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My name is Maarten Bels and I live in the US.

I was wondering if somebody could translate a couple of lines for me into Armenian and Russian.

I would really appreciate it.

These are the lines:

{Dear Sir/Mam,

My name is Maarten Bels and I work for a nespaper in Arkansas, in the USA.

I am looking for the logos of the following political parties:




I would be very grateful if you could send these to me.

Thank you very much.

Maarten Bels}

If anyone could help me with this, I would be forever indebted.

Thank you very much in advance,

Maarten Bels

[email protected]

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I don't know what do you need this for. But it is not the ballistic missiles startup codes, so here's the Armenian translation:

Հարգելի պարոն/տիկին:

Իմ անունն է Մաարթեն Բելս: Ես աշխատում եմ Արկանզաս նահանգի (ԱՄՆ) թերթերից մեկում:

Ես փնտրում եմ հետևյալ քաղաքական կուսակցությունների խորհրդանիշները (լոգոտիպները)՝




Կլինեի անչափ երախտապարտ եթե Դուք կարողանայիք ուղարկել ինձ նրանք:

Մաարթեն Բելս:

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I don't know what do you need this for. But it is not the ballistic missiles startup codes, so here's the Armenian translation:

Thank you so much.

I need it to ask people for logos of political parties. I'm having trouble finding this information and I was hoping that maybe a little Armenian or Russian would break the ice.

I am collecting information about political parties, such as the parties of Armenia.

I already have the logos of HHK, Dashnak and National Union (Azgajin Miabanutiun).

I am looking for the logos of Demirchian's People's Party, Orinats Yerkir and the United Labout Party.

Would you be so kind as to give me the Armenian names of the People's Party and United Labour Party?

And thank you very much again. I really do appreciate it very much.


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Thank you so much.

I need it to ask people for logos of political parties. I'm having trouble finding this information and I was hoping that maybe a little Armenian or Russian would break the ice.

I am collecting information about political parties, such as the parties of Armenia.

I already have the logos of HHK, Dashnak and National Union (Azgajin Miabanutiun).

I am looking for the logos of Demirchian's People's Party, Orinats Yerkir and the United Labout Party.

Would you be so kind as to give me the Armenian names of the People's Party and United Labour Party?

And thank you very much again. I really do appreciate it very much.


It's hard to translate the names from English into Armenian because there are lots of parties in Armenia having almost similar names in English translation.

Look this list of some Armenian parties (in Russian). Some of them have logos in description:


F.e., here is the logo of Orinats Yerkir (Law Country):



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Could anyone give me the Armenian translation for Miavorvats Ashkhatankayin Kusaksutyun (united Labour Party) and Hayastani Zhoghovrdakan Kusaktsutyun (People's party of Armenia).

I just need the Armenian words for them.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Maarten Bels

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Miavorvats Ashkhatankayin Kusaksutyun (united Labour Party)

Միավորված Աշախատանքային Կուսակցություն

Hayastani Zhoghovrdakan Kusaktsutyun (People's party of Armenia).

Հայաստանի Ժողովրդական Կուսակցություն

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Would you be able to give it to me in Russian, too?

Thanks so much.



Уважаемый господин/госпожа [surname].

Меня зовут Маартен Белс. Я работаю в одной из газет штата Арканзас, США.

Мне необходимы логотипы следующих политических партий:




Был бы очень благодарен если бы Вы смогли мне их выслать.

Маартен Белс.


Actually, what do you need this information for? And what does it mean "a nespaper in Arkansas"? :hm:

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Спасибо, уже исправил.

ՍԱՍ-ի մահացու կատակները իշեցի մինչև էս խեղճ մարդուն թարգմանում էի :lol:

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Спасибо, уже исправил.

ՍԱՍ-ի մահացու կատակները իշեցի մինչև էս խեղճ մարդուն թարգմանում էի :lol:


How could I miss THAT?! :lool:

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Уважаемый господин/госпожа [surname].

Меня зовут Маартен Белс. Я работаю в одной из газет штата Арканзас, США.

Мне необходимы логотипы следующих политических партий:




Был бы очень благодарен если бы Вы смогли мне их выслать.

Маартен Белс.


Actually, what do you need this information for? And what does it mean "a nespaper in Arkansas"? :hm:

I meant neWspaper in Arkansas :-) Sorry. My bad.

I work for The Sun in Jonesboro, a small newspaper in a small American city.

I am doing a personal project about political parties and I have been obsessed with getting the logos of the Armenian political parties. I collect those, just like people collect stamps or paperclips :-)

I studied political science in college and I am very interested in it.

Also, I have always had a very soft spot for both Israel and Armenia. Two immensely tough, strong, ancient people who have survived hardship beyond imagination and are still going strong.

Thank you guys for all your help. You are awesome.

I hope I can keep counting on you if I need something else.

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I hope I can keep counting on you if I need something else.
sure :flower:
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