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Google Language Page for Translation - Языковые инструменты : http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=ru Please tell me statements of known Russians about 1915 Genocide with bibliographical references... (?) - Did Maxime Gorki say something ? He had met sculptor Hakop Guredjian in Paris and in Capri (Italy) http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...re/gurdjian.htm - Historian Nicolai Marr ? http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ani1915marr.htm http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ani1915marr.htm - Academician Valeri Brussov ? Writer Ossip Mandelstam ? http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...urssculture.htm - Russian poet Sergueï Gorodetski (1884-1967) ? http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...arstakh1917.htm - Poet Maiakovsky ? - Persons who met Martiros Sarian : Anatoli Vassilievitch Lounatcharski ? - Galina Sergueïevna Oulanova ? Dmitri Chostakovitch ? Alexeï Kossyguine ? http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ure/sarian3.htm Thank you. Nil (Paris) http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...15/a_touran.htm
2009-2010 объявлен годом Турции во Франции Год турецкой культуры: какие исторические темы скрывает, фальсифицирует и отрицает Турция - исторические темы, скрываемые, фальсифицируемые и отрицаемые Турцией ? #1 >> #2 >> #3 >> etc. : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ie5f0themas.htm http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=ru
Here is a new scanned article : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...1974iv89a00.htm Միացած Հայերը, մենք, միասին, պիտի յաջողինք ! :lol: Best regards from Paris. Nil http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/0hh/home.htm
Գրիգոր Լուսավորչի կերպարը հին ռուսական արվեստի մի քանի հուշարձաններում L'image de Grégoire l'Illuminateur représentée sur certains monuments d'art ancien russe Պատմա-Բանասիրական Հանդես , 1976-II http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/0ru/6history_pbh/1976ii_166.htm Please can you tell us : - the names of the towns in Russia ? >> on the map ? (Map.Google or russian map software ?) >> Google.ru >> JPG showing the towns, etc. - the names of the churches ? > Google.ru > JPG - the names of the painters (maybe known ?) - А. Я. Каковкин (Ленинград) >> google.ru ?? Please can you type the titles of bibliographical references (XIX centuries, beginning of XX) >> we may find them in libraries >> photos or scans of the original books. Best regards. Take care. Nil (Paris)
http://www.languageguide.org/eng/ There must be other such websites. Here is one showing the word "PEACE" in all languages : http://www.la-paix.org/le_mot_paix_dans_le_monde.htm I sent the word peace in armenian in JPG because I do not master the Armenian Keyboard (yet) : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ix_armenien.JPG As you master Armenian language fluently, please participate to internatonal linguistic forums. Thank you. Exemple one in French : http://projetbabel.org/forum/index.php Google "Linguistic Forum" : http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&...Search&aq=f Google.fr "Forum linguistique" : http://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&lr=l...que&spell=1 Google.ru >> ??, etc. We have the chance to have our very beautiful and rich armenian language and we have to make it known all round the world. Nil (Paris) http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ture/langue.htm
http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...i_pushkin00.htm only one page ready for the time being : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/..._pushkin194.htm I hope to finish the remaining pages soon. Best regards from Paris. Nil.
1956 : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/0ru/6history/hassun_kratchkovsky1956.pdf 1971 : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/0ru/6history/hassun_krymsky1971.pdf Please can you type me the tiles and the names of the authors (+town of publications, Editor, etc.) of these two articles. It is for my general page (Thank you in advance). //www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/0ab/x6_15hassoun.htm Rizqallah Hassoun went to Moscow. There are papers of him in the archives of the Lazareff Institute. But it is not sure that he went to Armenia. Best regards from Paris. Take care. Nil http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ie/etranger.htm
Already 151 scanned (small) web pages : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/.../1manuscrit.htm My grandmother dictated her memoirs to my aunt in the years of 1964-65 in Paris (?). What you see is a rewriting (by an Armenian from the Middle East who had a good amenian education). The original manuscript of my aunt is very bad written because in those years they did not have a tape recorder. Their photos in Venice (in the years of 1970) : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...ohar1venise.htm My grandmother and my aunt's photos in Trabzon with my grandfather (who was one of the first to be killed) : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...n/sarian020.htm My grand-mother's sister was 21 years old in 1915. She was with a group of other women in the Pontus Mountain. My grandmother was told that her sister preferred to throw herself into the ravine when a turkish tchete approached her and wanted to touch her... When I was a child I saw my grandmother weeping when looking at this photo : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...n/essayan01.htm Here is my page on Trabzon : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...abzon/0home.htm I have other family old photos of Trabzon to scan. Nil (Paris)
Black Trade & Slavery = crimes against Humanity Commercial and economical profits at all cost, even at the cost of crime against humanity. Historical-structural analysis Black-Trade >> Slavery >> Colonialism >> >> Ultra-liberalism >> Anti-sovietism >> Treaty of Lausanne 1923 (crime eluded, vanished away) >> Denialist Turkish State in European Union ? (denial of crime eluded) as a bridge, as a springboard for EU in order to grasp natural ressources of Central Asia l
Here are the towns and suburbs of France (and of some other countries) which are Twin Cities with Armenia : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...l/jumelages.htm In France, City Councils pay much attention municipal relations with their Twin Cities : http://www.afccre.org/fr/default.asp Towns and suburbs of France twin cities with : - Russia : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...es/08russie.htm - Ukraine : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...s/08ukraine.htm - Baltic countries : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...05lithuanie.htm http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/.../05lettonie.htm http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...s/05estonie.htm Is there an armenian website for this ? Which towns of Russia are twin cities with Armenia ? Nil
An Armenian Point of View from Paris on The Gaza Crisis : http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/...b/gaza2009i.htm Nil http://www.globalarmenianheritage-adic.fr/index.htm
How to make forget the image of Turks slaughtering Armenians ? ...the changing of traditional dresses to european dresses. A comparative visual presentation : http://www.crda-france.org/fr/9genocide191...sme_2habits.htm Nil (Paris) http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=hy http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=ru
http://www.crda-france.org/fr/4diaspora/2f...ion1antaram.htm http://www.crda-france.org/fr/7armenie/monts_darmenie.htm http://www.armenweb.org/espaces/louise/rep...es/antaram.html My mother was born in Trabzon. Nil (Paris)
I have the photocopies of the pages of that article in armenian : ԱՍԱՑՈՒԱԾՆԵՐ ՄԱՀՕՄԷՏԻ ՈՐՈՆՔ ՉԵՆ ՄՏԵԼ ՂՈՒՐԱՆԻ ՄԷՋ Better translation of the title of this article in Armenian >> Remarks of L. Tolstoi on Hadiths (?) which are not in the Koran ԱՐՕՐ-AROR (Tiflis), 1910 N#11, pp.99-112 & 161-176 The great Russian writer Leon Tolstoi was indeed interested by the Koran : in russian : http://www.google.com/search?hl=ru&lr=...%BD&spell=1 in armenian : http://www.google.com/search?hl=hy&q=%...A5%D5%AC&lr= in English and French : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=...n+Tolstoi+Koran http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=...amp;btnG=Search I shall scan that article published in Tiflis in 1910 one day (?). Nil http://www.crda-france.org/fr/breligion/islam/0home.htm
- ТУРЕЦКО-ГЕРМАНСКИЕ ТОРГОВЫЕ СВЯЗИ В ГОДЫ ВТОРОЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ (Լրաբեր Հասարակական Գիտությունների 1970) : http://www.crda-france.org/0ru/6hist_nazigermany/LHG1970vi.htm - ПРОПАГАНДА ПАНТЮРКИЗМА В ТУРЦИИ В ГОДЫ ВТОРОЙ МИРОВОЙ ВЙЫ (Բանբեր Երեվանի Համալսարանի 1974) : http://www.crda-france.org/0ru/6hist_nazigermany/BEH1974i.htm - ИЗ ИСТОРИИ ИДЕОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ПРОНИКНОВЕНИЯ ГЕРМАНСКГО ФАШИЗМА В ТУРЦИИ НАКОНУНЕ И В ПЕРИОД ВТРЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ Р.П.КОНДАКЧЯН (Բանբեր Երեվանի Համալսարանի 1976) : http://www.crda-france.org/0ru/6hist_nazigermany/BEH1976i.htm Please, it is important to type and numerize these pages, in order Translating Web Pages can be used by Armenians of the Diaspora : http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en - http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ - etc., etc... Nil (Paris) http://www.crda-france.org/fr/6histoire/a_...rquie_nazis.htm