Markos Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Առանց փաստեր ունենալու, հայերին այդ սպանության մեջ մեղադրելն առնվազն վատաբանություն է մեր ազգի նկատմամբ: Ես քո տեղը լինեի, կջնջեի կամ կխմբագրեի այդ անհիմն մեղադրանքները: Կարս ջան միքիչ ուշադիր եղիր: Ես ոչ մեկին չեմ մեղադրում նամանավանդ մերոնց:Ես,որպես իրավաբան, ընդունում եմ այն որպես վարկած:Բայց եթե պետք է ես կջնջ եմ: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Markos Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 ՀԱՍՏ ՊԱՐԱՆ ՈՒ ԱՌՈՂՋ ԿԱՂՆԻ Я думаю, лучше пару бидонов молока и здорового теленка. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Amaras Posted January 20, 2007 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Акции протеста в Стамбуле в связи с убийством редактора армяноязычной газеты "Акос" не отражают реального отношения турок к этому преступлению - эксперт Акции протеста в Стамбуле в связи с убийством редактора армяноязычной газеты "Акос" Гранта Динка не отражают реального отношения турок к этому преступлению.Об этом заявил в субботу журналистам директор Кавказского института СМИ Александр Искандарян. "Стамбульская площадь Таксим - центр европейской части страны, это совершенно другая Турция. Разумеется, в 15-16 миллионном городе найдется 50 тысяч человек, которые европеизированы настолько, что могут ходить в мини-юбках, разговаривать по-английски, и выходить на демонстрации в поддержку либеральных ценностей, но это все, или почти все жители Турции, которые готовы это делать. Это очень небольшая, изолированная часть турецкого общества ", - сказал Искандарян. "Демонстрация прошла не просто в Турции, она прошла на площади Таксим. Если бы акции протеста состоялись в Конье или Карсе, что невозможно представить, то это была бы другая ситуация. Может быть, если правительству будет нужно, такие демонстрации в других частях страны и пойдут, но это будет совершенно другая модель", - считает политолог. По словам Искандаряна, отъехав от европейского центра страны на 20 километров, можно попасть в совершенно иной мир. "Это мир людей, которые не понимают что и как нужно защищать выходя на площадь и протестуя против убийства какого-то армянина", - считает политолог. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Kars Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Վերջը. «Ակոսը» համարեք փակված: Այս թերթը միակն էր, որ «քչից-շատից» հայկական հարցեր էր բարձրացնում, թրքական մուղամների տակ, իհարկե: Հայ մամուլի ներկայացուցիչներ Պոլսում մնացին «Մարմարան» ու «Ժամանակը»: Առաջինը՝ անողնաշար մի թերթիկ, երկրորդը՝ ընդհանրապես խեղկատակ: Ասանք բաներ... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nairi Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Chem havatum vor drank, ov dursen ekel sirtov xexchumen Grantin. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Amaras Posted January 20, 2007 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Chem havatum vor drank, ov dursen ekel sirtov xexchumen Grantin. Те, которые вышли на митинг, как раз и жалеют о случившимся, но их очень и очень мало. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Гераци Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Те, которые вышли на митинг, как раз и жалеют о случившимся, но их очень и очень мало. А мне кажется там все. И те, кто на самом деле сожалеют и те, кто понимает, что Турцию подставили... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Гераци Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Это действия людей или стран , которые находятся в экстремальных условиях , ищущих выход из нелёгкой ситуации и находящихся в жёстком цейтноте . Очень трезвая оценка. Остается уточнить, а кто же находится сейчас в экстремальной ситуации, кому убийство Динка принесло бы дивиденты? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Гераци Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 В таких условиях , многие совершают непоправимые ошибки , которые могут закончиться очень тяжёлыми последствиями ... Кому-то очень нужен был громкий скандал, связанный с вопросом Геноцида и армянской газетой в Турции. Quote Link to post Share on other sites Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 (edited) International reaction Erdal Dogan, Dink's lawyer, told the CNN-Turk news channel that his client had been receiving threats, but had not requested police protection. In his latest column dated January 10, Dink wrote of a "considerable group of people who see me as an enemy of the Turks," saying he had received letters "full of anger and menace". The United States, the European Union and Armenia have condemned the murder which Dink's colleagues and friends say was politically motivated. Derya Sazak, a columnist for the daily newspaper Milliyet, said: "This is clearly a political murder. It is a planned and premeditated killing." Jacques Chirac, the French president, sent a letter to Dink's widow which said: "I can't express strongly enough how I condemn this abominable act, which deprives Turkey of one of its most courageous and free voices." Al Jaseera-ic En anasuni nkary ka. Khanutneric meki kameran nkarel er... Edited January 20, 2007 by Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nairi Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Al Jaseera-ic En anasuni nkary ka. Khanutneric meki kameran nkarel er... Ha ka, arden amen tegh cuyc en talis... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Amaras Posted January 20, 2007 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Комментарий SKYTURK под дудук.SKYTURK___January_20_17_17_08_PC_PC_PC_PC.rar Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Phrygian Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
viola Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Aysor Fransiayi bolor mets qaxaqnerum consulatneri arjev jame 12 in tsuyts texi unetsav.Chgitem xosqer chkan erevi artahaytelu qani vor genocide darjav 1500000 +1 .Xujan azge mievnuynn e Mars molorakum el apri chi karox poxel ir aylandak qaxaqakanutyune vaxkot ev zzveli Sa el kaskatsvox anasune Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MDA Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 (edited) Journalist Nouritza Matossian spoke to the BBC about Hrant Dink's life and legacy: Edited January 20, 2007 by MDA Quote Link to post Share on other sites
arsno Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Неважно кто убил или заказал Динка, кто-бы ни стоял за убийством, оно все-равно вырисовывает образ современной Турции, и отвечает на вопрос Почему? А потому что принимаются законы вроде ст. 301, скрываются и оправдываются факты геноцида армян, ставятся в тупик обсуждения армянского и курдского вопросов, у республики отстутсвует самокритика и мн. другое - вот вам и основания для желающих устранить таких людей как ДИНК, причем мотивы могут быть разные, а суть одна. Вечная память ГРАНТУ ДИНКУ, человеку, который твердо верил в мир в такой стране как турция. Сколько еще жертв нужно чтобы Турция изменилась? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Sly Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Полиция назвала имя убийцы редактора армянской газеты Турецкая полиция установила личность убийцы главного редактора армянской газеты AGOS Хранта Динка (Hrant Dink), застреленного 19 января в Стамбуле. По информации телеканала CNN-Turk, убийцей является уроженец города Трабзон Огюн Санмаз (по другим данным, Огюн Самас). Молодого человека опознал его отец по фото, которое было распространено полицией ранее в субботу. Фотографии подозреваемого удалось получить с камер наружного наблюдения магазинов, рядом с которыми произошло убийство. Как отмечается, отец предполагаемого убийцы, а также еще десять жителей Трабзона взяты под стражу и в скором времени будут доставлены в Стамбул для допроса. Напомним, что Хрант Динк был убит тремя выстрелами в затылок у офиса своей газеты. Он являлся одним из видных представителей армянской диаспоры и из-за своей журналистской деятельности неоднократно подвергался преследованиям со стороны турецких властей. В свое время Динк был приговорен к шести месяцам тюрьмы условно за оскорбление турецкой нации. Убийство Динка вызвало массу протестов по всей Турции, а премьер-министр страны Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган потребовал от полиции приложить все усилия для раскрытия преступления. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Южанин Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 (edited) Лично моё мнение- не буду говрить, что это результат анализа какого то, просто личное впечатление.....Что это убийство символ турецкой дикости и варварства, не знаю кто заказчик и был ли он или ето убийство совершили частные лица......не знаю.....знаю одно убийство совершено варваром далёким от цивилизации.......... И я не знаю был ли Грант Динк хорошим или плохим журналистом или человеком и какую пользу он приносил нации........знаю одно- как сказал Тигран он погиб за наш народ.......он мученик......... Edited January 20, 2007 by Южанин Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Kars Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Կարս ջան միքիչ ուշադիր եղիր: Ես ոչ մեկին չեմ մեղադրում նամանավանդ մերոնց:Ես,որպես իրավաբան, ընդունում եմ այն որպես վարկած: Ձեզ՝ իրավաբանների հետ խոսելը միշտ դժվար է, Մարկոս ջան: Իմ փաստաբանի ձեռը կրակն եմ ընկել. երբեմն սկսում եմ կասկածել՝ ի՞մ շահերն է նա պաշտպանում, թե՝ դիմացինի: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MANYS Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Фотографии убийца Ogün Samast`a Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MDA Posted January 21, 2007 Report Share Posted January 21, 2007 : The ‘dove skittishness’ of my soul In the beginning I was not concerned about the investigation initiated by Şişli Public Prosecutor under the pretext “insulting Turkish identity”. This was not for the first time. I was familiar with a similar case from Urfa. I was being prosecuted since three years because of my statement at a conference in Urfa in 2002 where I said that “I was not Turk but an Armenian and a citizen of Turkey” and there was again the accusation of “insulting Turkish identity”. I was completely unaware of the trials, I was not interested at all. Some of my lawyer friends from Urfa were dealing with the case in my absence. I was completely indifferent too when I gave my interrogation to Public Prosecutor in Şişli. In the end I was trusting to my article and my good will. If Public Prosecutor evaluated the whole of the series of my articles and not this single sentence which alone did not make any sense at all, then he would easily understand that I had not an intention of “insulting Turkish identity” and this comedy would end, I thought. I was completely sure that after the interrogation I would be not be sued at all. I was sure of myself But to my surprise, the case came up in court. Still I didn’t lose my optimism. So I even told to lawyer Kerinçsiz who accused me during a live Tv program that “he should not be so eager that I would not be punished due to this case and that in case of punishment I would leave the country.” I was sure of myself, I really did not have the will or intention to “insult the Turkish identity”. Everyone reading the whole of the series of my articles would understand this. And indeed the committee of three academicians from Istanbul University who were appointed as experts submitted a report to the court revealing this understanding. I had no reason to be concerned, in this or that stage of the case this mistake would be erased. While remaining patient But it wasn’t erased. The Public Prosecutor wanted to penalize me despite the positive report of the expert committee. Then the judge gave me six months imprisonment. When I first heard the verdict I found myself under the bitter pressure of my hope that I kept during all the months of trial. I was stupefied... I was hurt and the feeling of rebellion reached its climax. “Let’s wait the verdict, let them prove me not-guilty, then you will regret all that you talked and written about” I had told myself for months just to hold on. During each hearing of the court there were statements published in the news and columns of the newspapers and broadcast in the TV-programs claiming that I said “Turkish blood is poisonous.” Each time I got more popular as an “enemy of the Turk”. At the corridors of the Law Courts fascists were attacking me with racist curses. They were humiliating me with pancards. Hunderds of threats via e-mail, phone calls an letters were pouring down and they were incresing day by day in number. I was bearing all this and remainig patient with the expectation of verdict of not-guilty. When the verdict was declared, the reality would be understood and all these people would be ashamed. My only weapon is my sincerity But now the verdict was there and all my hopes were lost. From that time on, I was in the most embarrassing situation a man can experience. The judge gave the decision in the name of “Turkish people” and legally registered that I had “insulted Turkish identity”. I could bear everything but not this. In my view, to humiliate people who we live together on the basis of an ethnic or religious difference is called racism and this is something unforgivable. Just under the influence of such a psychology, I told to the members of the press who were waiting for me at the door to check “whether I would leave the country or not” the following statement: “I will consult my lawyers. I will go to the Court of Appeal for cassation and if necessary I will also apply to European Court of Human Rights. If I am not acquitted at any stage, then I will leave my country. Because in my understanding a person sentenced to punishment with such an accusation does not have the right to live with other citizens whom he has humiliated.” As I said this all, I was emotional as always. My only weapon was my sinceretiy. A bad joke But the deep force determinant as it was to alienate me and to turn me to an open target found again a pretext to my statement and this time sued me stating that I was trying to effect the jurisdiction. This explanation was published and broadcast in all means of media but only the one in Agos drew their attention. This time responsibles of Agos and I began to be sued under the pretext of effecting the jurisdiction. It should be a bad joke. I am a defendant. Who else should have more right to effect the jurisdiction rather than a defendant? But look at the comedy, that this time the defendant is once again sued as to effect the juridiction. ‘In the name of Turkish State’ I have to admit that my confidence to the “justice system” and to the concept of “law” was shaken to a large extent. It meant that the jurisiction was not independent as many state officers and politicians dared to say. Jurisdiction did not defend the rights of the citizen but the State. In fact I was totally sure that even if it was said that the decision was taken in the name of the people, it was actually taken in the name of the State. My lawyers would apply to Court of Appeal but who could guarantee that deep forces would not be effective there again as determinant as they were to make me down? And were all the decisions of the Court of Appeal right indeed? Was it not the same Court of Appeal having signed the unjust decisions confiscating the real estates of the Minority Foundations? Despite the efforts of the Attorney General We applied indeed but did it make sense at all? The Attorney General of Court of Appeal, like the experts stated that there was no element of guilt and demanded my acquittal but the Court of Appeal found me guilty again. To the extent I was sure of my article so was The Attorney General of Court of Appeal of his decision that he objected the verdict and brought the case to the General Council. But the great force which was just there to make me down and which let its existence be felt at all stages of the case with methods unknown to me, was again behind the curtain. As a result at the General Council again by majority of votes, it was declared that I insulted Turkish identity. Like a dove It is obvious that those wishing to alienate me and make me weak and defenceless reached their goal. Right now they have brought about a significant circle of people who are not low in number and who regard me as someone “insulting Turkish identity” due to the dirty and wrong information. The diary and memory of my computer is full of messages from citizens of this circle full of rage and threats. (Let me note that I regarded one among them posted from Bursa as a close threat and submitted it to Public Prosecutor’s office in Şişli but got no result.) To what extent are these threats real and to what extent unreal? In fact it is impossible for me to know this. What is the real threat and what is unbearable for me is the psychological torture of myself. What I have always in my mind is the following question: “What do these people now think of me?” Unfortunately I am more popular nowadays and feel the look of the people telling each other: “Look, isn’t it that Armenian?” And just as a reflexaction, I start to torture myself. One side of this torture is curiousity, the other uneasiness. One side is caution the other side is skittishness. I am like a dove... Like a dove I have my eyes everywhere, in front of me, at the back, on the left, on the right. My head is as moving as the one of a dove... And fast enough to turn in an instance. Just look at the price... This is the price What did Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gül say? What did Minister of Justice Cemil Çiçek say? “The issue of Article 301 should not be exagerrated. Is there someone found guilty and sent to prison?” As if paying a price always means going to prison... Just look at the price... This is the price...Do you know Ministers what a price it is to imprison someone to the skittishness of a dove?.. Do you know it?.. Don’t you look at the doves at all?... The thing they call “life and death” What I all experienced was not an easy process... Neither for me nor for my family. There were times when I seriously thought about leaving the country. Especially at moments when the threats focused the ones close to me... At that point I always remained helpless. What they call “life and death” should be such a thing actually. I could be the warrior of my own will but I had no right of exposing the life of near relations to danger. I could be my own hero but I had no right to reveal courage at the expense of another person let alone a kin. Just at these helpless moments I found shelter around my family and children. I found the greatest support from them. They were trusting me. There would be together with me wherever I went. They would come when I said “Let’s go” and stay when I said “Let’s stay.” To stay and resist But if we go, where then? To Armenia? But to what extent could a person like me tolarete the injustice as intolerant as I am at this issue? Wouldn’t I find myself in greater troubles there? To go and live in European countries wasn’t my style either. I know myself. After three days abroad, I miss my country. What should I do there? Ease makes me uneasy! To leave “boiling hells” and go to “ready heavens” was against my understanding. We were sort of people desiring to turn hell to heaven. To stay and live in Turkey was our real wish and and also a must of respect towards all of our known and unknown friends giving the struggle of democracy in Turkey and supporting us. We would stay and resist. However if someday we had to go, then we would go like in 1915... like our ancestors... Without knowing where to go.... Walking on the roads they had walked.... Feeling their pain and agony... With such a reproach we would leave our country. And we would not go to the place of our heart but where our feet went. To whatever place it was. Frightened and Free I hope that we are never obliged toexperience such an abandonment. We have enough hope and reasons not to live such a thing. Now I am applying to European Court of Human Rights. I don’t know how many years this case will take. What I know and what relieves me to some extent is the fact that at least I will continue to live in Turkey until this case comes to an end. When a positive verdict is declared I will surely be happier and then this will mean that I will never have to leave my country. Probably the year 2007 will be a more difficult year for me. Trials will continue, new cases will came up in court. Who knows which kind of injustice I will encounter. But while this all will happen, I will regard the following fact as my guarantee. Yes, I can feel myself as restless as a dove but I know that in this country people do not touch and disturb the doves. The doves continue their lives in the middle of the cities. Yes indeed a bit frightened but at the same time free. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MDA Posted January 21, 2007 Report Share Posted January 21, 2007 Друзья, надеюсь, у вас (англоговорящих) хватит терпения прочитать слова Динка до конца. Невладеющим английским могу посоветовать перевести эту web-страницу на сайте Переводит машина, но смысл понять можно. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
simple Posted January 21, 2007 Report Share Posted January 21, 2007 короче на сколько я понял (нахожусь не в очемь трезвом состоянии) динк был турецким левым либералом армянского происхождения которого пустили в росход евреи руками безмозглых турецких нациналистов. всё та же схема которая работает в россии, евреи делают дело руками русского быдла типа скинов, имхо Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Andranik Posted January 21, 2007 Report Share Posted January 21, 2007 короче на сколько я понял (нахожусь не в очемь трезвом состоянии) динк был турецким левым либералом армянского происхождения которого пустили в росход евреи руками безмозглых турецких нациналистов. всё та же схема которая работает в россии, евреи делают дело руками русского быдла типа скинов, имхо Здесь и без евреев, всё понятно... Натравили на Hrantа "общественность", а в такой ситуации любой психопат в период обострения может совершить подобное. Думаю, турки и без евреев со звериным лицом, а у них когда-то было человеческое? Тем более сейчас, когда достигнут такой прогресс в Армянском вопросе. Светлая память! Что же будет дальше? По-моему, турки здесь сильно оплошали… Ayn, vor azeriner@ hayerin en phordzum veragrel, xrthvilak azgi herthakan ankap ararq e. Thurqern irenq kphordzen hayerin veragrel Hranti spanuthyun@? Da e harc@! Isk ethe da texi unena, apa irenc therzargacac cexakicneric heru chen gnacel… Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Sly Posted January 21, 2007 Report Share Posted January 21, 2007 Турецкий подросток сознался в убийстве армянского журналиста 17-летний турецкий подросток, подозреваемый в убийстве главного редактора армянской газеты AGOS Хранта Динка (Hrant Dink), на первом же допросе сознался в совершении преступления, сообщает AFP. Огюн Самаст (Ogun Samast), являющийся уроженцем черноморского турецкого городка Трабзон, был арестован вечером 20 января на автовокзале города Самсун. При себе у него был обнаружен пистолет, из которого застрелили Хранта Дика. ============ А вот и стрелочник... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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