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Интересный тест :up:,

но результат мне не очень понятен. Слишком много вариантов "религий" выдает. А я о них - ни слухом, ни духом. Вот и не знаю, правильный результат или нет :cry:

Your Results:

The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.

Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.

How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message boards.

1. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (89%)

3. New Age (89%)

4. New Thought (87%)

5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (87%)

6. Liberal Quakers (86%)

7. Neo-Pagan (81%)

8. Mahayana Buddhism (78%)

9. Bahб'н Faith (75%)

10. Scientology (73%)

11. Taoism (68%)

12. Theravada Buddhism (65%)

13. Hinduism (64%)

14. Reform Judaism (56%)

15. Jainism (52%)

16. Orthodox Quaker (51%)

17. Secular Humanism (50%)

18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (46%)

19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (39%)

20. Jehovah's Witness (38%)

21. Sikhism (36%)

22. Orthodox Judaism (31%)

23. Seventh Day Adventist (25%)

24. Nontheist (24%)

25. Islam (24%)

26. Eastern Orthodox (13%)

27. Roman Catholic (13%)

Исламских процентов больше, чем правосланых и католических? :ermm:

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Я этот тест давно проходил. Там получилось что

Orthodox Judaism - 100%

Islam - 89% :(

Хотя понятно почему. По моим убеждениям я агностик, хотя и немного верю в высшую силу. А это прямая дорога в иудаизм и ислам.

Edited by Vadim
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Мой результат:

1. Sikhism (100%)

2. Jainism (97%)

3. Orthodox Judaism (95%)

4. Reform Judaism (95%)

5. Neo-Pagan (93%)

6. Islam (91%)

7. Unitarian Universalism (82%)

8. Bahá'í Faith (75%)

9. Liberal Quakers (66%)

10. Theravada Buddhism (66%)

11. New Age (64%)

12. Hinduism (62%)

13. Mahayana Buddhism (59%)

14. Nontheist (44%)

15. Secular Humanism (44%)

16. Taoism (35%)

17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (33%)

18. Jehovah's Witness (33%)

19. New Thought (31%)

20. Scientology (31%)

21. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (21%)

22. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (17%)

23. Orthodox Quaker (17%)

24. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (13%)

25. Seventh Day Adventist (4%)

26. Eastern Orthodox (0%)

27. Roman Catholic (0%)

Несколько странный.

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Your Results:

The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.

Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.

How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message boards.

1. New Age (100%)

2. Neo-Pagan (98%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (98%)

4. Mahayana Buddhism (93%)

5. Theravada Buddhism (88%)

6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (86%)

7. Liberal Quakers (84%)

8. New Thought (83%)

9. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (81%)

10. Hinduism (75%)

11. Scientology (70%)

12. Jainism (63%)

13. Bahб'н Faith (63%)

14. Reform Judaism (58%)

15. Orthodox Quaker (58%)

16. Taoism (57%)

17. Sikhism (54%)

18. Secular Humanism (52%)

19. Orthodox Judaism (49%)

20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (45%)

21. Nontheist (42%)

22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (39%)

23. Jehovah's Witness (34%)

24. Islam (33%)

25. Seventh Day Adventist (23%)

26. Eastern Orthodox (19%)

27. Roman Catholic (19%)

вот Николай обрадуется :)

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Кстати, почему тут нет ААЦ??? :angry:


Чтобы включить сюда ААЦ нужно ввести еще тест на монофизитство, типа "признаете ли вы одну или две природы во Христе".

При этом 99% опрашиваемых точно не поймет в чем дело :D

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1. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (100%)

2. Neo-Pagan (97%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (88%)

4. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (84%)

5. Liberal Quakers (83%)

6. Mahayana Buddhism (83%)

7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (82%)

8. Hinduism (81%)

9. New Thought (80%)

10. Sikhism (80%)

11. Bahб'н Faith (78%)

12. New Age (75%)

13. Scientology (75%)

14. Secular Humanism (74%)

15. Orthodox Quaker (68%)

16. Theravada Buddhism (67%)

17. Jainism (66%)

18. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (64%)

19. Taoism (62%)

20. Jehovah's Witness (55%)

21. Reform Judaism (51%)

22. Nontheist (48%)

23. Eastern Orthodox (43%)

24. Islam (43%)

25. Orthodox Judaism (43%)

26. Roman Catholic (43%)

27. Seventh Day Adventist (31%)

Поясните что это значит ????? :blink:

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Ещё раз прошол..ответил по другому..но видимо ошибка произошла..потому-что :

1. Bahб'н Faith (0%)

2. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (0%)

3. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (0%)

4. Eastern Orthodox (0%)

5. Hinduism (0%)

6. Islam (0%)

7. Jainism (0%)

8. Jehovah's Witness (0%)

9. Liberal Quakers (0%)

10. Mahayana Buddhism (0%)

11. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (0%)

12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (0%)

13. Neo-Pagan (0%)

14. New Age (0%)

15. New Thought (0%)

16. Nontheist (0%)

17. Orthodox Judaism (0%)

18. Orthodox Quaker (0%)

19. Reform Judaism (0%)

20. Roman Catholic (0%)

21. Scientology (0%)

22. Secular Humanism (0%)

23. Seventh Day Adventist (0%)

24. Sikhism (0%)

25. Taoism (0%)

26. Theravada Buddhism (0%)

27. Unitarian Universalism (0%)

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Ещё раз прошол..ответил по другому..но видимо ошибка произошла..потому-что :

1. Bahб'н Faith (0%)

2. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (0%)

3. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (0%)

4. Eastern Orthodox (0%)

5. Hinduism (0%)

6. Islam (0%)

7. Jainism (0%)

8. Jehovah's Witness (0%)

9. Liberal Quakers (0%)

10. Mahayana Buddhism (0%)

11. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (0%)

12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (0%)

13. Neo-Pagan (0%)

14. New Age (0%)

15. New Thought (0%)

16. Nontheist (0%)

17. Orthodox Judaism (0%)

18. Orthodox Quaker (0%)

19. Reform Judaism (0%)

20. Roman Catholic (0%)

21. Scientology (0%)

22. Secular Humanism (0%)

23. Seventh Day Adventist (0%)

24. Sikhism (0%)

25. Taoism (0%)

26. Theravada Buddhism (0%)

27. Unitarian Universalism (0%)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Таламбай, ты атеист-пофигист :lol: :p

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А вообще я очень неуверен в ответах.......у меня три раза были совсем разные результаты..на некоторые вопросы мне сложно ответить !!!!

Edited by Таламбай
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Чтобы включить сюда ААЦ нужно ввести еще тест на монофизитство, типа "признаете ли вы одну или две природы во Христе".

При этом 99% опрашиваемых точно не поймет в чем дело :D

ААЦ не признает монофизитсва ;) совсем не признает :p это энциклопедическая ошибка :p

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1. New Age (100%)

2. Neo-Pagan (98%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (98%)

4. Mahayana Buddhism (93%)

5. Theravada Buddhism (88%)

вот Николай обрадуется :)

Как видишь, мой диагноз был в десятку. :D

Кто такие нео-паганы :wow: не знаю, но остальное точно. :yes:

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Чего-то долго нет вердикта Николая по поводу того, что "чушью страдаем" или как-то там ещё :lol:

:D Да тест прикольный, просто мне лень отвечать. Да и диагноз свой я точно знаю. :yes: :D

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