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Time for reconciliation with Turkey

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If there was no Cherchil and interests of England, US and interests of jews there would be no any Ataturk and moreover Turkey in his present borders, at most the Ankara and some territories around it.

Conserning the preferability of "secular" Turkey to Muslimic Iran or any other arabic country, it is easy - look Armenia has a useful negotiation with Iran, Arabs, Iraq, Syriya and other arabic countries, because it is clear what they want and what are they OWN interests. They are not "representatives" or to say more honest not a puppets of 3rd countries like US, England, Israel.

I mentioned a Ejevet as a latest Prime ministr of Turkey, because he was the latest prime ministr following the "secular" politic of Ataturk for Turkey, which is really a politic of putting people of Turkey under pressure of western politics and interest, making them a slaves of Jewish poilitic in Middle east, which is out of their interest. This you can clearly see from millions of Turks living tens of years in other countries like in Europ, but not even a percent of them have been assimilated and live at "secular" life or moreover in European standarts. Wester - "secular" life is alien for them and if somebody will not keep it in mind, Turkey easyly will find himself in near future, at same situation like other islamic countries fundamentalism - facts, last attacks happened in Istambul. Only way to escape the reformation of community in Turkey into fanatic-islamic one like in Saudi Arabian or Iran, is give people of Turekey a freedom - for desiding their OWN INTERESTS and follow their OWN politics.

Guess I well know, that now there is guy called Erdogan, who is present prime ministr of Turkey. I think he that the "secular" politic is going to be over with Erdogan, who is really an only prime ministr in history of Turkey, elected because of wishes of people living in Turkey and not under the interests of any 3rd country.

Sure he is islamist and it couldn'T be anything else because a huge amount of people in Turkey are declaring themselfs as a muslims. I am optimistic, that Turkey will keep semi-"secular" politics, giving the people of Turkey more and more freedom in decisions about their country and because of that you will see, that in close future not only Cypros, as well the problem of useful relationship with Armenia will be solved and even the genocide will be accepted as a crime in Turkey. Because all interests of Turkey lies more in East - Russia,Kazachstan,Uzbekistan,China and very weekly in West, only because of present of millions of diaspora in Europe. Economical interests of Turkey is in East, nobody in Europe and moreover in US buys a Turkish products except the Turkish diaspora. But look in Russia and post soviet countries like Kazachstan etc. even Armenia is full of Turkish goods.

THIS is the main reason, why beeing under interests of Israel and US as a puppet Turkey mustn't have a negotiation with East - Israel don't need a strong country except himself in the middle east. Last country compatable with force in Middle East with Israel was Iraq.... You see what they did....

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If you read my previous post, you will understand, why jews are agains recognition of genocide - in two words - ISRAEL DON'T NEED A TURKEY or ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN MIDDLE EAST STRONGER THAN HIM... And how one makes a country weak??? exactly - making problems for him, like Chechnya is headacke for Russia same Genocide,Cypos, Kurds are for Turkey...

But there are also historical reasons, why Jews don't want that Genocide of Armenians be even discussed and arxives of Turkey consering a situation in Osman Empire from end of 19century till middle of 20century became accesable. Because there were a big influence of jews in what happened at that time - the apogee was a revolution and ruling Turkey by Young Turks party - with jewish leaders Jemal, Taalat, Enver, masskilling very simmilar to red terror made by bolshevik party with jewsish leaders in Russian at same time.

The last was just a history and could at most rise the distrust to jews in politics and people more beware of them, but main reason is WHO is ON POWER in MIDDLE EAST.

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По-моему тут уже все ясно. Его волчьи уши торчат из под маски овцы.

По этому тратить время на дисскусию с этим объектом считаю бессмысленным.

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По-моему тут уже все ясно. Его волчьи уши торчат из под маски овцы.

По этому тратить время на дисскусию с этим объектом считаю бессмысленным.

Щас проверим ;)

Historian, gna mi hat kofe ber, aziz. Shut-shut :angry: :)

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Conserning the Armenians in German army during WWII... There were also Latvians there helping germans in hope to free their land from kommunists, as well ukrainians....

But this is all an history, if not to say tragedy of people willing to get back their Motherland and ready to do for that all....

Jews could hate that people, but they mustn'T claim on somebody if they(armenians, greeks, russians) will start to hate jews, as of their deals made in all ways in tries to return their Motherland, but the result was a millions of other nations being murdered...

Harry Truman - ex-president of US, who made a lot for jews and establishment of Israel there where it is now, said "Jews are very egoistic, they don'T care about how many estonians, litvians, poliaks, greeks have been killed or driven away from their lands, only that jews have special attitude" 1947, Diary of Truman.

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Economical interests of Turkey is in East, nobody in Europe and moreover in US buys a Turkish products except the Turkish diaspora. But look in Russia and post soviet countries like Kazachstan etc. even Armenia is full of Turkish goods.

Dear Voter, I see that you are very decided to close your eyes even to facts. But I would advise first to know your enemy very well. You are wrong in many aspects and this one is one of them. Look what U.S department state says about your misleading remaks ( http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3432.htm) :

" ....Trade: Exports (merchandise, 2001)--$31.3 billion; (2002) $35.1 billion. Imports (merchandise, 2001)--$48.5 billion: textiles and apparel, iron and steel, electronics, tobacco, and motor vehicles; (2001) $39.5 billion: petroleum, machinery, motor vehicles, electronics, iron and steel, plastics. Major partners--Germany, U.S., Italy, France, Russian Federation Italy, Japan, Netherlands, U.K... "

O-o and some bad news....:

The U.S. and Turkey have had a Joint Economic Commission and a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement for several years. In 2002, the two countries indicated their joint intent to upgrade bilateral economic relations by launching an Economic Partnership Commission. Turkey has been designated a Big Emerging Market (BEM) for U.S. exports and investment by the Department of Commerce. In 2001, the U.S.-Turkey trade balance was almost even, with each country exporting approximately $3 billion to the other. The United States is Turkey's third-largest export market.

And regarding Turkish goods in Armenia and Kazahstan and other neighboring countries. That is not Turks who brings these goods, mostly Russians, Azeris or even Armenians bring them in their country in hope to make some money from this trade.

Annoying but true. Let's don't mislead people who doesn't know. Regards. :hi:

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Snorhacalem ahper jan! Kel Viraboffin el kanchenk :)

P.S. Ara, Historian stehes eee! Eka patmutiun terav! :lol:

Viraboff@ lezginneri forumnerum avtomatov @nkel e Сеймур-i hetevic.

Bayc edqan ashxatel chi kareli. Petqa iran asel, vor mi hat tarakani degh cani ed saytum, Сеймур@ inq@ ksatki. :lol:

Inch es mtatsum, eghbayrs?

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Что? Когда у друзей чешется, смешно да? гы-ы-ы-ы-ы-ы

Иван Васильевич, когда вы говорите такое ощущение что вы бредите :down:

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The United States is Turkey's third-largest export market.

Что-то я не видел в США турецких товаров... Китайские, немецкие, французские и т.д. видел, а турецких нет. Что конкретно экспортируют из Турции? Машины? Вино? Может, "турецкий" кофе? или турецкую баранину для шашлыков? :lol:

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Ребята, что за ерунда? Пришел азер(или турок), устроил здесь провокацию, а Вы кинулись с ним дискутировать?

Человек, независимо от национальной принадлежности и отрицающий армянский ГЕНОЦИД, недостоин того,

чтобы с ним вели дискуссию, а модеры должны пресекать пропаганда "турецкого видения истории" удаляя тему тут же.

Модераторы, в таких ситуациях надо руководствоваться нецензурной армянской поговоркой: "Дзагин(=туркин) бни медж пэтк э к :blush: :blush: :blush: с"...

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Что-то я не видел в США турецких товаров... Китайские, немецкие, французские и т.д. видел, а турецких нет. Что конкретно экспортируют из Турции? Машины? Вино? Может, "турецкий" кофе? или турецкую баранину для шашлыков? :lol:

Just check out Banana Republic and GAP and you will see that 30% of products are from Turkey. :up: :wow:

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Did you hear the news guys. Even Americans that we rely on are getting against us!? This guy Samuel Weems wrote a book named Armenia- the terrorist Christian State. Really though times are about to come..... Ebal sam im maykite!!!

Listen historian, I guess you are as unqualified as was Samuel Weems.

You are preaching racism in here by tying Samuel Weems to Americans and

telling that Americans are against us, Armenians.

First some info.

Samuel Weems has Turkish roots, was convicted to felony, had no formal historical education and died recently.

Now, I ask moderators to delete the whole topic as it was meant to provoke inter ethnical conflicts and racism.

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Now, I ask moderators to delete the whole topic as it was meant to provoke inter ethnical conflicts and racism.

Удовлетворяю вашу просьбу. Тема закрыта.

Темка из анналов (угу!) азеро-турецкой пропаганды, взять хотя бы список армян, занимавших ответственные посты в Османской империи - это копия с какого-то турецкого сайта, по-моему ЭрмениСорюну или вроде того (Армянский Вопрос)... Интересно, что список-то известных армян того времени на сайте присутствует, но никто из не описал, что случилось с большинством этих людей в 1915-м году.

Что-то наш "Объективный Историк" не торопится вспоминать про то, что до 1870-х гг. действовали дискриминирующие христиан законы, ставившие их в положение "райя", и только в с принятием первой турецкой конституции, когда христианам было "даровано снисхождение" считать себя османами, положение несколько улучшилось, но и эта "оттепель" сменилась впоследствии резней 1890-х годов.

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First of all don't show your foxy nature and speack about whole information

Turkey biggest Exports - partners sure are

Germany 16.6%, US 9.2%, UK 8.5%, Italy 6.4%, France 6% (2002)

But if one makes simply mathematics, could see that the information is not full it is information about less half of exports of Turkey ~ 47%...

Where is another A BIGGEST part I let you think about it.....

And even writing in BIG AND RED LETTERS will not help you to make US important for Turkey in his economical interests, it will stay as much as it is a puppet of US and Israeli JEWS.

But I agree with Artem, the topic must be closed, as of becaming something strange and unrelated to HISTORY.

It is more starting to be for a Economy and Sate as well for Politics ...

Feel free to open there a discussion, if you want to know the real "truth" different from jewish-turkish propaganda under which you seems spent the grasping part of your life...

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