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Армяне - люди, армянского происх., люди, любящие Армению - армяне. я могу согласиться, что и англичанка, и немец , и грек, и русский, и т.д. могут быть армянами ( своими- родными) (Армин Вагнер, Каролина Кокс, Диаманда Галас, Yorgo Alexandrou и т.д. ), но я вывесила фотографии людей, армянского происхождения!! НА сайте проводится конкурс армянских фотографий!

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НА сайте проводится конкурс армянских фотографий!

Это значит что фотографы армяне, но не люди на фотографиях ;) Есть армянские фотографии азер-ких военопленных солдат, но это не значит что на фотографии армяне :)

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Армяне - целая нация , а не племя, с одними отпечатками, у нас бывают и зеленоглазые, и кареглазые, и голубоглазые люди, и блондины, и брюнеты, и рыжие, и лысые и какие угодно люди! с разными формами лица, разными типажами! меня просто достало, когда некоторые судят О МОЕЙ НАЦИИ так как ты!

так фотографии делались в Армении, а вы все сами гворите, что Армения - мононациональная страна, так вот , люди на фото - армяне! ну хотя бы радует, что нет претензий к фотографиям с других сайтов

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Некоторые девушки без описания вообще не похожи на армянок. Напримем вот эта в белой блузке с сигаретой, если она армянка, то я удмурт тогда :blink: А ещё модель плэйбоя та наполовину немка, колумбийка, армянка. Какая она армянская женщина на 7 киселе, кто-то когда-то у неё в роду армянином если и был, то это не значит, что она армянка.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

ankap ankap nkarner en, barbita jan, :/ daje bez imen))) ova, inch a...???? :D

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Adrineh Simonian


Adrineh Simonian, mezzo-soprano

Born in Teheran of Armenian origin, Adrineh Simonian grew up in Vienna, where she studied violin, piano and voice at the university of music in her home town. She then entered the opera and operetta class at the Vienna Conservatory from where she graduated with distinction. In 1999 she was awarded the Price for Young Artists of the City of Vienna. In the Belvedere competition 2000, she won the 3rd price and various special prices.

That same year, the young mezzo made her debut at the Chamber Opera of Vienna in "A Night in Venice", one year later she was invited for "The Bat" there. She was then engaged by Mo. Martin Haselboeck and his Vienna Academy to sing in "La Contessina" at the Schauspielhaus in Vienna in 2001; as well as by the Festival Klangbogen Wien for "La Bohème" by Leoncovallo (Conductor: Marco Guidarini, Stage Directon: Guy Joosten), as well as by the Royal Opera Copenhagen for "Il re pastore" under the baton of Adam Fischer.

Since 2001, Andrineh Simonian is a member of the ensemble of the Volksoper Wien, where she has sung a big repertory including roles like: Cherubino ("Le Nozze di Figaro"), Zerlina ("Don Giovanni), 2. Dame ("The Magic Flute"), Héloise („Bluebeard“), Tisbe („La Cenerentola“), Henri („Der Opernball“), as well as Sandmännchen („Hänsel und Gretel“), Zaida („Il Turco in Italia“), Manja („Gräfin Mariza“), „A voice“ („West Side Story“), Kate Pinkerton („Madama Butterfly“), Mercedes ("Carmen).

During the current season, she has been singing: Isabella („Boccaccio“), Ciboletta („A NIght in Venice“), Zerlina („Don Giovanni“), Flora Bervoix („La Traviata“), Cenerentola („La Cenerentola“) and Annius in the revival of "La clemenza di Tito".

Adrineh Simonian made her debut at the Vienna State Opera in March 2005 in the role of Enrichetta di Francia in "I Puritani" by Bellini. Other roles at the Vienna State Opera were in "Fedora" and "The Walkyrie".

She also is a very demanded Lied and Concert singer: She preformed in Italy with the Clemencic Consort under the baton of René Clemencic ("Il nascimiento dell'Aurora"), with the Vienna Academy with Martin Haselböck conducting at the Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein ("A Midsummernight's Dream by F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy), at the Vienna Konzerthaus under Johannes Prinz "Sie sind Fremder ..." by H. Reiter. In 2004, she sang in a concert at the Great Festival Hall in Salzburg with the jazz legend Dave Brubeck and his quartett.

Future highlights include recitals at the Vienna Konzerhaus, as well as in Rome and Paris.

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А ещё модель плэйбоя та наполовину немка, колумбийка, армянка. Какая она армянская женщина на 7 киселе, кто-то когда-то у неё в роду армянином если и был, то это не значит, что она армянка.

Tak ona sama vezde govorit, chto half armenian, pozorit blin :angry:

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Эфенди повторял распространенное среди народа мнение, что жестокий, разбойничий характер курдов объясняется тем, что они смешанной крови. Одно только верно: курды, смешавшись с армянами, хотя и потеряли свой национальный тип, но создали новое, облагороженное племя. В течение веков похищая самых красивых армянок (курды любят высоких женщин), они улучшили свое племя.


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Эфенди повторял распространенное среди народа мнение, что жестокий, разбойничий характер курдов объясняется тем, что они смешанной крови. Одно только верно: курды, смешавшись с армянами, хотя и потеряли свой национальный тип, но создали новое, облагороженное племя. В течение веков похищая самых красивых армянок (курды любят высоких женщин), они улучшили свое племя.


это ты к чему? :blink:

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Гордитесь армянские девушки, в вас ещё и частичка курдов :wow: :lol:

Ты не понял мысль Раффи. Ни одна девушка, родившаяся от курда не называлась больше армянкой. Так что наоборот, в курдах есть армянская кровь, что естественно: многие народы пытались улучшить своё племя за счёт красивых армянских девушек. К сожалению.

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Arax Mansourian, Soprano


ARAX MANSOURIAN is a graduate of voice from the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan, Armenia. She was one of the leading sopranos of the Armenian National Opera before migrating to Australia in 1994.

Endowed with an exquisite timbre, broad vocal range and fine acting ability, Ms Mansourian has performed in the great operas of outstanding Armenian, Russian and European composers.

She has appeared in the title role of Verdi’s “Aida”, Leonora (Il Trovatore), Elisabetta de Valois (Don Carlos), Nedda (Pagliacci), Mimí (La Boheme), Tatiana (Eugene Onegin), Lisa (Pikovaya Dama), Maddalena (Andrea Chenier), Shoushan (Davit Bek) and the title role in Tigranian’s “Anoush”.

Since living in Australia Arax Mansourian has included the roles of Liu (Turandot), Desdemona (Otello), Leonora (La Forza del Destino), Elisabeth (Tannhauser), Elisabetta de Valois (Don Carlo), Amelia Grimalldi (Simon Boccanegra), Kundry (Parsifal), in her repertoire for Opera Australia.

She sang with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra (SSO), in a series of ABC "Swoon" Concerts at the Sydney Opera House, and in an Opera Gala with the Canberra Symphony Orchestra.

In 1996, in the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall, Arax performed the soprano part in Beethoven's Symphony No.9 and during 1996/97 she also toured with the role of 'Aida' for the International Michael Edgley / Kevin Jacobson stadium production of "Aida" in Perth, Brisbane, Singapore and Auckland.

In March 2000, she sang the soprano part in Verdi's "Requiem" at Sydney Opera House with The Sydney Philharmonia and in November Britten's "War Requiem" with Independent Classics in Melbourne.

In 2002, Arax performed the title role of 'Katya' in "Katya Kabanova" at Sydney Opera House. In the same year, she performed the title role of 'Santuzza' in "Cavalleria Rusticana" at Melbourne Art Centre, Opera Queensland and Sydney Opera House.

In 2003, she performed the title role of 'Tosca' in "Tosca" at Opera Queensland.

Arax Mansourian has been highly acclaimed for her vocal artistry and soul-stirring expressiveness. As one of Armenia's best performers of Chamber Music, she has performed old and new masterpieces of that genre in various capitals of the Soviet Union as well as the concert halls of Bulgaria, Sweden, East Germany, France, Canada, the United States, Syria, Holland and Australia.

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Nouné Karapetian


New England Finalist, 2000


A native of Armenia, Nouné Karapetian graduated from the prestigious Komitas National Conservatory with highest honors and made her debut in Armenia at the Mankakan National Opera Theater and the Opera Studio. Recently she has been chosen as a finalist in the National Opera Association and Liederkranz 2000 Competitions.

"Ms. Karapetian is an accomplished performer" wrote the Boston Globe upon her performance of contemporary music. About her recital in Yerevan, Armenia, the Avangard newspaper noted: "Her voice is rich and beautiful, it expresses the depth of her feelings." Ms. Karapetian's wide repertoire ranges from Armenian folk music to cutting edge works by composers like John Sarkissian, Marc Rossi, Hayg Boyagian and Michelle Ekizian.

Ms. Karapetian's most recent opera role was Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni last October for Longwood Opera. Other opera roles have included Iolanta in Iolanta, Bess in Porgy and Bess, Mother in Amahl and the Night Visitors, Anna Maurrant in Street Scene, Lauretta in Gianni Schicchi. Upcoming is the role of Tatiana in Eugene Onegin for Opera Studio in Armenia.

Her recent solo appearances include vocal cycles by composers John Sarkissian and Mark Rossi for Just in Time Composers and Players Concert Series, Mozart's Laudate Dominum with the Erebuni choir, performance of Vivaldi's Gloria with the Quincy Congregational Church Choir, solo recitals in Yerevan, Boston and Providence.

Nouné Karapetian's teachers and coaches have included Maria Spacagna, Penelope Bitzas, Sondra Kelly, Rousanna Bagdassarian, William Merrill and Allison Voth.

On May 6, 2000, Ms. Karapetian will be singing the soprano solo in Carmina Burana with New Bedford Choral Society.

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