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Azeri Student at American Univ. In Bulgaria Threatens ArmeniansBy Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier http://groong.usc.edu/news/msg88068.htmlJust when Armenians were recovering from the shocking murder of anArmenian officer who was hacked to death by an Azeri classmate in aNATO Partnership for Peace program (how ironic?) in Budapest, Hungaryon February 19, an Azeri in Bulgaria makes vicious and racist threatsagainst Armenians. Rauf Zeynalov, an Azeri student at the American University in Bulgaria(AUBG), sent on April 30th a very vicious and obscene hate mail toKaren Vrtanesyan, the web master of www.armenianhouse.org, in responseto an article condemning the murder by Ramil Safarov of an Armenianofficer in Hungary. In order to spare our readers' sensibilities, Ihave deleted the crude four-letter words used by Zeynalov in thefollowing e-mail: "Bitch, I have seen ur (sic) some inventions (sic) in thearmenianhouse.org forum for Ramil Safarov. I wanna (sic) say thatRamil … [expletive deleted] that bitch armenian (sic) guy in Hungaryand belive (sic) me that we, all azeris (sic) will … [expletivedeleted] ur (sic) and all armenians (sic) mom. Actually, it was ur(sic) mom who was shouting last night in the bed of one of azeris(sic). And me (sic) … [expletive deleted] ur (sic) sister::::::::))))))) (sic). She was really cool (sic). With the wish of …[expletive deleted] all armenians (sic). By the way we are not gays,so for sure we will … [expletive deleted] girls and women coming to u(sic), u (sic) will be … [expletive deleted] in other ways … [expletivedeleted] u (sic) !!!" Vrtanesyan informed the officials of the American University inBulgaria on May 17 about the hate mail sent by one of their students,Rauf Zeynalov, using the university's e-mail system. Vrtanesyan sentto the University a copy of Zeynalov's obscene and threatening e-mail. David C. Durst, the Interim Chief Academic Officer at the American University in Bulgaria, immediately responded to Vrtanesyan by saying:"I have received your letter. This is a serious allegation and I haveopened an investigation of the case." Four days later, on May 21, Durst sent the following e-mail toVrtanesyan: "I write to inform you of the action the AUBGAdministration has taken in response to the serious threats andoffensive language the AUBG student Rauf Zeynalov used in violation ofAUBG's written rules governing the use of e-mail on campus. Rauf Zeynalov will not be attending theuniversity during the fall semester, and before he will be allowed toreturn to AUBG he will be required to convince the UniversityAdministration to its satisfaction that he understands the severity ofhis misguided action and that he will maintain respect for and workcooperatively with others of different backgrounds and opinions uponreturn to the University." Karen Vrtanesyan should be commended for bringing the offensive e-mailof this Azeri hate monger to the immediate attention of the AmericanUniversity in Bulgaria. David Durst and the officials of AUBG shouldalso be commended for their prompt action. Readers should write to David Durst ([email protected]) suggesting thatthe Azeri student should be expelled from the University rather thanbeing suspended just for one semester. Letters should also be sent tothe Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute in Bulgaria([email protected]) urging them to rescind the scholarship they had awardedto Rauf Zeynalov for the full cost of his educational expenses towardsa Bachelor Degree at the American University in Bulgaria.http://groong.usc.edu/news/msg88068.html

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Readers should write to David Durst ([email protected]) suggesting thatthe Azeri student should be expelled from the University rather thanbeing suspended just for one semester. Letters should also be sent tothe Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute in Bulgaria([email protected]) urging them to rescind the scholarship they had awardedto Rauf Zeynalov for the full cost of his educational expenses towardsa Bachelor Degree at the American University in Bulgaria.
Just do it. It really works.
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Наверное правильнее объяснить в чем суть дела, потому что не все участники владеют английским.О событиях в Венгрии, где один подонок убил топором своего однокласника по офицерским курсам НАТО, все знают.Карен Вартересян вебмастер www.armenianhouse.org, осудил этот низкий поступок на страницах своега сайта, на что другой подонок Роф Зеиналов являющийся студентом американского Университете в Болгарии (AUBG), начинает угрожать Карену, посылая письма с угрозами, что само по себе является уголовно наказуемым деянием. Карен посылает копию письма ректору Дэвиду К. Смелу, который также был возмущен, омерзительным поступком одного из своих студентов, и принял решение отстранить его от занятий на один семестр.Карен Вартересян из человеколюбивых побуждений не подает в суд на этого мерзавца, но насколько правильно будет оставлять угрозу жизни многим армянам проживающим в Болгарии, мало ли что взбредет в голову этому Зейналову, потенциально готовому повторить поступок убийцы с топором Сафарова.Поэтому предлагается: Написать Дэвиду Дерсту ([email protected]) требование выслать Зейналова из Университета вместо того, чтобы временно отстранять его только на один семестр. Послать письмо Открытому Институту Общества Фонда Soros в Болгарии ([email protected]) с просьбой отменить милость, которую они предоставили Рофу Зеиналову оплатив полную стоимость его образовательных расходов на Степень Бакалавра в американском Университете в Болгарии.От себя лично добавлю, что такие поступки (совершенные может быть из ребячества, а может нет) не способствуют налаживанию добрососедских отношений, и необходимо наказать Зейналова, чтобы другие любители угрожать имели перед собой наглядный пример, что может случится дальше.

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Как же они сума не сошли, естли называют шуммеров, албан, мидийцев их предками, Ереван азерским городом и т.д. . Как же они сума не сошлиестли собираются подать в международный суд Р. Кочаряня и А. Гукасяна :/

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Им дают возможность стать человеком, а они туда плуют.Этот гадюка суперкиллер спящих, он же этим подлым актом больше плохого сделал себе и своему народу.И этот дурак из Балгарии, такой идиот что использовал сервер университета чтобы отправить свои яд.

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Вот получил такое вот письмо по рассылке (обратите внимание на 2-ой абзац):

Subject: Letter of Apology

Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 17:23:45 +0300

From:"Rauf Zeynalov" <[email protected]>

To:[email protected]

CC:"David Durst" <[email protected]>, "David Durst" <[email protected]>, [email protected]

Dear readers of the California Courier:

I am writing in order to ask for apology for a recent incident happened with an e-mail I send to Ms. Karen Vrtanesyan. First of all, I would like to ask for sincere apologies to everyone who has been affected and hurt from my letter. I understand that a lot of people are hurt because of my words, and I am ready to apologize to everyone, and I hope one day I will have your forgiveness. With this letter, I ask for apology of all readers of the California Courier, and for apology of everyone that has been harmed from my words.

Second I would like to explain the situation and why this incident happened. . At the time of writing the letter to Ms. Karen Vrtanesyan, I lost myself due to my emotions and I forgot that the language I was using should never be used. As everyone knows the Karabakh Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia has resulted in death of lots of innocent people from both sides. And during these conflicts, as the resident of Karabakh, we lost our relatives, house, and assets and became a refugee in Baku, Azerbaijan. We have been settled in a hostel in the capital of Azerbaijan, with four family members. All of these problems made me very emotional and when I read an article in www.armenianhouse.org about an Azerbaijani soldier, I became victim of my emotions when I was writing to Ms. Karen Vrtanesyan.

All of these reasons that I have mentioned above made me quite emotional and made me forget what kind of language I was using in my letter to Ms. Karen Vrtanesyan. But after analyzing the case deeply, I understood that whatever the reasons are, I should not use that type of language with anyone. So I would like to ask my sincere apologies. I am not such type of person who is using that kind of language and I would like to say that the language type which was used by me was only and only result of my emotions for that time. In order to prove myself and to show that I am not that kind of person, and I am really sorry for being victim of my emotions, I would like to ask apologize to Ms. Karen Vrtanesyan and to all readers of California Courier

The incident that happened with Ms. Karen Vrtanesyan was due to losing my self in my emotions for very short time. I regretted writing that letter immediately after I send it, but it was too late, because a lot of people were hurt from my action. I want to ask sorry to everyone, and I hope that everyone accepts my apologies.

I am really aware of my action, I am really aware of the damage my actions caused, and I would like to ask once more apologies of everyone, for using slang type of language in my letter to Ms. Karen Vrtanesyan. I am extremely sorry for my action and I would like to say that I am also ready to ask for apologies to every individual.

I understand that my letter has affected many people. Therefore, I am open to ask sorry to every person and every community that has been affected from my letter, which, I emphasize, was written in a moment when I was victim of my emotions.

Again I want to ask my deep apology to everyone for the incident, and I can assure everyone, that not only this kind but also any kind of incident will never happen again.

I hope you will accept my apologies very sincerely and will take them into consideration.

Thank you very much in advance

Best Regards

Rauf Zeynalov

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Совершенно другое дело, наверное Карену можно проявить благородство и простить детскую выходку Зейналова, постараться забыть о случившемся.

ГЛавное, чтобы поняли, перед тем как что то сделать, надо подумать.

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Невериться, что это он написал, вероятней всего какой либо аташе или адвокат азерпосольства написал это уж очень выглядит как детский сад, типа наказание, написать на доске 100 раз "я больше небуду, я больше небуду, ...." вот к примеру

I am really aware of my action, I am really aware of the damage my actions caused, and I would like to ask once more apologies of everyone...
и этот I am really повторяеться в разных вариантах во всех абзацах... ;)

Карену думаю некуда деваться, формально от него попросили прощения и ввиду обоюдного консенсуса делать будет нечего - придёться оставить намерения лишить азверелых стипендий сороса...

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Мне вот это понравилось .

Он прикидывается или он действительно незнает . :rolleyes:

Идиотизм полнейший, судя по последнему абзацу письма этого урода где он пишет о своей сексуальной принадлежности, итд итп (повторять противно) явственно следует что он знает что Карен мужчина.

На фиг тогда это Мисс, причем в каждом предложении?

Дешёвая попытка даже будучи вынужденным извиниться наделав в штаны от страха лишиться денежек, сделать финт ушами?


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а ты не подумал что когда этот кретин в очередной раз забудется в порыве чувств рядом может оказаться армянский студент/ка, к примеру

Растоптать нужно эту гадину.

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Ну конечно Пушкин правильно подметил, это ещё одно доказательство, что вместо этого азверелого барана писал адвокат, англо или немезкоязычный и само собой тот и поставил везде вместо MRS. MS.

Чиштасердешни раскаяни ДА?

Такого типа письмо с раскаяннями будет наверно и к конце судебного разбирательства убйства нашего офицера в Будапеште...

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Ну конечно Пушкин правильно подметил, это ещё одно доказательство, что вместо этого азверелого барана писал адвокат, англо или немезкоязычный и само собой тот и поставил везде вместо MRS. MS.

Чиштасердешни раскаяни ДА?

Такого типа письмо с раскаяннями будет наверно и к конце судебного разбирательства убйства нашего офицера в Будапеште...

Не похоже на письмо написанное адвокатом.

Пушкин я в курсе, но к делу это вряд-ли относится

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Да , только интересно с чего он тогда решил что "она" Ms. , а не Mrs. ?!

Помоему это скорее издевательство и стиль уж совсем непрофессиональный , повторяется всё время .

На адвоката не похоже . :hm:

Когда пишут женщине и не уверены Ms. или Mrs., то всегда пишут Ms. Так принято. Даже когда обращаются к кому-то на улице, в компании итд. Но все равно, я бы не приняла эти извинения, они ложные.

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Это может быть простая опечатка, важнее как решит сам Карен, если считает, что не нужно прощать, мы объязаны его поддержать.

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Qeri джан, опечатка неможет повтаряться много раз....

А такой инцидент лично с моим знакомым было, его завут Карен и пришло ему письмо из германии с обрашениме Либе ФРАУ КАРЕН....

Карен с ударением на А в германии точно женское имя...

Так, что HOB джан, экспертиза установила, что письмо написано английским или немецким сокурсником, этого азербарана и неможет отражать его личное мнение. Ввиду чего советуем Карену требовать факс или письмо с ПОДПИСЬЮ самолично этого представителя парнокопытных, которое чётко показывало бы раскаяние и ИЗИВНЕНИЕ ЛИЧНО. В еврипе принято, чтоб переводчик, который явно имелместо в этом случае, тоже подписывал под бумаго, дабы заверить, что текст персоной которому было переведено, был понят в переводе...

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...Ввиду чего советуем Карену требовать факс или письмо с ПОДПИСЬЮ самолично ...

А что это меняет? Ну не было бы "мыззз"...

"Однажды придворные султана в присутствии Насреддина стали спорить о том, когда извинение бывает хуже проступка.

-Такого не может быть! - воскликнул властитель.

- Сейчас я это продемонстрирую, - сказал Ходжа.

С этими словами он встал, подошел к султану, воровато оглянулся, а затем обнял его и поцеловал.

- Что ты себе позволяешь, негодный! - вскипел повелитель. Насреддин сложил руки, поклонился и почтительно произнес:

- Простите, мне показалось, что это Ваша супруга".


Сварливый характер Карена сыграл с ним шутку... ребята-кто-нить четко может сформулировать, что вы хотите добиться в этом случае и что из этого выйдет?

Вот Кролик отскочил назад, размахнулся и как стукнет Чучелко по голове кулаком! Кулак прилип, никак не оторвёшь его: смола держит крепко.

А Чучелко всё молчит, и Старый Лис лежит тихо.

- Отпусти сейчас же, а то ударю! - говорит Братец Кролик.

Стукнул Чучелко другой рукой, и эта прилипла.

А Чучелко - ни гугу, а Братец Лис - он лежит тихо.

- Отпусти, не то я все кости тебе переломаю! - так сказал Братец Кролик.

Но Чучелко - оно ничего не сказало. Не пускает, и только.

Тогда Кролик ударил его ногами, и ноги прилипли. А Братец Лис лежит тихо.

Кролик кричит:

- Если не пустишь, я буду бодаться!

И боднул Чучелко - и голова прилипла.


Edited by Albans
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Guest Bingool
Azeri Student at American Univ. In Bulgaria Threatens Armenians

By Harut Sassounian

Publisher, The California Courier


Just when Armenians were recovering from the shocking murder of an

Armenian officer who was hacked to death by an Azeri classmate in a

NATO Partnership for Peace program (how ironic?) in Budapest, Hungary

on February 19, an Azeri in Bulgaria makes vicious and racist threats

against Armenians.

Rauf Zeynalov, an Azeri student at the American University in Bulgaria

(AUBG), sent on April 30th a very vicious and obscene hate mail to

Karen Vrtanesyan, the web master of www.armenianhouse.org, in response

to an article condemning the murder by Ramil Safarov of an Armenian

officer in Hungary. In order to spare our readers' sensibilities, I

have deleted the crude four-letter words used by Zeynalov in the

following e-mail:

"Bitch, I have seen ur (sic) some inventions (sic) in the

armenianhouse.org forum for Ramil Safarov. I wanna (sic) say that

Ramil … [expletive deleted] that bitch armenian (sic) guy in Hungary

and belive (sic) me that we, all azeris (sic) will … [expletive

deleted] ur (sic) and all armenians (sic) mom. Actually, it was ur

(sic) mom who was shouting last night in the bed of one of azeris

(sic). And me (sic) … [expletive deleted] ur (sic) sister

::::::::))))))) (sic). She was really cool (sic). With the wish of …

[expletive deleted] all armenians (sic). By the way we are not gays,

so for sure we will … [expletive deleted] girls and women coming to u

(sic), u

(sic) will be … [expletive deleted] in other ways … [expletive

deleted] u (sic) !!!"

Vrtanesyan informed the officials of the American University in

Bulgaria on May 17 about the hate mail sent by one of their students,

Rauf Zeynalov, using the university's e-mail system. Vrtanesyan sent

to the University a copy of Zeynalov's obscene and threatening e-mail.

David C. Durst, the Interim Chief Academic Officer at the American

University in Bulgaria, immediately responded to Vrtanesyan by saying:

"I have received your letter. This is a serious allegation and I have

opened an investigation of the case."

Four days later, on May 21, Durst sent the following e-mail to

Vrtanesyan: "I write to inform you of the action the AUBG

Administration has taken in response to the serious threats and

offensive language the AUBG student Rauf Zeynalov used in violation of

AUBG's written rules governing the use

of e-mail on campus. Rauf Zeynalov will not be attending the

university during the fall semester, and before he will be allowed to

return to AUBG he will be required to convince the University

Administration to its satisfaction that he understands the severity of

his misguided action and that he will maintain respect for and work

cooperatively with others of different backgrounds and opinions upon

return to the University."

Karen Vrtanesyan should be commended for bringing the offensive e-mail

of this Azeri hate monger to the immediate attention of the American

University in Bulgaria. David Durst and the officials of AUBG should

also be commended for their prompt action.

Readers should write to David Durst ([email protected]) suggesting that

the Azeri student should be expelled from the University rather than

being suspended just for one semester. Letters should also be sent to

the Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute in Bulgaria

([email protected]) urging them to rescind the scholarship they had awarded

to Rauf Zeynalov for the full cost of his educational expenses towards

a Bachelor Degree at the American University in Bulgaria.


One more azeri son of a bit*h :angry: And this vermin studies at university..... :down:

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пожалуйста, четко "козлам не место в университетах"

Абсолютно согласен. Только в данном случае это уже "селебрити", знаменитость! В чем должен быть всем вам ( и "мыззз" в первую очередь ) очень благодарен.

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Так и не поняла, он извиняется за язык, которым было написано письмо Карену? :huh:

Или я чего-то вс-таки недопоняла?

Т.е. он очень сожалеет о том, что не смог выразить свою ненависть в более цензурной форме?

Бред какой-то, народ. У него даже намека нет на извинения или сожаления об угрозах и испытанных чувствах....

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Извинения от азера????? А зачем? Раскаяние? Господа, да вы что? А из Благоевграда надо высылать не азербайджанцев, а армян. Университет откровенно плохой, нечего там делать. Пусть азеры там и обучаются. Армяне учащиеся вместе с азерами у провинциальных неудачников из америкосовских заштатных ПТУ в болгарской деревне. Надо же....

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The answer to the 'letter of apology' by Mr. Harut Sassounian, the publisher of Californian Courier:

Azeri Student Responds With Effusive Apologies

By Harut Sassounian

Publisher, The California Courier

In contrast to the obscene and threatening e-mail Rauf Zeynalov (an Azeri university student) had sent on April 30th to Garen Vrtanesyan, the web master of an Armenian web-site, he sent in response to our last week’s column an e-mail full of regrets and apologies.

In his e-mail addressed to the "readers of The California Courier," Zeynalov repeatedly expressed his regrets for offending Armenians. In fact, in his letter, the word "apology" appears 12 times and the word "sorry" 4 times. Here is his lengthy and rambling letter:

"I am writing in order to ask for apology for a recent incident happened with an e-mail I send (sic) to Ms. Karen [Mr. Garen] Vrtanesyan. First of all, I would like to ask for sincere apologies to everyone who has been affected and hurt from my letter. I understand that a lot of people are hurt because of my words, and I am ready to apologize to everyone, and I hope one day I will have your forgiveness. With this letter, I ask for apology of all readers of The California Courier, and for apology of everyone that has been harmed from my words.

"Second, I would like to explain the situation and why this incident happened. At the time of writing the letter to Vrtanesyan, I lost myself due to my emotions and I forgot that the language I was using should never be used. As everyone knows the Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia has resulted in death of lots of innocent people from both sides. And during these conflicts, as a resident of Karabakh, we lost our relatives, house, and assets and became a refugee in Baku, Azerbaijan. We have been settled in a hostel in the capital of Azerbaijan, with four family members. All of these problems made me very emotional and when I read an article in www.armenianhouse.org about an Azerbaijani soldier, I became victim of my emotions when I was writing to Vrtanesyan. All of these reasons that I have mentioned above made me quite emotional and made me forget what kind of language I was using in my letter to Vrtanesyan.

"But after analyzing the case deeply, I understood that whatever the reasons are, I should not use that type of language with anyone. So I would like to ask my sincere apologies. I am not such type of person who is using that kind of language and I would like to say that the language type which was used by me was only and only result of my emotions for that time. In order to prove myself and to show that I am not that kind of person, and I am really sorry for being victim of my emotions, I would like to apologize to Vrtanesyan and to all readers of The California Courier. The incident that happened with Vrtanesyan was due to losing myself in my emotions for very short time. I regretted writing that letter immediately after I send (sic) it, but it was too late, because a lot of people were hurt from my action. I want to ask sorry (sic) to everyone, and I hope that everyone accepts my apologies.

"I am really aware of my action, I am really aware of the damage my actions caused, and I would like to ask once more apologies of everyone, for using slang type of language in my letter to Vrtanesyan. I am extremely sorry for my action and I would like to say that I am also ready to ask for apologies to every individual.

"I understand that my letter has affected many people. Therefore, I am open to ask sorry (sic) to every person and every community that has been affected from my letter, which, I emphasize, was written in a moment when I was victim of my emotions.

"Again I want to ask my deep apology to everyone for the incident, and I can assure everyone, that not only this kind but also any kind of incident will never happen again. I hope you will accept my apologies very sincerely and will take them into consideration."

It is not very often that we get a letter of apology from a Turk or an Azeri for sending an offensive or threatening e-mail message. While we commend Zeynalov for apologizing and recognizing his mistake, we are dismayed that he uses the Karabagh conflict as an excuse for his inexcusable action. We cannot overlook the fact that his apology may be an attempt to have his suspension from the American University in Bulgaria reversed and is trying to save his full scholarship from Soros Foundation’s Open Society Institute. His contention that he "regretted writing the offensive e-mail immediately after sending it" does not hold water. He sent an apology six weeks later, only after realizing that it was in his best interest to do so.

Finally, a psychoanalyst should evaluate and treat Zeynalov to ensure that he is totally rid of his demons, before he is readmitted to the University, and before Armenians can forgive his hate crime.


Karen Vrtanesyan’s answer to Zeynalov's letter:

To: Rauf Zeynalov

CC: David Durst, Harut Sassounian

Mr. Zeynalov,

Your letter came us a surprise to me. Seeing the

subject "Letter of Apology" was the nice part of

that surprise. Unfortunately the letter itself

left me wondering if there was any real regret

in your words at all.

As I understood your main concern was the

language used in the hate mail. However you should

know that it was not the language but the ideas

you expressed that made me worry about the safety

of the Armenian students of AUBG.

In your "Letter of Apology" emotions are mentioned

as an excuse for your behavior. Your being a

member of a refugee family is shown as a reason for

those emotions. But is that excuse good enough? I

do not think so and let me explain why.

You probably know that the same excuse is now

being used by the defendants of Ramil Safarov—

an Azerbaijani officer who axed his sleeping

Armenian classmate in Budapest, Hungary.

You probably also know that not only he was not

condemned in Azerbaijan, but he received praises

from some Azerbaijani officials. For example

Elmira Suleymanova—the obmudswoman of Azerbaijan—

was quoted by Azerbaijani daily Zerkalo as saying

that "R. Safarov must become an example of

patriotism for the Azerbaijani youth."

(Zerkalo, 28-February-2004).

Member of Azerbaijani parliament Anar Mamedkhanov

was quoted in the same newspaper as saying "I

always tell our officers who study in Turkey: ‘You

are needed in Karabakh. They [Armenians] must be

killed in Karabakh not in the other countries’"

(Zerkalo, 06-March-2004).

One of the reasons I was frustrated that much was

that I saw the same pattern in your first letter.

And the fact that I was not able to find any hint

that your attitude towards Safarov's actions has

changed since then frustrates me even more.

You say that some of your relatives were killed

during Karabakh war. Well ask yourself what would

happen to Azerbaijanis abroad if even some of the

Armenians who witnessed the slaughter, rape and

robbery of their loved ones in Azerbaijani cities

of Sumgait (1988), Gianja (1988-89), Baku (1990)

start using their emotions as an excuse for revenge.

Please ask yourself could you or your compatriots

feel safe outside of Azerbaijan if the Armenian

refugees from Azerbaijan (who now live all over

the world) would suddenly let their emotions and

memories to take over the rules of peaceful


I could not find in your letter any condemnation

of Ramil Safarov's action which would make me

believe that you are not one of his supporters

anymore. If the only reason for your "apology" is

to continue your studies in AUBG then I do not

need them.

Karen Vrtanesyan

Webmaster of ArmenianHouse.org – Armenian Electronic Library


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Finally, a psychoanalyst should evaluate and treat Zeynalov to ensure that he is totally rid of his demons, before he is readmitted to the University, and before Armenians can forgive his hate crime.

С этим трудно не согласится, держать среди других студентов психически не здорового, было бы не верно.

Карену, наверное надо действовать по принципу:

"Поступай как надо, и будь что будет ..."

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