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Армяне - Амаликитяне

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Амаликитяне — кочевой народ на юге Ханаана, между Эдомом и Египтом, а также восточнее — между Мертвым морем и горной страной Сеиром, потомки внука Исава, Амалека, покорены Саулом и Давидом. Этот народ также называли Омая и Аму.

Согласно Пятикнижию, амалекитяне являются врагами еврейского народа. Согласно представлению иудаизма, потомство Амалека существует пока существует потомство Израиля. Всевышний позволяет существовать потомству Амалека для того, чтобы Израиль не сошёл с верного пути. Как только Израиль меняет свой верный путь, то есть грешит, то сразу усиливается потомство Амалека, то есть потомки Амалека властвуют, терроризируя Израиль. Потомство Амалека ослабевает только тогда, когда Израиль возвращается на праведный путь.

В древней Персии потомок Амалека Аман был визирем при царе Ахашвероше. Интриги Амана чуть не привели к истреблению всех евреев на территории персидской империи. В конце концов визирь Аман был казнён, а 10 его сыновей были повешены. В честь этих событий евреи празднуют Пурим.


В 2004 году студент религиозной иерусалимской семинарии "Йешива Хар Амор" Цви Розенталь плюнул в лицо армянскому архиепископу Иерусалима, несшему крест во время традиционной процессии в Старом городе. Представлявший эту книгу Михаэль Дорфман отмечает: "Горовиц показывает, что это не отдельный случайный инцидент, а продолжение в ряду других, укорененный в определенных традициях. Инцидент не случаен еще и потому, что с Х века в иудейской традиции считается, что армяне являются потомками Амалека".

В средневековых еврейских сочинениях армяне действительно часто отождествляются с амалекитянами - кровными и вечными врагами Израиля, "которых необходимо истребить". Обстоятельства рождения этой ассоциации доподлинно неизвестны, однако она поддерживалась не только в период средневековья. В частности, знаменитый еврейский писатель, лауреат Нобелевской премии Шмуэль АГНОН пишет в своей "В сердцевине морей": ". . . И даже иноверцы воздали им почести - в честь Страны Израиля. Не видели почестей таких в этих краях: прямо бросались пред ними в прах и целовали край их одежд, и коням их засыпали овса - так люба была им Страна Израиля, - всем, кроме армян, потому что армяне - Амалекова семени, а Амалек - ненавистник Израиля. А живут армяне эти повсюду и ведут торг с полуденными странами и привозят оттуда зелья духовитые, ароматы и пряности и теснят народ Израиля. . . но с Израилем им не совладать, ибо сокрушил силу их Иисус Навин".

Подобный вектор отношения к армянам отражен и в Электронной еврейской энциклопедии: "Трагическая судьба не привела, однако, армян к солидарности с евреями. И в Восточной Европе, и на Балканском полуострове между обоими народами существовал резкий антагонизм. Антисемитизм был очень распространен среди армян, а еврейские источники упоминают их как "амалекитян". Следует отметить, что Электронная еврейская энциклопедия - версия изданной в Иерусалиме в 1976-2005 гг. Краткой еврейской энциклопедии на русском языке (КЕЭ) в 11 томах. Энциклопедия составлена Обществом по исследованию еврейских общин в сотрудничестве с Еврейским университетом в Иерусалиме.

В этой связи обращает на себя внимание то отнюдь не случайное сообщение, что "еврейские источники упоминают армян как "амалекитян". Это очень серьезный акцент, так как амалекитяне действительно воспринимаются евреями в качестве извечных врагов. В частности, в той же энциклопедии читаем: "Слово "амалек" стало именем нарицательным, служившим для обозначения злейших врагов еврейского народа. Амалекитяне были первыми врагами, с которыми Израиль столкнулся после перехода через Красное море. . . Книга Исход сообщает, что Иехошуа бин Нун сражался против амалекитян, вдохновляемый Моисеем, и победил их, хотя амалекитяне и не были уничтожены полностью. . . "

По мнению некоторых авторов, Геноцид армянского народа следует рассматривать именно в аспекте плана по "истреблению последнего амалекитянина". Тот факт, что, в частности, в первой четверти XX века Турция (вне зависимости от государственного уклада) являлась масонским государством, практически не оспаривается. И даже Электронная еврейская энциклопедия, похоже, не оспаривает это. 

"После того как в июле 1908г. комитет осуществил в Османской империи государственный переворот (так называемая революция младотурок) , великим визирем был назначен Кямиль-паша (Мехмет Кыбрыслы, 1832-1915) , кипрский еврей, в юности принявший ислам (занимал этот пост также в 1885-91гг. и 1895г.) , а лидер каракашларов Джавид-бей (1875-1926) стал министром финансов.

Edited by Горский-Еврей
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  • 7 months later...
Согласно Пятикнижию, амалекитяне являются врагами еврейского народа. Согласно представлению иудаизма, потомство Амалека существует пока существует потомство Израиля. Всевышний позволяет существовать потомству Амалека для того, чтобы Израиль не сошёл с верного пути. Как только Израиль меняет свой верный путь, то есть грешит, то сразу усиливается потомство Амалека, то есть потомки Амалека властвуют, терроризируя Израиль. Потомство Амалека ослабевает только тогда, когда Израиль возвращается на праведный путь.

В древней Персии потомок Амалека Аман был визирем при царе Ахашвероше. Интриги Амана чуть не привели к истреблению всех евреев на территории персидской империи. В конце концов визирь Аман был казнён, а 10 его сыновей были повешены. В честь этих событий евреи празднуют Пурим.


В 2004 году студент религиозной иерусалимской семинарии "Йешива Хар Амор" Цви Розенталь плюнул в лицо армянскому архиепископу Иерусалима, несшему крест во время традиционной процессии в Старом городе. Представлявший эту книгу Михаэль Дорфман отмечает: "Горовиц показывает, что это не отдельный случайный инцидент, а продолжение в ряду других, укорененный в определенных традициях. Инцидент не случаен еще и потому, что с Х века в иудейской традиции считается, что армяне являются потомками Амалека".

В средневековых еврейских сочинениях армяне действительно часто отождествляются с амалекитянами - кровными и вечными врагами Израиля, "которых необходимо истребить". Обстоятельства рождения этой ассоциации доподлинно неизвестны, однако она поддерживалась не только в период средневековья. В частности, знаменитый еврейский писатель, лауреат Нобелевской премии Шмуэль АГНОН пишет в своей "В сердцевине морей": ". . . И даже иноверцы воздали им почести - в честь Страны Израиля. Не видели почестей таких в этих краях: прямо бросались пред ними в прах и целовали край их одежд, и коням их засыпали овса - так люба была им Страна Израиля, - всем, кроме армян, потому что армяне - Амалекова семени, а Амалек - ненавистник Израиля. А живут армяне эти повсюду и ведут торг с полуденными странами и привозят оттуда зелья духовитые, ароматы и пряности и теснят народ Израиля. . . но с Израилем им не совладать, ибо сокрушил силу их Иисус Навин".

Подобный вектор отношения к армянам отражен и в Электронной еврейской энциклопедии: "Трагическая судьба не привела, однако, армян к солидарности с евреями. И в Восточной Европе, и на Балканском полуострове между обоими народами существовал резкий антагонизм. Антисемитизм был очень распространен среди армян, а еврейские источники упоминают их как "амалекитян". Следует отметить, что Электронная еврейская энциклопедия - версия изданной в Иерусалиме в 1976-2005 гг. Краткой еврейской энциклопедии на русском языке (КЕЭ) в 11 томах. Энциклопедия составлена Обществом по исследованию еврейских общин в сотрудничестве с Еврейским университетом в Иерусалиме.

В этой связи обращает на себя внимание то отнюдь не случайное сообщение, что "еврейские источники упоминают армян как "амалекитян". Это очень серьезный акцент, так как амалекитяне действительно воспринимаются евреями в качестве извечных врагов. В частности, в той же энциклопедии читаем: "Слово "амалек" стало именем нарицательным, служившим для обозначения злейших врагов еврейского народа. Амалекитяне были первыми врагами, с которыми Израиль столкнулся после перехода через Красное море. . . Книга Исход сообщает, что Иехошуа бин Нун сражался против амалекитян, вдохновляемый Моисеем, и победил их, хотя амалекитяне и не были уничтожены полностью. . . "

По мнению некоторых авторов, Геноцид армянского народа следует рассматривать именно в аспекте плана по "истреблению последнего амалекитянина". Тот факт, что, в частности, в первой четверти XX века Турция (вне зависимости от государственного уклада) являлась масонским государством, практически не оспаривается. И даже Электронная еврейская энциклопедия, похоже, не оспаривает это. 

"После того как в июле 1908г. комитет осуществил в Османской империи государственный переворот (так называемая революция младотурок) , великим визирем был назначен Кямиль-паша (Мехмет Кыбрыслы, 1832-1915) , кипрский еврей, в юности принявший ислам (занимал этот пост также в 1885-91гг. и 1895г.) , а лидер каракашларов Джавид-бей (1875-1926) стал министром финансов.

Придумать можно все что угодно, добрый человек. и даже сфальсифицировать исторические документы.

Тут главное понять откуда ноги растут у этой информации и кому она выгодна.

Я вижу две задачи:

1. отвлечь внимание иудеев, перекинув внимание от реальных врагов на армян (недаром юмористы из России часто повторяют ритуальную фразу: "...а платят за все армяне", тем самым подчеркивая задачу армян как лохов, которые должны страдать, чтобы отвлечь внимание иудеев от реальных врагов)

2. создать для армян дополнительные проблемы в лице неграмотных евреев, поверивших в эту пропаганду.

Edited by Usta_Valod
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Евреи обладают огромной силой в мире. Не дай Бог, кому-нибудь почувствовать на своей шкуре их слаженые и неотвратимые действия.

И я тут вижу попытку потомков Величко и Ко. помочь своим бакинским сожителям натравить на армян эту силу.

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В древней Персии потомок Амалека Аман был визирем при царе Ахашвероше. Интриги Амана чуть не привели к истреблению всех евреев на территории персидской империи. В конце концов визирь Аман был казнён, а 10 его сыновей были повешены. В честь этих событий евреи празднуют Пурим.

Какая скромность, всего-то 10 человек. А остальные 75 000 не в счет, которых вырезали евреи? Или Книга Есфири врет?


15 И собрались иудеи, которые в Сузах, также и в четырнадцатый день месяца Адара, и умертвили в Сузах триста человек -- а на грабеж не простерли руки своей.

16 И прочие иудеи, находившиеся в Царских Областях, собрались, чтобы стать на защиту жизни своей и быть покойными от врагов своих, и умертвили из неприятелей своих семьдесят пять тысяч -- а на грабеж не простерли руки своей.

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"(Семито-хамитская группа) К армянам ни какого отношения не имеет,данная этническая группа.

АМАЛИКИТЯНЕ, арабский народ, весьма могущественный в период между исходом израильтян из Египта и правлением царя Саула (ок. 1020 до н.э.). В Библии (Числ 24:20) о них говорится как о «первом из народов» этой эпохи.

Амаликитяне (их также называли Аму и Омая) вынуждены были покинуть свои земли в Хиджазе из-за стихийного бедствия и мигрировали через южную Палестину в Египет. Покидавшие Египет израильтяне столкнулись с амаликитянами в Рифидиме, где между ними произошло сражение, не выявившее победителя (Исх 17, 8). Не встретив сопротивления египтян, амаликитянские цари стали править Нижним Египтом как фараоны и взимали дань с Верхнего Египта, Палестины и Сирии. Их столицей был большой укрепленный город Эль-Ариш.

Длившийся «из рода в род» (Исх 17, 16) в период Книги Судей конфликт закончился тем, что израильтяне сокрушили могущество амаликитян. Саул с армией, насчитывавшей более 200 тыс. человек (не считая египетских союзников), после длительной осады захватил и разграбил крепость амаликитян, а затем создал царство, простиравшееся от Хавилаха в Сирии до Эль-Ариша. Уцелевшие амаликитяне стали кочевниками и промышляли разбоем."

Я понять не могу, а мы здесь причем? Какие нибудь толпаепы, нас будут считать марсианами, и мы должны вестись на это?

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Я понять не могу, а мы здесь причем? Какие нибудь толпаепы, нас будут считать марсианами, и мы должны вестись на это?

Нам может быть и по барабану, но то что с нами сделали 95 лет назад кажется именно расправой над Амаликитянами.

Есть такая книга THE JEWISH GENOCIDE OF ARMENIAN CHRISTIANS By Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Вот глава которая про Амаликитян

1.4 Blotting Out the Armenian Amalekites—The Motive

Jews have wanted to exterminate the Armenians for a very long time. Jews are taught

that God commands them to kill every man, woman and child of the Jews’ most

ancient “racial” enemy, the Amalekites, whom the Jews claim descended from the

mythical character Esau, and ultimately Cain, and who are said to have spawned the

mythical character Haman and ultimately the Armenians. Jews believe that the

Armenians are the Amalekites—the perpetual genetic enemy of the Jews, and that if

the Jews fail to kill off every last Armenian—to blot out every last trace of Armenian

blood—God will kill off the Jews.

In its article entitled “ARMENIA”, The Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 3, The

97 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

Macmillan Company, Jerusalem, (1971), cols. 472-476, at 473; states,

“Armenia is also sometimes called Amalek in some sources, and Jews often

referred to Armenians as Amalekites. This is the Byzantine term for the


In its article entitled “ARMENIA”, by Isaak Markon, The Universal Jewish

Encyclopedia, Volume 1, The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Inc., New York,

(1939), pp. 482-483, at 483; states:

“Since the Armenians are considered descendants of the Amalekites, they are

called among the Jews of the Orient also Timheh (‘Thou shalt blot out,’ Deut.

25:19, referring to the Amalekites).”

Amalek (Genesis 36:9-12) was first to wage war on Israel, and therefore the first

to expose the vulnerability of the Jews. Amalek was the grandson of Esau, twin

brother of Jacob. Esau symbolizes the alleged genetic hated of Gentiles to the Jews,

who consider themselves to be the Jewish God’s chosen people, Jacob. The Jewish

God obliged the descendants of Jacob—Israel, to utterly destroy the seed of Amalek

(Sanhedrin 20b. P188L Dvarim 25:19)—obliged Israel to exterminate the Armenians.

This Jewish commandment to genocide is repeatedly stated in the Jewish Torah, and

throughout the Hebrew Bible. The Jewish book of Deuteronomy 25:17-19 states,

“17 ¶ Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come

forth out of Egypt; 18 How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost

of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and

weary; and he feared not God. 19 Therefore it shall be, when the LORD thy

God hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about, in the land

which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, that

thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt

not forget it.”

The Jewish book of Exodus 17:14-16 states,

“And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and

rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of

Amalek from under heaven. And Moses built an altar, and called the name

of it Jehovah-nissi: For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the

LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”

The Jewish book of Numbers 24:17-20 states,

Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 98

“17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall

come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite

the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth. 18 And Edom

shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession for his enemies; and

Israel shall do valiantly. 19 Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have

dominion, and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city. 20 ¶And when he

looked on Amalek, he took up his parable, and said, Amalek was the first of

the nations; but his latter end shall be that he perish for ever.”

The Jewish book of I Samuel 15:1-35 states:

“Samuel also said unto Saul, The LORD sent me to anoint thee to be king

over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the

words of the LORD. 2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which

Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up

from Egypt. 3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they

have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling,

ox and sheep, camel and ass. 4 And Saul gathered the people together, and

numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand

men of Judah. 5 And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid wait in the

valley. 6 ¶ And Saul said unto the Kenites, Go, depart, get you down from

among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them: for ye shewed kindness

to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites

departed from among the Amalekites. 7 And Saul smote the Amalekites from

Havilah until thou comest to Shur, that is over against Egypt. 8 And he took

Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the people

with the edge of the sword. 9 But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the

best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all

that was good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing that was

vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly. 10 Then came the word of the

LORD unto Samuel, saying, 11 It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be

king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my

commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all

night. 12 And when Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the morning, it was

told Samuel, saying, Saul came to Carmel, and, behold, he set him up a place,

and is gone about, and passed on, and gone down to Gilgal. 13 And Samuel

came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the LORD: I have

performed the commandment of the LORD. 14 And Samuel said, What

meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the

oxen which I hear? 15 And Saul said, They have brought them from the

Amalekites: for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to

99 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

sacrifice unto the LORD thy God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed. 16

Then Samuel said unto Saul, Stay, and I will tell thee what the LORD hath

said to me this night. And he said unto him, Say on. 17 And Samuel said,

When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the

tribes of Israel, and the LORD anointed thee king over Israel? 18 And the

LORD sent thee on a journey, and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinners the

Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed. 19 Wherefore

then didst thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but didst fly upon the spoil,

and didst evil in the sight of the LORD? 20 And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea,

I have obeyed the voice of the LORD, and have gone the way which the

LORD sent me, and have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have utterly

destroyed the Amalekites. 21 But the people took of the spoil, sheep and

oxen, the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to

sacrifice unto the LORD thy God in Gilgal. 22 And Samuel said, Hath the

LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the

voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken

than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and

stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word

of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. 24 ¶ And Saul said

unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the

LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.

25 Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, and turn again with me, that I

may worship the LORD. 26 And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with

thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath

rejected thee from being king over Israel. 27 And as Samuel turned about to

go away, he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle, and it rent. 28 And Samuel

said unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day,

and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou. 29 And also

the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he

should repent. 30 Then he said, I have sinned: yet honour me now, I pray

thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn again with

me, that I may worship the LORD thy God. 31 So Samuel turned again after

Saul; and Saul worshipped the LORD. 32 ¶ Then said Samuel, Bring ye

hither to me Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came unto him

delicately. And Agag said, Surely the bitterness of death is past. 33 And

Samuel said, As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother

be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the

LORD in Gilgal. 34 ¶ Then Samuel went to Ramah; and Saul went up to his

house to Gibeah of Saul. 35 And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the

day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the LORD

repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.”

Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 100

The Jewish book of Malachi 1:1-14 states,

“1 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. 2 I have loved

you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau

Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, 3 And I hated Esau, and

laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

4 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the

desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will

throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The

people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever. 5 And your eyes

shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of

Israel. 6 A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a

father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the

LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say,

Wherein have we despised thy name? 7 Ye offer polluted bread upon mine

altar; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of

the LORD is contemptible. 8 And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not

evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy

governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith the LORD

of hosts. 9 And now, I pray you, beseech God that he will be gracious unto

us: this hath been by your means: will he regard your persons? saith the

LORD of hosts. 10 Who is there even among you that would shut the doors

for nought? neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought. I have no

pleasure in you, saith the LORD of hosts, neither will I accept an offering at

your hand. 11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the

same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense

shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be

great among the heathen, saith the LORD of hosts. 12 But ye have profaned

it, in that ye say, The table of the LORD is polluted; and the fruit thereof,

even his meat, is contemptible. 13 Ye said also, Behold, what a weariness is

it! and ye have snuffed at it, saith the LORD of hosts; and ye brought that

which was torn, and the lame, and the sick; thus ye brought an offering:

should I accept this of your hand? saith the LORD. 14 But cursed be the

deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the

LORD a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the LORD of hosts, and

my name is dreadful among the heathen.”

The Jewish Cabalistic book of the Zohar, Volume I, 25a-25b, states that peoples

other than the Jews will be exterminated when the Jews form a state in Palestine,

“But as ‘tohu and bohu’ gave place to light, so when God reveals Himself

101 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

they will be wiped off the earth. But withal redemption will not be complete

until Amalek will be exterminated, for against Amalek the oath was taken

that ‘the Lord will have war against Amalek from generation to generation’

(Ex. XVII, 16).”79

The Jewish Zohar, Volume I, 28b-29a, states,

“At that time the mixed multitude shall pass away from the world [***] The

mixed multitude are the impurity which the serpent injected into Eve. From

this impurity came forth Cain, who killed Abel. [***] for they are the seed of

Amalek, of whom it is said, ‘thou shalt blot out the memory of Amalek’

[***] Various impurities are mingled in the composition of Israel, like

animals among men. One kind is from the side of the serpent; another from

the side of the Gentiles, who are compared to the beasts of the field; another

from the mazikin (goblins), for the souls [29a] of the wicked are literally the

mazikin (goblins) of the world; and there is an impurity from the side of the

demons and evil spirits; and there is none so cursed among them as Amalek,

who is the evil serpent, the ‘strange god’. He is the cause of all unchastity and

murder, and his twin-soul is the poison of idolatry, the two together being

called Samael (lit. poison-god). There is more than one Samael, and they are

not all equal, but this side of the serpent is accursed above all of them.”80

Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki’s (Rashi’s) Commentary on the Pentateuch, Exodus

17:14-16, states,

“14. Write this (for) a memorial that Amalek came to battle against Israel

prior to all the (other) nations. And rehearse (it) in the ears of Joshua who

will bring into the land, that he should command Israel to recompense him

(Amalek) for his deed. Here it was hinted to Moses that Joshua would bring

in Israel to the land. For I will utterly blot out Therefore I admonish you

thus, for I desire to blot them out. 15. And he called the name of it (I. e.,) of

the altar. Adonai-nissi (lit., the Lord is my banner (or miracle). The Holy One

Blessed Be He wrought for us here a ‘miracle’. It is not that the altar was

called ‘Lord’ but (that) he who mentioned the name of the altar would recall

the miracle which the Omnipresent wrought: ‘The Lord He is our miracle.’

16. And he said (I. e.,) Moses, The hand upon the throne of the Lord The

hand of the Holy One Blessed Be He was raised to swear by His throne that

there would be for Him war and hatred against Amalek forever. And why is

(it written) (throne) and not stated [***]? Is then the (Divine) Name also

divided in half (i. e.: [***] instead of the full name)? The Holy One Blessed

Be He swore that His name will not be whole (i. e., [***] instead of the full

Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 102

name) nor His throne whole (i. e. [***]) instead of [***] until there will be

blotted out the name of Amalek utterly. And when his (Amalek’s) name will

be blotted out (then) will the (Divine) Name be whole, and it is stated (Ps.

9.7): ‘O thou enemy, the waste places are come to an end forever’ this refers

to Amalek, regarding whom it is written Amos 1.11): ‘And his anger he kept

forever,’ ‘And the cities which thou didst uproot Their very memorial is

perished’ (Ps., ibid. 7). What does (Scripture) state after this? ‘But the Lord

is enthroned forever’ (verse 8)—behold the (Divine) Name is whole

(expressed in full); ‘He hath established His throne for judgment’

(ibid.)—behold his throne is whole [***].”81

Jewish historian Louis Ginzberg stated in his The Legend of the Jews,

“Although Amalek had now received the merited punishment from the

hands of Joshua, still his enterprise against Israel had not been entirely

unavailing. The miraculous exodus of Israel out of Egypt, and especially the

cleaving of the sea, had created such alarm among the heathens, that none

among them had dared to approach Israel. But this fear vanished as soon as

Amalek attempted to compete in battle with Israel. Although he was terribly

beaten, still the fear of the inaccessibility of Israel was gone. It was with

Amalek as with that foolhardy wight who plunged into a scalding-hot tub. He

scalded himself terribly, yet the tub became a little cooled through his plunge

into it. Hence God was not content with the punishment Amalek received in

the time of Moses, but swore by His throne and by His right hand that He

would never forget Amalek’s misdeeds, that in this world as well as in the

time of the Messiah He would visit punishment upon him, and would

completely exterminate him in the future world. So long as the seed of

Amalek exists, the face of God is, as it were, covered, and will only then

come to view, when the seed of Amalek shall have been entirely


God had at first left the war against Amalek in the hands of His people,

therefore He bade Joshua, the future leader of the people, never to forget the

war against Amalek; and if Moses had listened intently, he would have

perceived from this command of God that Joshua was destined to lead the

people into the promised land. But later, when Amalek took part in the

destruction of Jerusalem, God Himself took up the war against Amalek,

saying, ‘By My throne I vow not to leave a single descendant of Amalek

under the heavens, yea, no one shall even be able to say that this sheep or that

wether belonged to an Amalekite.’

God bade Moses impress upon the Jews to repulse no heathen should he

desire conversion, but never to accept an Amalekite as a proselyte. It was in

103 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

consideration of this word of God that David slew the Amalekite, who

announced to him the death of Saul and Jonathan; for he saw in him only a

heathen, although he appeared in the guise of a Jew.

Part of the blame for the destruction of Amalek falls upon his father,

Eliphaz. He used to say to Amalek: ‘My son, dost thou indeed know who will

possess this world and the future world?’ Amalek paid no attention to this

allusion to the future fortune of Israel, and his father urged it no more

strongly upon him, although it would have been his duty to instruct his son

clearly and fully. He should have said to him: ‘ My son, Israel will possess

this world as well as the future world; dig wells then for their use and build

roads for them, so that thou mayest be judged worthy to share in the future

world.’ But as Amalek had not been sufficiently instructed by his father, in

his wantonness he undertook to destroy the whole world. God, who tries the

reins and the heart, said to him: ‘O thou fool, I created thee after all the

seventy nations, but for thy sins thou shalt be the first to descend into hell.’

To glorify the victory over Amalek, Moses built an altar, which God

called ‘My Miracle,’ for the miracle God wrought against Amalek in the war

of Israel was, as it were, a miracle for God. For so long as the Israelites dwell

in sorrow, God feels with them, and a joy for Israel is a joy for God, hence,

too, the miraculous victory over Israel’s foe was a victory for God.”82

The Judaic religious doctrine of the genocide of the seed of Amalek is alive

today. Yehoshafat Harkabi wrote in his book Israel’s Fateful Hour,

“Some nationalistic religious extremists frequently identify the Arabs with

Amalek, whom the Jews are commanded to annihilate totally (Deuteronomy

25:17-19). As children, we were taught that this was a relic of a bygone and

primitive era, a commandment that had lapsed because Sennacherib the

Assyrian king had mixed up all the nations so it was no longer possible to

know who comes of the seed of Amalek. Yet some rabbis insist on injecting

a contemporary significance into the commandment to blot out Amalek.”83

In more recent times, the Jews have used the Kurds as a human sacrifice to

discredit the governments the Jews control in the Middle East. The Jews have

promised the Kurdish People that after a series of terrible, genocidal massacres, the

Kurds will at long last be given the land of Kurdistan to rule as their own. The Jews

have also promised the Kurds that Greater Israel—the “promised land” from the Nile

to Euphrates—that a greatly expanded “Jewish State” will secure the Kurds from

future attack. The Jews have duped the Kurds into helping them destroy Iraq, Turkey,

Iran and Syria, on the false promise that Israel will enlarge its borders and secure the

land of Kurdistan for the Kurds as an independent nation. In reality, if the Jews

Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 104

succeed in their plan to pit Moslems against Moslems and Christians, they will wipe

out the Kurds after having severely weakened them through their controlled

opposition in the form of the Jewish puppet governments formerly led by Saddam

Hussein and today Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Turkish military. Jews have used

and massacred Kurds, just as Jews used and massacred Armenians. The Jews are not

yet done with the Kurds, or the Armenians. The Jews have planned far worse

genocidal massacres—nuclear massacres.

Jews to this day celebrate the genocidal destruction of their enemies and their

hatred of Gentiles once a year at the festival of Purim; which commemorates the

execution of Haman and the genocidal mass murder of “enemies of the Jews”.

Haman is said to have descended from Amalek through Hammedatha the Agagite,84

and was allegedly the archenemy of the Jews and sought to exterminate them (Esther

3)—it is clear that the story of Esther, itself a fabrication in its entirety, fabricates the

pretext of a Haman conspiracy in order to justify the Jewish genocide of the


In the story the crypto-Jewess Esther (Hadassah) and Mordecai wormed their way

into power under false pretensions, concealing the fact that “Esther” was Jewish. The

name “Esther” means “that which is hidden”.85 Her true Jewish name was Hadassah.

She was one of the first “crypto-Jews”, Jews who conceal their identity in order to

corrupt societies and betray those who trust in them. Jews annually celebrate the

genocidal mass murder Mordecai and Esther supposedly committed. It is the most

beloved of all the Jewish holidays. Jews wear costumes which conceal their identity

in celebration of the crypto-Jew who exterminates Gentiles.

The Jewish hatred of the Armenian “Amalekites” during the period of the Jewish

genocide of Armenian Christians is well documented. Jews in general turned a blind

eye to the slaughter of Armenians, which was conducted under the leadership of

Dцnmeh Jews, as the Hebrew language newspaper Hatzvi noted on 16 May 1909,

while mocking Jewish prejudice,

“A slight grimace on their lips, a short heartfelt sigh, and nothing more. The

Armenians are not Jews, and according to folk tradition the Armenians are

nothing more than Amaleks! Amaleks? We would give them help? To

whom? To Amaleks? Heaven forbid!”86

In his book Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence, Elliott

Horowitz wrote of the Jewish stigmatization of the Armenians as if “Amalekites”,

“In the nineteenth century the term ‘Amalekite’ was almost always used

negatively with regard to Armenians, possibly as a result of the economic

competition that often prevailed between them and the Jews, both of whom

were known for their sly business practices. [***] In 1839, as mentioned in

105 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

the introduction, the British missionary Joseph Wolff found it ‘remarkable

that the Armenians, who are detested by the Jews as the supposed

descendants of the Amalekites, are the only Christian church who have

interested themselves for the protection and conversion of the Jews.’ Three

years later, as also mentioned there, the Scottish missionaries Bonar and

McCheyne suggested that ‘the peculiar hatred which the Jews bear to the

Armenians may arise from a charge often brought against them, namely that

Haman was an Armenian, and that the Armenians are the Amalekites of the

Bible.’58 Late in the nineteenth century Joseph Judah Chorny reported hearing

from the Jews of Georgia, among whom he had traveled, of their ancestral

tradition that the Armenians were descendants of the Amalekites, and another

Jewish traveler reported a bizarre practice in eastern Galicia, whereby the

Armenians who did business with the local Jews would mourn Haman’s

death every Purim, and light candles in his memory.59 If there was any truth

to the latter report, it is likely that Armenians were paid to do so by the local

Jews, as a form of Purim entertainment, just as elsewhere in Eastern Europe

Jews would often hire Christians to play the role of Haman in their

Purimshpiel. During the final decade of the nineteenth century the Latvian-

born scholar and polemicist Ephraim Deinard published a (privately printed)

pamphlet against the use on the holiday of Sukkot of etrogim (citrons) from

Greece, especially those grown on the island of Corfu, where, in 1891, a

blood libel had caused most of the seven thousand local Jews to flee for their

lives. The etrogim of Corfu had been a controversial subject throughout the

nineteenth century, primarily because of problematic rabbinic supervision,

and the controversy had been rekindled in 1875 after dealers raised their

prices. Deinard’s pamphlet, which carried the provocative title Milhama la-

Shem be-’Amalek (God’s War with Amalek), was perhaps the most rabid

contribution to the renewed debate. Among the reasons he gave for

boycotting the etrogim of Greece was that its denizens were descendants of

Amalek.60 His strange confidence in making this assertion would seem to

have drawn on the tradition maintained for centuries that the Armenians

(including members of their large Diaspora) were Amalekites. Both the

Armenians and the Greeks were minorities within the world of Christendom

with a prominence nonetheless in the holy city of Jerusalem. The venerable

tradition of regarding the former as Amalekites evidently allowed Deinard to

extend the category to the latter as well.”87

In 1919, a handwritten document detailing the plan to exterminate the Armenians

found its way to a British official in Constantinople. Note the Jewish nature of the

“Ten Commandments”, which, like the Hebrew Bible, call for the extermination of

the Jewish enemy—the Armenian “Amalekites”. The Turks had no reason to kill the

Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 106

Christians, and the mass murder of Armenians hurt the Turkish Empire. Only the

Jews had a motive to kill the Christians in the Turkish Empire. The “10

Commandments” state:

“(1) Profiting by Art: 3 and 4 of Comitй Union and Progres, close all

Armenian Societies, and arrest all who worked against Government at any

time among them and send them into the provinces such as Bagdad or Mosul,

and wipe them out either on the road or there.

(2) Collect arms.

(3) Excite Moslem opinion by suitable and special means, in places as

Van, Erzeroum, Adana, where as a point of fact the Armenians have already

won the hatred of the Moslems, provoke organized massacres as the Russians

did at Baku.

(4) Leave all executive to the people in provinces such as Erzeroum, Van,

Mamuret ul Aziz, and Bitlis, and use Military disciplinary forces (i.e.

Gendarmerie) ostensibly to stop massacres, while on the contrary in places

as Adana, Sivas, Broussa, Ismidt and Smyrna actively help the Moslems with

military force.

(5) Apply measures to exterminate all males under 50, priests and

teachers, leave girls and children to be Islamized.

(6) Carry away the families of all who succeed in escaping and apply

measures to cut them off from all connection with their native place.

(7) On the ground that Armenian officials may be spies, expel them and

drive them out absolutely from every Government department or post.

(8) Kill off in an appropriate manner all Armenians in the Army—to be

left to the military to do.

(9) All actions to begin everywhere simultaneously, and thus leave no

time for preparation of defensive measures.

(10) Pay attention to the strictly confidential nature of these instructions,

which may not go beyond two or three persons.”88

Note the similarity of this crypto-Jewish Masonic plan to the crypto-Jewish

Masonic plan carried out by Trotsky and Lenin in the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution

in Russia. Jews there mass murdered the Slavs, targeting especially government

officials, military officers, soldiers, professors, teachers, priests, etc., on the pretext

that they were “counter-revolutionaries”.

The crypto-Jewish leader of the so-called “Young Turks”, Talaat, called for the

utter destruction of the Armenians. This Jewish dictator demanded that the Armenian

“Amalekites” be “blotted out” utterly, just as the Jews are commanded to do in their

religious literature. The crypto-Jewish Dцnmeh leader of the “Young Turks” sought

to oblige the bloodlust of the Cabalistic Jewish bankers who had put him into power,

107 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

and to fulfill the ancient genocidal commandments of the mythical and racist Jewish

God against innocent Armenians. Talaat wrote,

“All the rights of Armenians to live and work on Turkish land are abrogated

in full. The responsibility for this is assumed by the Government, which has

ordered that not even infants in cradles be spared. The results of the execution

of this order are apparent in various provinces. Notwithstanding this fact,

special treatments are accorded, for reasons unknown to us, to ‘certain

individuals’ who, instead of being exiled directly to the deportation areas, are

retained in Aleppo, thereby causing the Government new difficulties. Do not

listen to their explanations, or reasoning; send them away, whether they be

women or children, even when they are not able to move. . . . In place of the

indirect means (harshness, haste, hardships of travel, misery, and poverty)

used in other areas, it is feasible to use direct methods with safety. Inform

those officials who have been designated to do this job, that they can

accomplish our real purpose without fear of being held responsible.”89

Talaat also stated,

“It was previously reported to you that under orders from the Djemiet, the

Government has decided to exterminate, to the last man, all the Armenians

in Turkey. Those who are opposed to this order and decision cannot remain

in office in the Empire. Their existence must be ended, no matter how harsh

the means employed may be, without any consideration whatever for age,

sex, and conscience.”90

Talaat, a Jew, demanded that the Armenian “Amalekites” be completely blotted


“We have been informed that in Sivas, Mamouret-al-Aziz, Dairbekir, and

Erzerum, a few Mohammedan families have either adopted or taken as

servants little children of Armenians. . . . We hereby order you to gather

together all such children in your province and send them to the deportation


The Dцnmeh crypto-Jew, Talaat said,

“We have heard that certain newly-opened orphanages are also admitting

Armenian children. This is done because our intentions are not known by

them. . . . The Government considers the feeding of such children or attempts

to prolong their life as acts that are contrary to its aims, because the

Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 108

Government views the life of these children detrimental. I shall arrange so

that such children are not admitted to orphanages nor attempts made to found

new ones for them.”92

Mevlвnzade Rifat, who stated that he was one of the Directors on the Central

Board of the Committee of Union and Progress,93 wrote in his book Tьrkiye

inkilвbinin iз yьzь, Aleppo, (1929), of the meeting at which the “Young Turks”

plotted to blot out the Armenian “Amalekites”. Rifat quoted one of the organizers of

the genocide, Dr. Nazim, a Dцnmeh crypto-Jew,

“It is imperative that the Armenian people be completely exterminated; that

not even one single Armenian be left on our soil; that the name, Armenian,

be obliterated. We are now at war; there is no more auspicious occasion than

this; the intervention of the great powers and the protests of newspapers will

not even be considered; and even if they are, the matter will have become an

accomplished fact, and thus closed forever. The procedure this time will be

one of total annihilation—it is necessary that not even one single Armenian

survive this annihilation. Perhaps some of you might say, to go that far will

be bestial—what harm could possibly come from children, the aged, and the

infirm that their extermination should also be considered necessary? Only

those who are culpable should be punished. . . . I beg of you, gentlemen,

don’t be so weak and compassionate, that’s a deadly ailment. [***] Pitiful

will be our lot, if a total liquidation, a total extermination, is not


Note the Jewish sensibility present in the desire to remove the name of the

Amalekites from the Earth forever—the need to kill every last Armenian man,

woman and child; or face the wrath of the jealous Jewish God (Exodus 17:14-16.

Deuteronomy 25:17-19. Numbers 24:17-20. I Samuel 15). When Jews speak of their

enemies, they often state their desire that their names be forgotten.

Rifat quoted Hassan Fehmin, who also expressed the Jewish desire to blot out the

name of Amalek forever, and recall that in the Hebrew Bible, the Jewish God was

furious with the Israelites for not murdering every single Amalekite,

“Total annihilation without leaving behind even one single soul, is legal

[right?]. . . . As it has been said, every one shall be destroyed; there shall be

no exempting of the aged, the sick, women, and children. I am thinking of an

easy method of extermination: we are at war. We can send those young

Armenians who can bear arms to the front lines. There, coupled between fire

by Russians facing them and by special forces in their rear dispatched by us

for that purpose, we can trap and annihilate them. In the meantime, we can

109 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

order our faithful adherents to plunder and to liquidate the old and the infirm,

women and children, who remain behind in their homes. . . . This seems a

suitable method.”95

The Dцnmeh crypto-Jew Djavid deceived the Turkish and Kurdish Moslems with

the lie that it was in their best interest to accomplish for the Jews their religious

mission to exterminate the Armenian “Amalekites”, which genocide also benefitted

the Jews by eliminating their competition for dominance over the Turkish Empire

and its commerce,

“The annihilation to the very last man of the Armenians is just as urgent a

need from the viewpoint of our national policy, as it is important for the

purpose of attaining economic domination by the Turk.”96

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