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Dear brother, dear sister, Peace to you ! I am Yaqubos†. I love you, that’s why I am writing to you this message. This message is very important. I wish to ask you these questions. Read them slowly and carefully, and please try to answer: Do you know what is Hell ? Do you know what’s the meaning of ETERNITY ? Not 1 hour, not 2 hours, not 1 day, not 1 year, not 1 century… Do you understand what’s the meaning of being in hell for your ETERNITY ? Do you know that God hates sin, but He Loves sinners ? Do you admit that you are a sinner ? Do you understand that you are the enemy of God, you hate God ?! Yes, you hate Him, because you are sinning ! Please, don’t stop reading. Continue, for there are good news ! Do you know that, as a result of your sins, you will go to hell ? For Eternity… Yes, for Eternity, because you are sinning against the Eternal God, so your sin has an eternal value… Do you know that you are a limited creature and that your works are limited ? So do you understand that you can’t save yourself by your limited deeds and works, because limitted works don’t erase sins of an eternal value ? But do you know that GOD LOVES YOU ! He doesn’t want you to go to hell ! Do you know that Jesus Christ was SINLESS ? But He paid the debt of your sins ! He is God, so His works and deeds are not limited ! Your sins killed Him on the cross ! God accepted the Sacrifice of Jesus, that’s why He raised from the death ! God wants you to believe in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to believe in Him as Lord and Savior. If you believe, you are saved ! If you believe, God will forget your sins, because He loves you and because Jesus died instead of you ! Please, do not try to say that you don’t need Jesus. Let me ask you this question also: If the law of your country says that a killer must die, and if the daughter of your country’s president kills your parents, don’t you think that this daughter of the president must die ? So, now, if this president says that his daughter will not die just because she is his daughter and that he loves her, then will you say that this president is fair ? What will you say about his justice ? And God is the Governor of the univers. He has put a Law in this univers. He says that, as a result of sins, the sinner must go to hell ! If this Governor doesn’t apply this Law even on those whom He loves, then He will be unfair ! But in the same time, God loves you and He doesn’t want you to go to hell. So He sent Jesus who accomplished the Law of this Governor and He died in your place ! So the Governor died because He didn’t want the sinner to die in hell ! But if the sinner doesn’t accept this Sacrifice, He will go to hell ! For Eternity… Please, do not go to hell ! Please, believe in Jesus Christ and repent from your sins ! Live for Jesus. He promises to give you the better Life ! He promises to give you Eternal Life that begins here, on earth ! So don’t live and leave the earth without Jesus ! The Lord bless you ! Yaqubos† For questions: [email protected]

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Peace to you, brother Nikolay!Thank you for your prayers. I'll pray for you too. PLEASE pray with me also for our friend Atos. He seems to be a good guy, but he doesn't know what he is saying. It seems that he was instructed like that. PLEASE pray that the Message of the Gospel arrives to men like him. You know: forgive them, because they do not know what they do !Bless you, brother!Your brother in JESUS CHRIST,Yaqubos†For any question: [email protected]

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Hey man, no instruction just ideas, what u and Nikolay sayin, is reaaaaly good 4 u 2 but for me. And forgivness is the first symbol of weakness,Find yourself, i think u r too young to be sp realigious!Best regards, :devil:
Forgiveness is the first sign of weakness?!?!Forgiveness is a sign of maturity, security, confidence, assuredness, strength, courage, grace, kindess, and love! Those who lack the ability to forgive are usually hateful, vengeful, weak, selfish, cowardly, insecure, and immature.I think you're too young to have gained any wisdom. You just don't know any better.
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Dont jugde and u wont be judged as i remember so the holy book of christians says, so u not the one to jugdeme youngenss!

Forgiveness is weakness, cause the person neednt to forgive soemone, cause u just decsrbibed Makiavelis "Prince" !Undestaood what i mean?????


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Dont jugde and u wont be judged as i remember so the holy book of christians says, so u not the one to jugdeme youngenss!Forgiveness is weakness, cause the person neednt to forgive soemone, cause u just decsrbibed Makiavelis "Prince" !Undestaood what i mean?????:devil:
Forgiveness is strength precisely because a person needn't forgive!Is it strong when we do things we need to or have to do? No! Strength is being able to do things that are difficult! How can you let go of the hurt someone has caused you? It's very difficult, right? That's why forgiveness requires strength.Forgiveness is a sign of true inner strength. When we forgive we understand that we don't need our anger and hatred to protect ourselves. We don't need the pain as a crutch anymore. Forgiveness doesn't depend upon who hurt us, what they did, or whether or not they are sorry for their actions. We don't forgive out of our weakness toward the perpetrator, but out of our own internal strength.As for describing Machiavelli's "Prince"...I think you need to read it again and also do some historical research.Machiavelli's prime motive in writing The Prince was to encourage Lorenzo the Magnificent to unite Italy. The modern usage of the term "Machiavellian" denotes ruthless opportunism and manipulative techniques. And, in fact, as a practical guide for leadership, the author's proffered advice lacks any semblance of morality. His paradigm of princehood was Prince Cesare Borgia. Praising Borgia's killing and despoiling of as many lords and lands "as he could lay hands on," Machiavelli cites this Prince as an almost perfect archetype of bold rule: "I can find nothing with which to reproach him... " The influence of The Prince has been felt deeply, even in the twentieth century, as evidenced by the actions of such men as Hitler, Stalin, Lenin. None of these men possessed any of the qualities that I listed above. Machiavelli's prince is not mature, secure, strong, courageous, graceful, kind, or loving.
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Hamo i reaaly dont want to argue on this particular matter of forgiveness, but if it is so i ll go on expressing that idea.Igot wood, i know what about "The prince"is and all the othetr interesting stff u written here, the thing is that the example of Machiavellian is very significants initially for this topic, well if u have streghth to forgive someone is will be called smth like "quazisterenghth", cause just subconsiously u realize that u haven't got enough power to revenge thus it is more acceptable to forgive!Really "stregthful" man should be ok more punishing, thats why the Prince is a nice example, i think its now your turn to read it again!Hamo jan, zhamank@ hima ajpisinne vor hents vor neres sag shakalneri nman khardzakven vrad!:devil:

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Hamo i reaaly dont want to argue on this particular matter of forgiveness, but if it is so i ll go on expressing that idea.Igot wood, i know what about "The prince"is and all the othetr interesting stff u written here, the thing is that the example of Machiavellian is very significants initially for this topic, well if u have streghth to forgive someone is will be called smth like "quazisterenghth", cause just subconsiously u realize that u haven't got enough power to revenge thus it is more acceptable to forgive!Really "stregthful" man should be ok more punishing, thats why the Prince is a nice example, i think its now your turn to read it again!Hamo jan, zhamank@ hima ajpisinne vor hents vor neres sag shakalneri nman khardzakven vrad!:devil:
That is very disturbing. Your way of thinking has produced leaders like Adolf Hitler. Forgiveness has produced men like Mohandas Ghandi. I think Ghandi had 100 times the strength of Hitler.I would never want to be around anyone who does not have the ability to forgive. They make the worst friends...but they make great enemies.
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A hitel is mentahlly ill pewrson plz, dont compare!Once i forgave my friend and after two months, they hit me from my back!enemies are for good, u jusy always ready, thats smth like training!And plz, dont take a private cases like hiter or friendship, i am just talkin' about the general idea of forgibeness and its developmens just nowadays,if u dont understand armenian i ll translate what i have written to Hamo!:devil:

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Peace to you, dear Atos!I am happy that you are so interested in the existance of GOD that you always try to proove that He doesn't exist!As for forgiveness, it is not difficult to think that it is weakness! Dear Atos, I invite you to forgive (REALLY forgive = forgive untill the end even when others do NOT understand your forgiveness). After you have forgiven, then try to look if that was difficult or simple. And if you don't like to try that experience, I invite you to explain how much it is difficult to hate and to NOT forgive!Love always forgives, and LOVE is the strongest!But it is IMPOSSIBLE for a human to forgive like the LORD Jesus did untill he is BORN AGAIN, it means untill he repents and believes in Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOR!I invite all my friends on Hayastan.com to come to JESUS CHRIST, because HE SAVES. HE saved me ! I am a witness of His POWER! If you want to know more about Jesus, open: http://www.whoisjesus-really.com/index.htmThe Lord bless you, my friend Atos.Yaqubos†

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Atos djanNicshen mi lav xosk uner "niaserie par excelence" Targmanatz nshanakanum e "geraguyn nvnvoc". 1700 tari e nvvum en u nvvum en enkan nvvacin u nerecin vor glukhneris ayskan pordzank yekav. Yagubos djan hangist kni menk kez nerum enk ko aratz skhalneri hamar. Du kgnas drakht. Nicshen mi hat el lav khosk uner "Baroyakanutyun karozoghnere sovorabar amenaanbaroyakan mardikn en linum". Im andznakan porcov misht hamozvel em. Yerbek gortz chbrnek mardkanc het voronk kartzum en te dzeznic bardzr en, nrank misht verdjum kcum en anelu.

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AriaMArd, по всей видимости Вашим авторитетом является Ницше. Авторитетом людей, исповедующих Иисуса Христа, является Иисус Христос. Дерево познается по своим плодам.nerele nvnvoc che. Если бы прощать было бы легко, многие бы это делали. Но это очень трудно. Поэтому люди и придумали себе оправдание. Мстить, ненавидеть, жить с горящим злобой сердцем - вот это очень легко. А прощение и любовь - это подвиг души (плод Духа). Я не знаю, что говорит Ницше по этому поводу, но мой Господь Иисус Христос говорит так:" А Я говорю вам: любите врагов ваших, благословляйте проклинающих вас, благотворите ненавидящим вас и молитесь за обижаюших вас и гонящих вас,да будете сынами Отца Вашего Небесного, ибо Он повелевает солнцу Своему восходить над злыми и добрыми и посылает дождь на праведных и неправедных.Ибо если вы будете любить любящих вас, какая вам награда? Не то же ли делают мытари? И если приветствуете только братьев ваших, что особенного делаете? Не так же ли поступеют язычники? Итак будьте совершенны, как совершен Отец Ваш Небесный."Прощение и любовь - черты Божьего характера. Совершенного. И это очень трудно. Это НЕВОЗМОЖНО без Бога.А ненавидеть - очень легко.Проблемы наши не от прощения, а от саможалости. Мы все время ноем, плачем : "Ах какие мы несчастные, ах как нас жалко. Где же ты Господи? Зачем Ты нас покинул?" Более того мы никогда никого не прощали. Мы просто ныли от собственной слабости.Он нас не покидал, это мы от него отвернулись. Когда мы грешим, живем как хотим, прикрываясь, что мы первые христиане, мы не спрашиваем у Бога, где Он. Взять бы хотя бы этот форум. Многие, защищая инстинктивно ААЦ, в то же время обвиняют своих собеседников в том, что они следуют Библии. Ставят под сомнения слова Христа и вообще существование Бога. А тех, кто исповедует имя Христа называют сектантами. Вот и про прощение. Это заповедь Божья."Омойтесь, очиститесь, удалите злые деяния ваши от очей Моих. Перестаньте делать зло, научитесь делать добро, ищите правды... Тогда придите и рассудим, говорит Господь Если будут грехи ваши как багряное, как снег уделю. Если захотите и послушаетесь, то будете вкушать блага земли."P.S. Люди исповедующие Иисуса Христа своим Господом и Спасителем никогда не превозносятся.

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Ruzanna duk krknvum ek. Nerel kam vrej lutzel. Yes chem haskanum dzer mot baci ays yerku gaghaparneric urish ban goyutyun chuni. Ruzanna hanek dzer sev u spitak aknocnere ashxarhe myayn sev kam spitak chi. Inchkan el dzez hamar djvar e da endunele bayc ashxarhum ayl guynner el kan.Vrej en lutzum vaxkotnere, nerum en tulamortnere, Isk iskakan tghamardik pashtpanum en Irenc yev irenc azgi iravunknere vochtegh verambardz xosker taratzum u pordzum urishnerin partadrel irenc kartzike.

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Ruzanna Duk vor mi kich kti tzak unenayik khaskanayik vor ays topikum kam angleren en grum kam hayeren vorovhetev mer hargarjan Yagubose chi haskanum ruseren bayc yerevum e Yevangelistneri mot endunvatz chi kulturayi tarrakan kanonner. Bala gnacek etikayi kanonnere sovorek nor yekek aystegh knnarkek metz metz banner.NikolayYes chgitem turkere inch ein mtatzum 15 tvin, bayc karogh em patkeracnel. Tzitzaghum ein mer vra te es inch ankap mardik en, menk irenc kotorum enk irenk mez nerum en de vor aydpes shat en sirum irenc kristosin yekek sranc azgovi teghapoxenk ayn ashkharh. Gnanc irenc Kristosi mot.Nikolay khndrum em chneghanak bayc yes el dzez harc unem. Inchkan haskaca duk Adrbedjanic ek. Yerevi tesel ek ayd pogromnere. Inch eik mtatzum duk ayd pogromneri jamanak ??Duk nerel ek azernerin ???Yerevi nuyne inch vor 1896 tvi kotorvoghnere, voronk das chkaghecin u yerkrord dase stacan 1915 tvin, voric heto eli nerecin u das chstacan, stacan 1923 tvin adrbedjanum heto eli nerecin u stacan hadjord dase 1988 tvin Sumgayitum. U aydpes sharunak. Nikolay du gites Moskvayum chek stana kotak?? Kstanak ayn el inchpisin. Dzez eli kkshen. U duk kpakhnek Amerika. Heto el ayntegh kanen aydpes Ksharunakvi Nikolay aynkan jamanak minchev vor duk kam lriv ispar kveranak ays ashxarhi yeresic ( mer hamar hangist yeghir menk misht kank yeghel enk u klinenk ) kam el khelknerd glukhnerd khavakek u chek karda hreakan hekyatner YagubosKAreli e dzez mi harc tal?? Dzer nakhninere yerb en gnacel artasahman u prkvel ???

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yr k'bnakis Jakyboz ?Dyn al at boghoqakanneren es te Hay qristonea ?Gri qez masin qich me , es Avetaranakan ekeghetzien em , St.Antoin k'bnakim Fransioy medj .

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