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Guest arabaliozian

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Guest arabaliozian
WORDS OF WISDOMShahn Shahnour in a letter to Krikor Keusseyan: "We [Armenians] consider it a sacrilege to expose a truth which may be in direct contradiction with our blind chauvinism."*WARNINGArmenians who stay aware from their fellow Armenians and sometimes even refuse to identify themselves as Armenians: let’s call them invisible Armenians. Whenever such an Armenian is exposed in my presence, he gives me a threatening look as if to say: "If you think you can take advantage of me, forget it. I am on to you!"*RULE #1Never argue with an Armenian. Whenever I have proven an Armenian wrong, I have  made an enemy for life.*LIQUID BARRIERSPatriotism, nationalism, chauvinism, racism, fascism: among us these have become concepts with liquid barriers.A SAD COMMENTARY******************************When I was dishonest I was more popular.*Plato says somewhere that a dishonest man will be wealthier than an honest man because he will use both honest and dishonest means, unlike an honest man who will use only honest means. The same may apply to many other fields of human endeavor, including literature.*When Voltaire said, "Cultivate your garden," what he probably meant is that, water is not enough, what you will need is also manure.*During a recent conversation with a fellow writer, I heard him say: "Yerp mart bidi ellank?" (When are we going to qualify as human beings?) An honest question. If we are not human, what are we? Turkish gypsies pretending to be Armenians?*Q: What is the most frequently asked question among Armenians?  A: Yerp mart bidi ellank?QUESTIONS/ANSWERS++++++++++++++++++++++++Q: Why is it that so far you have failed to convince your fellow Armenians that your criticism is valid?A: With most people, logical arguments, reason, and common sense are a waste of time. If I have myself changed my mind about anything it has been as a result of time and experience. Arguments appeal only to those who are already on our side.Q: If it’s all a matter of time and experience, why not give up?A: Perhaps my perseverance, or obstinacy, if you wish, is based on the misconception that deep inside somewhere all men are decent and reasonable, and once exposed to the truth, something within them is bound to change, even if this change may not find expression in words or deeds.CHAUVINIST CRAPOLA********************************"I love my fellow Armenians [he doesn’t], because Armenians are lovable people [they are not], and since I am myself Armenian [he is no better than a Turkish gypsy], I too am lovable [he is a contemptible creep]."ENEMIES*****************Our greatest enemies are not the Turks or the Jews or the Americans or the world: to say or imply as much is to promote paranoia. Our greatest enemies are reality, facts, the truth. RHETORIC****************Rhetoric might as well be synonymous with propaganda and half-lies. It is a symptom of  fear – fear of confronting reality. Rhetoric is cowardice.ON TRADITION*************************Karl Marx: "The tradition of all the dead generations lies like a nightmare on the brain of the living." Gustav Mahler: "There is no such thing as tradition, only genius and stupidity."
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Paron Baliozian,isk Dzer kartsiqov inch ban e "tradition" hayeris hamar? Menq, hayers avandapah zhoghovurd enq, te voch?Vor avanduytneric petq e hrazharvel yev vor@ pahel?Duq bereciq yerku hreaneri ( astvats im, amen tegh hreaner :) ) kartsiq@ : Dzez chi tvum, vor hreaner@ MIAK avandapah, nuynisk avandapasht, zhoghovurdn en?Yete hnaravor e, pataskhaneq hayeren` anglereni im imacutyun@ havasar e... 0++ :  :( Kankhav shnorhakal em:
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AraInch er dzer kartzike Kristoneutyan masin???Yev endanrapes yete menk iskakan Shovinist u Nacionalist apa ayspisi knerek kaki medj nstatz cheyink lini.  Mi kich nayek hreaneric sovorek vonc en Nacionalizme Dogma sarkel u kshum en aradj irenc hekiatnere. Lav el anumn en.
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