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Карин Арабян (Karine Arabian) выросла в семье, где мода всегда была профессией. Ее дед создавал обувь, отец шил костюмы на заказ. Унаследовав от старших поколений семьи вкус к стилю и ношению одежды, Карин пополнила свои знания сначала в школе Esmod, а затем в легендарной Studio Bercot. Став лауреатом престижного конкурса молодых талантов в Hieres в 1993-м году, она обратила на себя внимание профессионалов и получила предложение о контракте от марки Swarovski. Затем Карин прошла великолепную школу совершенства у Chanel, где занималась созданием линии аксессуаров. Этот опыт оказал влияние на весь ее дальнейший профессиональный путь.

В 2000-м году Карин приняла решение о создании собственной именной марки, включающей линии аксессуаров, обуви, сумок и украшений. Ее фирменные знаки: работа с кожей, неожиданные сочетания материалов и цветов, асимметрия. Ее желание: посвятить свое творчество сегодняшней женщине. Дать силуэту свободу и изменчивость, своеобразие и исключительность. Ее стиль: соблазнительная алхимия силы и нежности, свободы и рафинированности. С прошлого лета Карин воплощает его и в линии одежды, с тем, чтобы рассказать свою историю до конца. Сегодня в числе поклонниц марки Karine Arabian французские звезды Изабель Аджани и Ванесса Паради. В Москве обувь от Karine Arabian представлена в сети магазинов Rendez Vous.

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Половина фоток этих женщин есть в другом разделе, в теме: Armenian models


И эта тема в Other'е неуместна

V toy teme private models - ujasno viglyadyashie prostitutki, kotorim ryadom s jenoy Spivakova ne mesto.

Avtor temi reshil, chto krasivie armyanskie devushki - gordost' nashego culture i drevnyaya armyanskaya tradiciya.

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Девочки, тема Armenian models не моя, ее открывала Ани.

V toy teme private models - ujasno viglyadyashie prostitutki, kotorim ryadom s jenoy Spivakova ne mesto.

Avtor temi reshil, chto krasivie armyanskie devushki - gordost' nashego culture i drevnyaya armyanskaya tradiciya.

Правильно, а тема, где красивые армянские девушки, должна находится в разделе Красота т.е в Health&Beauty :rolleyes:

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1) конечно прошу прощение, что некоторые фотографии повторяются, не заметила я темы Армянские модели, впредь буду повнимательнее смотреть

2) выбор раздела, я не против - переносите. выбирая раздел я исходила из того, что "красивая женщина - произведение искусства", но конечно лучше все систематизировать.

3)некотрые фотки почему-то не грузятся, но я использовала следующие сайты:



http://www.arabiccelebrities.com ( Ливанские модели)

http://www.elcanal.com/ ( Уругвайские (Латиноамериканукие модели))

http://www.modelofuniverse.de(Германские модели)


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Ещё...Шанталь Акопян....

КСтати, я думаю в этой теме можно постить не только фотографии моделей, но и известных врачей, деятелей культуры и искусства...и так далее


Edited by Elena
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ща возьму и свою фотку загружу!

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On the celebration of her 25th anniversary at the Metropolitan Opera com

pany, Lucine Amara was presented not only the William Rockefeller Award, but also a standing ovation from the audience. Amara's musical career began in 1948 when she was awarded first prize at the Atwater-Kent audition. Along with receiving $ 2,000, she also won an appearance at the Hollywood Bowl. Two years later, Amara made her debut at the Met as the Celestial Voice in "Don Carlo." Amara has made several recordings and has performed with symphonies and opera companies around the world including the San Francisco Symphony, the New Orleans Opera. The Rome Opera, and the New York Philharmonic. She has given performances in Venezuela, the USSR, Mexico, Vienna, Paris and the Far East. Amara says her love of music comes from the fact that "independent of space. music is sublimely strong. With great eloquence it can move armies, kindle love, and become one of the most magnificent and delightful presents that God has given us."

p.s. на счет ИРИНЫ ОТИЕВОЙ (вопрос не ко мне) - конечно, АРМЯНКА!

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Arlene Francis began her acting career working with the Mamoulian Theatre Guild and later as a member of the Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre. She worked in radio on the highly successful show, "What's My Name?" Her work in television started with the program "Blind Date." In 1950, Francis became a panelist on TV's "What's My Name?" NBC recognized the charm and wit of Francis and appointed her mistress of ceremonies of its extravaganza "Home" from 1953-1957. Francis didn't confine her talents only to radio and TV. She has appeared in many plays including stints on Broadway in "Tchin-Tchin," "Beekman Place" and the 1966 revival of "Dinner at Eight." She appeared in the movies "One, Two, Three" with Jimmy Cagney and "The Thrill of It All" with Doris Day and James Garner. New York Times drama critic Clive Barnes has called Francis "a comedienne of great talent and versatility" and has praised her "supreme naturalness." Francis said that she has lived by the simple philosophy, "Give your best and your potential will surprise you. The higher you reach . . . the higher you will go."

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Мариэтта Шагинян, Сильва Капутикян. Рипсимэ Погосян, Маро Маркарян, Аракс, Ахавни, Анаит Саинян, Анжела Степанян, Анаид Секоян

Сэда Вермишева, Алла Тер-Акопян, Нина Габриелян, Анаит Баяндур и др.

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As a young child, Nonny Hogrogian would go through her grandfather's many books, studying the beautiful illustrations and dreaming of one day creating such pictures. Those dreams have been realized as Hogrogian has illustrated over fifty books, most of them children's books. Hogrogian realized at a young age that she had a special talent and began studying art with her aunt. During her mid-twenties, Hogrogian began doing illustration work for books but soon found herself contemplating retirement. A few years later, retirement entered her mind again when she considered going back to school. Such thoughts soon vanished when she was awarded the Caldecott Award for her illustrations in the book "Always Room For One More." The Caldecott medal is given for the most distinguish picture book of the year. In 1972 she received the coveted award again, this time for a book she also authored, One Fine Day. Hogrogian is probably her strongest critic. She once said, "I am always dissatisfied with my work, always left with the feeling that I must try harder the next time, that I never seem capable enough to paint something as beautifully as it deserves to be painted," Her own work seems to prove otherwise.

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When the movie "Silkwood," starring Meryl Streep came out in 1983, few people could believe their eyes when the name Cher appeared in the opening credits. Some even laughed at the thought of Cher in a dramatic role. But when the Academy Awards rolled around the next year, it was Cher's turn to laugh... she had been nominated for best supporting actress. The Cher in "Silkweed" had come a long way since the days of Sonny and Cher.? Her acting career began with the Broadway production and later movie version of "Come back to the 5 and Dime, Jimmy Dean." This was followed by "Silkweed" and then "Mask," where she portrayed a tough motorcycle-gang member and mother of a deformed son. The critics were speechless. She took an about-face with her next movie, "The Witches of Eastwick," in which she played a woman with special powers. In "Suspect," she played a public defender. Cher won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in "Moonstruct." It shouldn't be surprising that she has chosen to play such diverse roles; Cher, whose father was Armenian, is known for her ever-changing image and dress. "I have the most opposite personalities that could possibly live in one body," she admits. "If I had been talented in art, I would have painted. I can't. So I like to be artistic in the way I look and dress." she explains.


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