kars. ; 100% realistic in 1912 census , to make the hard . 40% of the population according to the British is not ...! Mr. Bogos Nubar ... what purpose? Armenian documents, in 1914 the Ottoman borders by Armenian population give information ...In 1912 the Ottoman Armenian population at the start of administration had a scientist -1914 te de american ... I trusted.

good day..

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According to British documents Ottoman population...

Mr.Kars. ; 100% realistic in 1912 census , to make the hard . 40% of the population according to the British is not ...! Mr. Bogos Nubar ... what purpose? Armenian documents, in 1914 the Ottoman borders by Armenian population give information ...In 1912 the Ottoman Armenian population at the start of administration had a scientist -1914 te de american ... I trusted.

good day..

GÜNIŞIĞI, evidently, this is a forgery or some kind of falsification. I mean it is so evident, that I am surprised you haven’t noticed it. Look at the table carefully.

NOTE: There was no such category as “Turks” in Ottoman census of 1912. This category of population (“Turks”) simply did not exist in those years, officially.

Please be very careful with “documents” you handle, and especially with those presented in the Turkish edition of Wikipedia. ;)

Let’s hope this was a result of your naïvete – and nothing else. :)

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Balıkesir / Turkey in 1870 of the Armenian newspaper published 4 times per week ...

Этот красавец выложил здесь редкий экземпляр тюркоязычной газеты с армянскими буквами. Язык - турецкий, а буквы- армянские. :) Название газеты - "Խիւաավենախյեար", если я правильно расшифровал стилизованные "под готику" армянские буквы. Такие газеты выходили для туркоговорящих армян, но в Полисе их читали и сами турки.

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<deleted> --- Kars

GÜNIŞIĞI, be very careful with this kind of announcements!

As you may have noticed, this is an Armenian forum, and official Turkish propaganda aimed against Armenians will not be allowed here.

Since you are new in this Forum and probably didn't have time to get yourself familiarized with the Forum Rules, we let it pass this time with only a VERBAL WARNING, but next time you will get actual warning points for posting anti-Armenian propaganda.

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One more thing, GÜNIŞIĞI: do not attach large-sized pictures in your posts. It slows down opening of the page significantly, as you probably noticed.

See Forum Rules: http://forum.hayastan.com/index.php?showtopic=93

Paragraph 3.3.7. - Posting oversized graphics files (pictures) in messages.

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*Armenian newspaper in 1919 (Istanbul)

Mr.Kars ...

I also incorrectly believe that the Turkish and Armenian ..My is not to make propaganda..against thinking,to learn..

against the idea that for you ...? 1914 The number of Armenian To investigate how propaganda can be ..?


The number of these links ,Would appeal ...?

good night..

* (I'm not sure of date)

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1914 The number of Armenian To investigate how propaganda can be ..?

good night..

No, I am not talking about this. I am talking about the image you attached (which I deleted) with running announcement about "opening of archives". That is political propaganda, and it will not be permitted here.

Good night.

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Ambassador of France in Egypt Middle Defrance'ın Armenian National Delegation Boghos Nubar Pasha, President of the Adana and Mersin 40% of the population is Armenian and entente states do İskenderun out to help them will be in states that letter dated 21 November 1914

Document No: Turquie/Vol.867/Suriye-Filistin 'den live Dilan, the Works, I, s.XCIV, Document 244


Good evening ...

Turkish and Armenian relations between the years 1909-1919 research a school ... I'm preparing a thesis in 1914 in Egypt

Bogos Nubar, may have given false information france why ... This is an idea .. do you have?

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