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Произхождение армян ? Phrygian?

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Ampayman, ughaki parz bacatrem im himnakan problem@ vor verbervum eh Hurritnerin ev irenc jarangort Uraratacinerin hamematelov mer etnos@ Huynerin ev Hromeacinerin (Italacinerin). Huynernel ev Hromeacinernel unen irenc "Urartaciner", Huyneri depkum Minoannerne ev bazmativ Pelasgic (chgitem te Hayerenov nuyn dzevi en asnum te voch) tesgher@, Hromeatsineri/Italatsineri mot himnakanum Etruscner@. Bayc, Huynernel el Italacinernel himnakanum irenc hamarum en H.Evropakan etnos (aysinkn Huyneri erku himnakan teghaxmber@ Mycenaean ev hetaga Dorian ev Hromeatsineri/Italatsineri bazmativ Latinakan tsgher@ voronc verjum Hrom@ miatsrets), ays amen@ @ndunelov vor Minoan/pelasgic ev Etruscner irenc masnen. Hima nuyn dzevov es @ndunum em vor Hurrit-Urartaciner@ mer masnen aysor bayc menq arajin hertin H.Evropakan paleo-Balkanyan Thraco-Phrygian-Armen ev aveli hin Hittite, Luwian, Hayasa(shat hnaravor eh vor irenqel eyin Hurrit ev voch te HE) etc. enq. Himnakan mas@ ayd, Hurrit-Urartakan mas erkrordakan eh.

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Isk yes kartzum em vor mer aradjnayin masn e xurri-hatta-urartakane !!

Vercrek Djahukyani girke

Ayntegh parz lezvov grvatz e vor grabarum ka 11.000 bar voric est yerevuytin 5500-e uni xurri-urartakan himk !!

Yev ednamene mi 1000 bare vor hndyevropakan bararmatneric e galis

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Phrygian, iharke bavakanin shat tesutyuner en steghtsvel hayeri tsagumi masin. Orinak arach asum ein vor hayery skifer en. Hima asum en phridatsiner enq, vaghy vor chinastany shat ujeghana kasen hin chinatsiner enq.

Es ais tesutyunerin hamarya chem havatum yndanrapes. Bnakan e vor ain jamanak inchvor mi tsegh asenq 500 hogi frigiaits ekel en hayakakan lernashxar hayatsel en. Kam mi 500 skif arshavanqnerits heto mnatsel en hayastanum, ham mi 1000 hat hurrit kam urartatsi.

Orinak jamanakin asum ein vor hayery skifner en inchu ? vorovhetev rusnery hamarum en vor iranq skifner en ev lav kliner vor hayerner skifner linein.

hima asum en phrigastiner en inchu ? im kartsiqov vorovhetev evrointegratiai qaghakanutyun e gnum ev lav kliner vor hayery evropaits linein.

Baits hankarts bnik chlinen mekel tesar asetsin chenq integratsvum :).

Movses khoirenatsin el grel evo babelonits enq orinak inchu es iran chavatam? Vorovhetev aisor asum en vor na uzel e kronakan himqer tal hayeri tsagmany, migutse baits akhr bolorn enuzum astar tal.

orinak phrigereni het hayereny yndanur 4 bar uneni, shumerneri hat hastat aveli shat unenq. Yndvorum shumernery asel en vor mer kogmery Arata erkir ka.

Orinak shumerneri kmaghknery usumnasirelits gtel en vor 20-25% armenoid en, isk mi 50% urish e vor hndkastani sevamord tsegheri kmagknerin e nman, yndvor ete erevi khshes vor BELy Kami vordin e isk kamy sevamordneri naghnin e yst hin hreakan ktakarani.

esel asum em hayki tseghy shumerstanum poqramasnutyun en kazmel ev stipvats toghel en ekel en haykakan lernashghar. Isk shumerstan vonts en ynkel chgitem.

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Isk hurrineri kesic avelin asum en vor armenoid en yeghel

U hurrineri hayrenike haykakan bardzravadakn e.

isk shumernere idjel en anatolyayic

chek havatum ?

****Hurrian language

Encyclopædia Britannica Article

extinct language spoken from the last centuries of the 3rd millennium BC until at least the latter years of the Hittite Empire (c. 1400–c. 1190 BC); it is neither an Indo-European nor a Semitic language. Many sources for the language exist, including the numerous passages marked hurlili (“Hurrian”) in cuneiform tablets discovered in the ruins of the Hittite archives at Bogazköy (the ancient Hattusa, in modern Turkey). It is generally believed that the speakers of this language originally came from the Armenian mountains and spread over southeast Anatolia and northern Mesopotamia at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Before the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, parts of Hurrian territory were under the control of an Indo-Aryan ruling class, the Mitanni, whose name was incorrectly applied to the Hurrians by early researchers. The later Urartian language is thought to be descended from the same parent language as Hurrian. See also Urartian language. *****


Encyclopædia Britannica Article

site of the earliest known civilization, located in the southernmost part of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, in the area that later became Babylonia and is now southern Iraq from around Baghdad to the Persian Gulf.

Sumer was first settled between 4500 and 4000 BC by a non-Semitic people who did not speak the Sumerian language. These people now are called proto-Euphrateans or Ubaidians, for the village Al-Ubaid, where their remains were first discovered. The Ubaidians were the first civilizing force in Sumer, draining the marshes for agriculture, developing trade, and establishing industries, including weaving, leatherwork, metalwork, masonry, and pottery. After the Ubaidian immigration to Mesopotamia, various Semitic peoples infiltrated their territory, adding their cultures to the Ubaidian culture, and creating a high pre-Sumerian civilization.

The people called Sumerians, whose language became the prevailing language of the territory, probably came from around Anatolia, arriving in Sumer about 3300 BC. By the 3rd millennium BC the country was the site of at least 12 separate city-states: Kish, Erech, Ur, Sippar, Akshak, Larak, Nippur, Adab, Umma, Lagash, Bad-tibira, and Larsa. Each of these states comprised a walled city and its surrounding villages and land, and each worshiped its own deity, whose temple was the central structure of the city. Political power originally belonged to the citizens, but, as rivalry between the various city-states increased, each adopted the institution of kingship. An extant document, The Sumerian King List, records that eight kings reigned before the great Flood.


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Encyclopædia Britannica Article

member of an ancient people of Etruria, in Italy (between the Tiber and Arno rivers west and south of the Apennines), whose urban civilization reached its height in the 6th century BC. Many features of Etruscan culture were adopted by the Romans, their successors to power in the peninsula.

The origin of the Etruscans has been a subject of debate since antiquity. Herodotus, for example, argued that the Etruscans descended from a people who invaded Etruria from Anatolia before 800 BC and established themselves over the native Iron Age inhabitants of the region, whereas Dionysius of Halicarnassus believed that the Etruscans were of local Italian origin. Both theories, as well as a third 19th-century theory, have turned out to be problematic, and today scholarly discussion has shifted its focus from the discussion of provenance to that of the formation of the Etruscan people.


Sa el Etruskneri masin

Inchpes tesnum ek yev etrusknere, yev xurrinere yev shumernere Anatolyayic en kam Hayqic !!


Etrusknere nuynpes armenoid en i dep.

11.000 bar voch te 110.000..

11.000 barov grabare aveli harust lezu e kan hin hunarene !!

U da cuyc e talis vor hayere SHAT SHAT hnuc en gir unecel..

ughaki vorosh chuzoghner anunnere chasem mer patmutyune varecin

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Yes bavakanin usumnasirel em ed harcere u asem kez vor menk chgitenk ISKAKANIC vonc e yeghel hurriterene kam shumerene

I dep shumernere irenk irenc yerkire chen kochel shumer. da akkadnern en aydpes asel.

isk orinak asorinere ayd mase kochum ein Xaldea

Duk kartzum ke ayd xaldean patahakan e ayntegh haytnvel?

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Isk yes kartzum em vor mer aradjnayin masn e xurri-hatta-urartakane !!

  Vercrek Djahukyani girke

  Ayntegh parz lezvov grvatz e vor grabarum ka 11.000 bar voric est yerevuytin 5500-e uni xurri-urartakan himk !!

  Yev ednamene mi 1000 bare vor hndyevropakan bararmatneric e galis

"Ayntegh parz lezvov grvatz e vor grabarum ka 11.000 bar voric est yerevuytin 5500-e uni xurri-urartakan himk !!"

Jahukyani voch mi grkum aydpisi ban asvats chi. Duk inch-vor mi ban shpotum ek.

"Yev ednamene mi 1000 bare vor hndyevropakan bararmatneric e galis"

Voch te barer, ayl – armatner. Innharyur kani armat ka, voronk bnik haykakan tsagum unen. Mnatsatsner@ kam pokharutyunner en, kam el – parzvats chi nrants tsagum@.

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Shumere gtnvel e kaghakakrtutyunneri xachmerukum.. Irank sumernere vor idjel en sareric chen yeghel midjagetki bnik joghovurd u cheyin karogh midjagetki genetik kazme lriv pox ein

Heto mi moraci vor 2400 tvic mta sksatz shumerakan elitan makur shumer chen yeghel ayl nayev semitner u nayev yerevi elamciner..

aynpes vor menk chgitenk ayd 25% tiv voncc en hashvel kam

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Voch te barer, ayl – armatner. Innharyur kani armat ka, voronk bnik haykakan tsagum unen. Mnatsatsner@ kam pokharutyunner en, kam el – parzvats chi nrants tsagum@.////

inchkan e ayd chpartzvatzneri tive ???

yev inch versya e aradj kashvum ayd chparzvatzneri hamar ??

vercrek girke nayek

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bats es gitem vor bavakanin anhayt armatner kan voronq bun haykakan armatnerits aveli shat en et vonts batsatrel? ////

shat tjisht harc vonc bacatrel ???

I dep yes chem asum vor menk chenk mtnum hndyevropakan entaniki medj. Mtnum enk.

Ughaki ekek haskanank vortegh u vonc u yerb e aradjacel ed hndyevropakan entanike. ??

Yev amenakarevore inch kaghakakrtutyan himqi vra ??

henc enenc u ho kochvornere chsteghtzecin hndyevropakan entanike ?

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Phrygian, you opened a very interesting theme and I’ll gladly converse in English with you, if you prefer so. But first we must agree that Armenian-Phrygian linguistic relationship is not fully evaluated yet, it still remains a mere theory – though an acceptable one – based solely on one vague reference to such bond, made by an ancient historiographer. The issue is more complicated given the fact that Phrygian is not researched at all; all we have from that language is a small collection of few words (names) and some toponyms.

On the other hand, like I said, there should also be no doubt that the two are related. After all, their appearance in the same general geographic area in a specific period of time may suggest close affinity. The degree of linguistic relationship is somewhat questionable, not the fact of such relationship per se.

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Kars thank you.

May I request that you wait until I get home from work so as to be able to respond in greater detail. This is my favorite subject and I enjoy scrutinizing.

Joghovourd, hazar ou mi ban xarneciq. Aystegh mi haryur eji material ounem patasxanelu :blink:

Erku jamits amen inchin kpatasxanem. Mi xndrank, el mi avelacreq vor hascnem gone hats utel gortsits heto :)

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Take all the time you need, there is no hurry. I am not always online, too. After all, we all have real lives, as opposed to forum dwelling.

I am very much interested in your opinion, thoughts and suggestions, given the fact that you, as far as I am noticing, are making a lot of sense.

The only problem I always encounter while discussing linguistic issues is this: often times it evolves into (1) jingoism and (2) irresponsible “quotations” – like the one I run into in AriaMard’s case: he is quoting, or is hinting at quoting, from a “book”, without even bothering to (at least) name the “book” he is purportedly quoting from.

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