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Posts posted by Phrygian

  1. Вы уж определитесь кто на кого повлиял. Раз некоторые, как вы говорите, армяне попали под их влияние, значит они со своим варварством оказались сильнее.

    Ед вонц эхав ирар коxк апрум энк, иранк верjин барбарос ен, иск менк каxакакирт жоxовурд. Hуйнериц пакас чмнак.

    Irar koxk chenk aprel, esorn enq aprum vortev menak et ounenq. Mi masn a mer joghovorti iranc koghk aprel, mi pokr mas!

    Ujeghi harts@ chi, patmutyan @ntackum misht barbarosnernen assimilacia anum.

    Du moratsi sranc.

    Haha. Hayeri metsamasnutyun@ turqakan kyankov a aprum u shnchum, myus masnel (arevelahayer) arabakan.

  2. To chto gruzini dikari eto vsem izvestno, prostoy kavkazski varvarski narod...Greki i Armyani konechno im nemnogo pomogli nu vsetaki ostalis varvarami.

    Problema v tom cho eti kavkazci povliyali na nekotorix Armyan kotoriye sevodnya ne chem ni otlichayutsya kavkazskim varvarstvom.

  3. Rest in peace and may good bless your soul Mr. Milosevic!

    Во время Сталина это называлось "залечили".

    Он до конца не сдавался, и ставил в тупик самих обвинителей, им я так думаю было не выгодно продолжать, вот они и решили его убрать не давая нормал'но вылечитса.

    Мда блин когда Европа проснетса, хрен знает...

    Политическое завещание Слободана Милошевича: защитная речь на на процессе в Гааге:


  4. Вот одна 50% армянка (не знаю, может уже она упоминалась?):


    Tenc baner chases.

    Es c**t@ amena haka-Haykakan yerevuytneric a amboghj ashxarhum.

    Have you seen her stories on Artsakh?

    How about Kosovo?

    She is half Persian, half British.

  5. Pfft..forget namus mamus.

    Hedgehog (noun)

    Phrygian: eksis Armenian: vozni Greek: ekhinos Lithuanian ezys Slavic: *ezji

    (To) fix (verb)

    Hittite: sark Armenian: sark(el)

    Phrygian: eber (has brought), abberet (will bring) Armenian: berem (will bring)

    Heart (noun)

    Hittite: kardi Palaic: kart Armenian: sirt

    Phrygian: anar, 'husband' Ancient Greek: aner (man, husband) Armenian: aner, 'father in law'

    Phrygian: germe, 'warm' Ancient Greek: thermos Armenian: germ


    Phrygian: kakon, 'harm, ill', PIE *kaka-, 'to defecate', cognate to Ancient Greek kakôn (evil, ill), Armenian "kak".

  6. Phrygian,

    Westward influx of Indo-Iranians in the area occurred at approximately same time as Scythians entered the Armenian Highland from north (speaking in general historical terms). Medes showed up from south-east, Cimmerians – from north. (”Scythians” – is a general definition and does not represent a specific ethnic group).

    Besides, little (if anything) is known about contribution of Scythian branch of Indo-Aryan languages to Armenian. Cimmerians were eventually absorbed by Armenians and there are no traces of their spoken or written language recorded.

    Medes, on the other hand, were a STATE neighboring the Armenian STATE – therefore there is more reason to look for unexplained Armenian borrowings (iranisms) in Median than there is - in Scythian languages.

    But of course, all of this is just a theory.

    I agree, actually the Scythians were in a loose alliance with the Medes. I once read an interesting hypothesis which argued that the Median Empire didn't even exist :wow: Can't find it now...

    There are no records of a Cimmerian tongue, just names and classifying their language as Iranic is just an educated guess. Some have tried linking them with Thracian and even Celtic.

    In any case, the overwhelming majority of Iranisms are from Pahlavi (Middle Persian).

    Btw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andranik_Toros_Ozanian

  7. Армяне- кавказский народ?

    приехали :)

    с точки зрения происхождения , лингвистики и тд армяне никогда небыли кавказцами и вряд ли станут .

    другое дело география , к несчастью от бывалой Армении осталась только ее кавказская часть .

    "Armyanin" kotori schitayet sebya kavkazcom dlya menya ne Armyanin.

  8. у него турецкие корни если не ошибаюсь. Но имя, пусть kars скажет, Ахмад - арабское и Нижат - от фарси.... Может он смесь араба с персом, но сосед был турком? :)

    On sam poxoj na Pakistanca.

    Korats azgen kar& asats...

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